English-French /German-FrenchTranslator

Carry out research, translate and convince

Tel: +237 691-96-26-06/ +237 677-94-23-11



Trados 2017

Trados 2014

Trados 2011

Wordfast Professional

Antidote (Quality Assurance)



Specialties: editorial translation, legal translation, economic, financial and bank translation, technical translation

Other fields of interest: mineralogic characterization of clays,resumes, certificates, filmmaking, licenses and diplomas



Participated in the translation (1066 words) of a technical text relating to warplanes; from English to French

Participated in the translation ( 1061 words) of a technical text dealing with lip seals and bearing cones;from English to French

Participated in the translation ( 1366 words) of Business Plan, Camp Fortune 2017;from English to French

Participated in the translation ( 526 words) of a technical text relating to cylinders;from English to French

Translation of diplomas (500 words)from English to French


Translation (2,300 words) of Tax Return; from English to French

Translation of ( 6,888 words ) of Mineralogic Characterization and Petroleum Potential of Shales of the N’kapa Formation (Paleocene-Eocene) in the Douala Sedimentary Sub-basin (South-West Cameroon);from English to French

Translation ( 500 words) of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis; English to French

Translation of (4, 263 words)of resumes; from English to French

Translation of ( 4,900 words) of the Corporate –Manual- Design of the GIZ; from German to French

Translation ( 1,467 words) of Conferenceon Refugee Issue; from English to French

Translation ( 4,000 words) of the Threat of Global Inflation; English to French

Translation ( 4,000 words) of Brief Fundamentals in Screenplay Writing;German to French

Translation ( 800 words) of diplomas; English to French

Translation ( 1,604 words) of Supporting Climate Action and leveraging Climate Finance; English to French

Translation ( 1,000 words) of Leveraging Environment Finance ; English to French

Translation ( 400 words) of Coal, Oil and Gaz; English to French


Translation ( 2,000 words) of Pluralist Process for Universal Evil; from French to English

Translation ( 2,500 words) of Nigeria, the Continent’s biggest Economy; from English to French

Translation (3,807 words) of Crime against Peace; from English to French

Translation ( 459 words) of the International Criminal Court; from English to French

Translation ( (5,304 words) of Crimes against Humanity and War crimes; from English to French

Translation ( 4,100 words) of Africa attacks the International Criminal Court; from English to French

Translation ( 2000 words) of the Political crisis in Burkina Faso; from French to German

Translation ( 5, 200 words) of the Fear of Dead; from German to French

Translation ( 2,900 words) of Sole Distributor Contract; from French to English

Translation ( 2, 465 words) of Women during the Colonial War; from German to French


Translation (5, 897 words) of licenses; from English to French

Translation ( 1,987 words) of Blood Donation; from English to French

Translation ( 1, 093 words) of Invitation to Tender relating to the Organization of events in the Ministry of Public Health; from English to French

Translation ( 1,500 words) of Cameroon International Health Forum held from the 24 to the 26 September 2014 at the Yaounde Conference Center; from English to French

Translation ( 1,089 words) of an Open National Invitation to Tender relating to the Training of trainers of adolescent reproductive health of the Ministry of Public Health; from English to French

Translation ( 1,500 words) of Diagnostic Kit for an HIV1+2 antibody ( colloidal Gold) ; from English to French

Participated in the translation (5,564words) of Multiculturalism and National Unity in Africa: some lessons from the Cameroonian case; from English to French

Participated in the translation ( 2,308 words) of Negotiations, Consensus and Compromise in politics: elements for sustainable peace and democracy; from English to French

Translation ( 5,098 words) of Banks and Stock exchange; from English to French

Translation (3,000 words) of Essay on International Agreements; from English to French


Translation ( 1,926 words) of Africa’ s economy under the Threat of Colonization; from English to French

Translation ( 531 words) of Indian Ocean Tsunami and its Aftermath; from English to French

Translation (2,091 words) of Land Tenure; from English to French

Participated in the translation ( 5,093 words) of Traditional Methods as a Means to regenerate forests; from English to French

Translation (1,200 words) of Infrastructure in Central Africa; from English to French

Translation ( 1, 500 words ) of Reporters Sans Frontières ; from French to English


Translation (400 words) of Mining, a Field to be made profitable; from English to French

Translation ( 289 words) of Capital Intensive Extractive Industries; from English to French


2014: Intern at the Ministry of Public Health
2014: Intern at the National Hydrocarbons Corporation

2013:Intern at the BilingualTraining Programme(Yaounde)


2016: Master’s degree in translation (Higher Institute of Translation and Interpretation, ISTI Yaounde)

2013: Bachelor’s degree in translation (Higher Institute of Translation and Interpretation, ISTI Yaounde)

2010: Baccalaureat A4 All


Reading, Writing, Music and Audiovisual Studies