"You're a Poet - Even If You Didn't Know It!"
Now that you have some experience with poems, used elements of figurative language, and practiced "spicing up" your writing with descriptive words, it's time for you to try your hand at some descriptive poetic writing.
These are the four (4) elements of poetry. They are: theme, purpose, form, and mood. The four elements work together to make a successful poem.
CENTRAL IDEA When you select a theme, this becomes the focus of the whole poem. It is the main idea of the piece and everything in the poem relates to that idea and reinforces it.
PURPOSE After your theme is selected you must ask yourself three (3) questions to guide you in the development of your theme.
1. Who is your audience and what do you want to tell them?
2. What is your theme?
3. How can you support the theme with descriptive elements?
MOOD Three questions will help you decide how the purpose and mood combine to complete your poem.
1. How do you feel about the theme?
2. Is the theme serious, funny or sad?
3. Are you explaining something?
After your purpose is defined and you recognize your feelings toward the purpose, this will determine the tone or mood of your poem. What effect do you want your poem to have on the reader? How can you "flavor" or "figure" your poem to make it spooky and suspenseful or touching and inspiring?
FORM After the mood of the poem has been determined, decide which poetic device you will use to BEST achieve the mood, fulfills the purpose, and supports the theme that you have determined.
Don’t forget to hand in those poems on time!
"Now Say That Again"
(One of Mr. Rasmussen’s favorite pictures)
Could you describe brushing your hair without using the words "hair" or "brush"? You might say you are grooming your long, shiny tresses!
Choose one of the tasks below and write a minimum of five sentences describing it without using any of the words listed after the task. Or, you may choose to write one sentence for each of the five sentences below. Use your powers of imagination - and a thesaurus - to help you on your way. (Due March 9th)
1. "roasting a hot dog" roast, hot dog, fire, stick
2. "eating a piece of birthday cake" birthday cake, fork
3. "playing fetch with a dog" dog, run, fetch, play
4. "sailing" boat, sail, water
5. "watching television" watch, television, T.V., look
Given each one of the words below, write as many single, descriptive words as you can about the noun.