DATE OF MEETING: / 30 August 2016TITLE OF REPORT: / Medical Education
EXECUTIVE LEAD: / Dr Frances Elliot
Purpose of the Report (delete as appropriate)
For Decision / For Discussion / For Information
NHS Fife is a Local Education Provider, working in partnership with local medical schools and NHS Education Scotland.
It is quality standard of the General Medical Council that “the educational and clinical governance systems are integrated, allowing organisations to address concerns about patient safety, the standard of care, and the standard of education and training.”
The Board is asked to note the content of the report and support the continuing excellence in providing medical education within a context of service delivery.
For many years NHS Fife has provided placements for medical students from the universities of Edinburgh, St Andrews and Dundee. Local module leads provide teaching in a clinical environment, directed by university based teachers.
Furthermore, around 200 authorised training posts exist across a range of specialities within NHS Fife that require local supervision to ensure trainee doctors obtain their specialty specific competencies.
Well established surveys are in place that provides Medical Education Services with feedback on how the medical student and trainee rate their educational experience. The surveys are undertaken online with the identity of those providing feedback protected. This limits how much investigation can take place after the event when negative feedback is given, beyond the local clinician’s view of the situation.
Generally the educational experience is of a high standard which is a credit to the local clinicians. A new graduate entry medicine course has been awarded by the Scottish Government to the universities of St Andrews and Dundee (with Highland & Islands) which will mean an expansion of medical education activity within NHS Fife in the near future.
Teaching activity taking place within NHS Fife can improve its attractiveness to potential employees, as clinicians value the job enrichment provided by their involvement in medical education.
The Board is asked to note the content of the report and support the continuing excellence in providing medical education within a context of service delivery.
Objectives: (must be completed)
Healthcare Standard(s): / General Medical Council: Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training.
HB Strategic Objectives: / To be a partner in training doctors.
Further Information:
Evidence Base:
Glossary of Terms:
Parties / Committees consulted prior to Health Board Meeting:
Impact: (must be completed)
Financial / Value For Money / No requirement for spend. Participation in undergraduate medical education attracts funding from NHS Education Scotland.
Risk / Legal: / The GMC is visiting Scotland in 2017 and NHS Fife could be selected to provide evidence.
Quality / Patient Care: / It is critical to patient care that sufficient doctors are trained in Scotland.
Workforce: / The delivery of medical education by clinicians is in addition to their direct clinical care activities. Having sufficient time in job plans is a common source of tension.
Equality: / Access to medical education is subject to robust equality and diversity protocols, including an initiative to widen access to medical school places from low income families.
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