NHS Kernow Equality Objectives
Objective / Lead responsibility / To be achieved by / Actions to support achievement / Update against actionsTo ensure public facing information and communications is accessible, easily understood and available in a variety of formats, enabling better knowledge, improving outcomes, and supporting choice / Head of Communications / 31 March 2014 /
- Produce key public information in Polish and Easy Read routinely. Key public information includes: documents that are essential to maintaining good health and wellbeing; core statutory documents where understanding by these groups is essential.
- Use the accessible communications group to ensure providers take this on board. Specifically focus on the importance of good communications with people with sensory impairment.
- Work with CHAMPS team to produce cervical and breast screening information in easy read and develop ways to increase screening uptake amongst those with learning disabilities.
- The Engagement and Inclusion Team is working to formulate a policy around access to interpretation and translation services. The Communications Team use a consistent email address for any requests for translation of documents or easy read documents. Consideration is being given to proactive translation and easy read production of key documents.
- The Accessible Communications group meets quarterly, and has had a role in affecting work around the following over the past 18 months:
-Helping to develop the TLC campaign
-Working with UK Connect (aphasia) on the design of the KCCG website
-Supporting RCHT tocreate outpatient letters in 14 point font for patients identified as requiring such assistance, and encouraging RCHT to spread this option to other letter types
-Encouraging Lloyds Pharmacy to reissue advice to their branches about communicating with people who have a learning disability
-Developing links with Action on Hearing Loss
-Developed an Accessible Communications symbol for use in documents available in alternative formats.
- The Communications Team, with the Cancer Screening Liaison Nurses, ran a campaign in June 2013 to encourage people with learning disabilities to access the cervical and breast screening programmes via posters and the radio. Campaign material was developed by the Communications Team, the Cancer Screening Nurses and the CHAMPS Team. Cancer Screening Nurses for people with a learning disability are commissioned by NHS Kernow and employed by PCH. The Cancer Screening Nurses work with the other liaison nurses to ensure there is consistency in work to promote services for people with a learning disability. Invite letters for breast, cervical and AAA have been developed by the Cancer Screening Nurses, with the CHAMPS Team, in easy read format and these letters have been adopted across the peninsula. A range of easy read screening information is under development.
To develop ways of monitoring complaints and feedback received by people from different protected groups so that trends and patterns can be identified and actions taken to improve the system when issues arise, and deliver a better service for patients / Complaints Manager / 31March 2014 /
- Consider development of an on line tool for people to make complaints, which includes drop down fields for protected characteristics, working with providers where possible.
- Complaints Manager to engage with organisations which support protected groups to promote complaints process and encourage reporting of data
- Produce complaints information in accessible formats, eg easy read and most commonly requested languages.
- Consider ways to capture diversity data for those who use telephone and letters to make complaints
- Majority of complaints received by CCG are for other organisations, and are immediately passed on as required. The CCG handles approximately 4 -8 complaints per quarter and protected characteristics can be included in the feedback questionnaire sent out with the complaints response. An online tool for people to make complaints, including information about protected characteristics, is likely to unnecessarily duplicate work.
- Engagement with organisations which support protected groups to promote the complaints process is an ongoing process, managed via the Complaints Manager and Engagement and Inclusion Team.
- Complaints leaflet is available in Polish and easy read format.
- A questionnaire is sent out with the complaints response for all CCG responses to complaints. The questionnaire includes questions about protected characteristics. The small number of complaints received and handled by NHS Kernow, following the Health and Social Care Act 2012 changes, and limited number of responses to the questionnaire, may make it difficult to draw useful information out of this process.
To improve the (protected characteristic) under representation in the workforce, and develop ways to support staff from different protected groups / Head of Human Resources / 31 March 2015 /
- Work with partners to develop staff forums for different protected groups
- Encourage staff to disclose diversity data by promoting an ethos of cultural competence and support
- Work with provider organisations to recruit under represented groups across the NHS in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, including men and young people.
- This action requires further development.
- The leaflet ‘Why We Gather Data: Staff Information Leaflet’ is available on the KCCG staff zonefor staff members reference.
- NHS Kernow is working with NHS England national colleagues and the Department for Work and Pensions on reviewing the possibility for assistance with recruitment for those who are long term unemployed into the NHS. NHS Kernow monitors its workforce data, including representation of staff from protected groups. This information is published as part of the Equality Information under the Public Sector Equality Duty.
To increase the capability of middle and line managers to support and motivate staff to work in culturally competent ways through a learning and development programme / Head of Human Resources and Senior Equality and Human Rights Manager / 30 September 2015 /
- Develop a training programme to support managers to understand how to embed equality and diversity in their work
- Promote robust Equality Impact Assessment to support strategies and policies, engaging with protected groups wherever possible, ensuring that the actions arising from the EIA are including in the strategy.
- We consider that developing a training programme in equality and diversity reflects the need to raise awareness and coordinate training around equality needs. A range of training on Equality and Diversity exists and is already employed by NHS Kernow, including:
-Equality Training for Middle Managers – courses run in March – June 2013
-multiagency Human Rights for One and All
-some staff are undertaking NCFE Level 2 Equality and Diversity Distance Learning Course.
- Equality Impact Assessment training is due to be reinstated. EIAs are required to be completed for each policy, procedure and strategy developed. The work around EIAs is ongoing and can be evidenced from the EIAs completed.
Updated 11 October 2013