BrasenoseCollege invites applications for a Nicholas Kurti Senior Fellowship in the Sciences. This Fellowship is designed to be filled by an individual of outstanding academic distinction and a highly distinguished research record. The Fellowship is open to individuals who are carrying out research in any branch of Science, Mathematics or Engineering in Oxford. The Nicholas Kurti Senior Fellowship will start on 1 October 2013 and, provided the Fellow continues to hold a salaried post, will last, in the first instance, for 5 years, but may be renewed at intervals thereafter provided the Fellow continues to hold a salaried post.

  1. Qualifications

Fellows are required to have a salaried post, either in the University or in a research institute associated with the University, witha tenure of at least 12 months from the date of taking up the Fellowship. This Fellowship may not be held in conjunction with a Fellowship at another OxfordCollege.


A Nicholas Kurti Senior Fellow is expected to be pursuing advanced scholarship or research within the University. The College wishes to support the Fellow in these endeavours, but will not be employing or contracting with the Fellow directly for research. TheFellow will be encouraged to become a College graduate adviser as well as participating in the life of the College, and may be requested to assist in the selection of undergraduate and graduate students of the College. A Nicholas Kurti Fellow may also be invited, but is not required, to undertake paid teaching of up to 6 hours a week for Brasenose, in which case a contract of employment will be offered.

3.Medical Questionnaire

The appointment is subject to the satisfactory completion of a medical questionnaire.


a) Stipend The appointment is non-stipendiary, but includes membership of the Senior Common Room with free lunches and dinners.


(i)An allowance for approved research expenses, which may include travel, is currently £690pa.

(ii)Fellows’ hospitality allowance (for entertaining professional colleagues) is currently £133 pa.

5.Equal Opportunities

BrasenoseCollege is committed to the principle of equality of opportunity in employment, and operates an Equal Opportunities Policy and Code of Practice.

The full Code of Practice is available on request.

6. Timetable for applications and appointment

The timetable for making the appointment is as follows:

a. The final date for the receipt of applications is 1 March2013.

b. Candidates are asked to provide a telephone numberand email address, indicating

where they can be reached at that time.

c. Interviews (if appropriate) will be held (subject to confirmation)at the end of April/beginning of May.

d. The College expects to make an election on Wednesday, 22ndMay 2013.

Applications, including the names and addresses of 3 referees, should be addressed to the Principal, Brasenose College, Oxford OX1 4AJ, or sent by email to , and should be accompanied by a full c.v., together with an outline, not exceeding 1000 words, explaining in non-technical language the significance of the applicant’s research.

Candidates should ask their three referees to write direct to the Principal by the closing date of 1 March2013.

Samples of research or scholarly work should not be submitted with the application, but may be requested later.



Candidates are requested to complete this form for the information of the appointing committee

  1. Name in full:

  1. Nationality:

  1. Present occupation:

  1. Permanent postal address and telephone number:

5. Address, telephonenumber and email address where you can be contacted during the period March- July 2013:
6. Names and addresses of three academic referees who have been asked to write direct to the Principal, Brasenose College, Oxford OX1 4AJ by the closing date of 1 March 2013.
Referee 1:
Referee 2:
Referee 3:
7. Please attach a curriculum vitae, to include details of your academic and general record and publications. Samples of research or scholarly work should not be submitted with the application, but may be requested later.
8. Please indicate in which publication you saw this advertisement: