NHS Pharmacy Education and Development Committee
Support Staff Specialist Group
Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th April 2005
at 50 Eastbourne Terrace, London
Dalgeet Puaar
Lesley Morgan
Barbara Wensworth
Helen Dalrymple
Sue Gibbons
Jeanette Maher
Liz Fidler
Susan Stephens
Vanessa Eggerdon
Jennifer Harris
Diane Blunden
Karen Nash
Sally Kemp
Gill Risby
- Apologies
Beth Barrett, Carole Muir Alison Simpson, Julie Jordan, Jane Pyatt, Helen Fawcett
- Minutes of previous meeting.
Accuracy points were as follows: Date was shown as 11th October 2004, should read 17th January 2005.
Helen Fawcett was recorded as present, should have been recorded as sent apologies.
Susan Stephens was present at previous meeting, this was omitted.
- Matters arising (not on agenda)
Medicines Management programmes – please submit to Helen Dalrymple, in preparation for the possibility of developing a national framework.
Could pharmacy technicians register before they had completed a full two years of experience, this had been confirmed with Janet Flint at RPSGB and no, they had to complete two years experience, prior to registering.
a) Discussion of important issues /sharing practice
Alison Simpson had asked that the following items were discussed:
Buttercups were advertising a qualification and NPA underpinning knowledge saying that doing the qualifications would allow pharmacy technicians to register, was this true?
It was explained that the courses only formed the underpinning knowledge part of the S/NVQ level 3 and to gain the actual qualification the candidate must put together a portfolio of evidence.
The guidance on registerable qualifications after the grandparent clause closes says that the S/NVQ must be underpinned by an accredited underpinning knowledge programme. It is envisaged that this will be the technical certificate. NPA are pushing for equivalents to the Technical Certificate.
The only approved qualification that meets the Technical Certificate Framework is the BTEC National Certificate in Pharmacy Services.
Lesley Morgan and Barbara Wensworth will raise this issue at Pharmacy Sector Committee.
Lesley Morgan reminded the group that if accessing Modern Apprenticeship money then under the new framework, candidates would have to undertake a qualification that meets the Technical Certificate Framework.
Dalgeet Puaar informed the group that one of her students failed to complete his NVQ, but has his BTEC certificate, but is finding it difficult to get employment. It would appear that the message about gaining both the underpinning knowledge and demonstrating competence in the workplace is getting through to employers.
Alison Simpson also asked for an update on what was happening about Modern Apprenticeship funding. Dalgeet Puaar reported this had been raised at the morning meeting. They had suggested a mapping exercise around this issue, asking the following questions:
- Where do people access funding for:
- Level 2 S/NVQ?
- Level 3 S/NVQ?
- What funding is available?
- Who is the main link person for the area?
Lesley Morgan reported that there will be two new Modern Apprenticeship Frameworks:
- Foundation Modern Apprenticeship for Level 2 staff
- key skills at level 1
- Advanced Modern Apprenticeship for Level 3 staff, who will have to complete booklet on employment requirements e.g. health and safety, breaks etc.
- Key skills at level 2
- Application of number
- Communication
There are exemptions for some of the key skills, if candidates have GCSE’s in the appropriate subjects. These exemptions are time limited and the time limits keep changing.
The frameworks are not quite ready, just a few small amendments and they will be available soon. Lesley Morgan will keep the group informed.
Liz Fildler wished to clarify that only one co-hort had no expiry date on their ACT certificates., she held a course board meeting, who agreed to ask Senior Pharmacy Managers to send career outlines and responsibilities of those who were accredited and affected. Some sent these through, other asked if the ACT’s could take the course again.
b) Knowledge and skills framework
Helen Dalrymple outlined the work APTUK had been doing in relation to the KSF and asked if anyone had work they were willing to share. The aim of this meeting is to set up some generic profiles, which could then be adapted for individuals. APTUK are holding a meeting to move this work forward in May.
If anyone has information they are willing to share please send it to Helen Dalrymple by the 9th May.
Liz Fidler reported that the ACT group had met and mapped the ACT framework across to the KSF dimensions; she would send this work to Helen Dalrymple who would circulate it to the group.
Agenda for Change was also discussed, Helen Dalrymple informed the group that the band 3 profile had now been removed and the entry level for qualified pharmacy technicians would be Band 4. She also mentioned the other profiles have had alterations made to them, but on the whole had not changed dramatically. Students were expected to be catered for under Appendix U, but this still required clarification, as Appendix U states that they would earn 80% of the full salary, at the top of the scale, which would mean that they earn more than a newly qualified / newly moved to the NHS pharmacy technician.
Liz Fidler reported that the students in her region had been evaluated and come out on a band 3.
c) ACT Technical Services
Sally Kemp reported that a meeting is being held in July to publicise the work and investigate the next steps, she had prepared a paper which would be sent out to group members.
Helen Dalrymple to email group paper.
Anyone wishing to be involved should give their details to Sally Kemp.
d) Research into ACT
A letter has been received questioning the national ACT framework. This issue had been raised at the strategy meeting. It was felt that this letter had come to the committee through the wrong channels, as the two regional representatives attending the strategy meeting knew nothing about this issue. Liz Fidler had been contacted on a number of occasions by this person. It was agreed that individuals should be referred to their regional lead, should this happen again.
Rosalyn Cheeseman from the strategy group was going to feedback to the individual, as the letter had originated from her area.
e) It was decided it would be a good idea if the group had a Newsletter which could be circulated by the representatives on the group, to their region / area. It was also decided that items to go in the newsletter would be flagged up as discussed.
Dalgeet Puaar to check with Susan Sanders whether it should be put on NHS PEDC headed paper
There was no correspondence to report.
5.Registration update
Route B evaluators have been trained in preparation for considering applications via Route B.
Issues that have come to light with the application forms for registration already received were:
- No crossing out practicing / non-practicing.
- Must complete work experience section even if applying for non-practicing category.
- Must declare all convictions, including speeding and spent convictions.
- Do not send original certificates, even if using recorded delivery.
It is recommended that forms are checked prior to submission to help with these issues. It may be useful to run some sessions on completing the registration forms.
If pharmacy technicians are not sure which section of the register to apply for, they must apply to join the practicing register if they are working in any sphere where they may give any form of health advice.
As part of the Section 60 order, pharmacy technicians are to be exempt from the Resettlement of Offenders Act.
Pharmacists who sign the registration application will be asked if they did put this person forward, as a measure to prevent fraud.
Any pharmacist wishing to register as a pharmacy technician, must prove competence and will be required to pay two registration fees and carryout CPD relating to each role and could be called to submit two sets of CPD records.
Plan and Record for Pharmacy Technicians
Will be issued soon, there have been a few problems with the disk. It will be issued in a paper format, with a disk for the computer based system and passwords to access the online system.
If you are already a CPD Facilitator and have access to Plan and Record online, contact RPSGB to let them know, they will then update your access.
Jeanette Maher asked about Foreign Pharmacists who are saying they can be employed as pharmacy technicians, as RPSGB have told them it will be acceptable. They would have to register as pharmacy technicians on the introduction of the statutory register. Lesley Morgan suggested that Jeanette Maher contact Janet Flint at RPSGB to get clarification.
6. Policy Update – from Strategy Group
The website is now up and running, NHS PEDC headed notepaper is available on the site, for anyone who had to write on behalf on the group.
Requests for information to go on the website will be readily received.
It was also highlighted that the minutes must be available sooner.
7. Feedback from Strategy Review Meeting
Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) clearance was brought up, as this is causing problems for some employers. The CRB clearance is only relevant for the purpose you applied for it e.g. if cleared to work with children in hospital, then that does not mean you have been cleared to run a children’s activity e.g. Cubs, Brownies etc and vice versa. Even if moving jobs then CRB clearance must be reviewed. Gill reported that the staff involved in the Cadet Scheme must be CRB cleared. This raises the issue do Vacation Students require CRB clearance?
It was decided that a watching brief be kept on CRB clearance and checks.
CPD Representatives and Facilitation Strategies
The strategy group felt that a separate CPD meeting was not required but representatives could attend the morning meeting when group discuss relevant CPD issues.
8. Level 2 Project Group update
This group have completed their work. This item should be removed from the agenda.
9. Level 3 Training Manual update
This was circulated to all members of the group on a separate e-mail to that containing the agenda and minutes. Not all members appeared to have received it and there is no introduction on the copy circulated.
Dalgeet Puaar to email the introduction to Helen Dalrymple, who will then circulate the whole document again to all members.
Please look at the sections relevant to you and send feedback to Dalgeet Puaar by the 20th May. Dalgeet Puaar also asked the working group to get together to arrange another meeting to take on board the suggestions given in the feedback.
All of group to look at relevant sections, feedback to Dalgeet Puaar by 20th May 05 and working group to make a date for new meeting
Helen Fawcett had asked if the awarding bodies were happy with the manual. Barbara Wensworth suggested that we did not need to seek approval as it is a tool to assist with the delivery of the qualification.
10. Edexel update
There had been a meeting last week of the course tutors from around the country. They have started working on re-writing the grading criteria for the new qualification.
A course tutor from Nottingham has written a guide to the IVA and is willing to share this information. The group developed this a bit further and Edexcel will publish the guide. When this is available Barbara Wensworth will e-mail it to Helen Dalrymple for circulation to the whole group.
Lesley Morgan suggested Edexcel confirm when the S/NVQ is up for review, so the two can mirror each other.
Dalgeet Puaar asked if Edexcel needed further writers for the review.
Barbara Wensworth will check and feedback.
11. C&G update
Lesley Morgan reported that a message had been circulated from C&G saying that prescription cannot be included in portfolios. This has been followed up by Pharmacy Sector Committee who says that the qualification requires prescriptions to demonstrate endorsements etc, but these are anonymised.
Lesley Morgan also informed the group if applying to be an External Verifier for C&G you will be interviewed and expected to attend initial training in London, but will not get any expenses.
City and Guilds are supposed to be developing a qualification to meet the Technical Certificate Framework. More information will be given as progress is made.
13. Dates of future meetings
July 18th 2005
October 17th 2005
January 9th 2006
April 3rd 2006
July 3rd 2006
October 2nd 2006
14. Any other business
Gill Risby asked if anyone had any training programmes for pharmacy technicians specialising in Theatre services. Nobody was aware of such training, but a previous AAH pharmacy technician of the year – Jane Smee had won for the services she had developed for Theatre and may have additional information.