國立虎尾科技大學nfu Thesis Format Specifications

國立虎尾科技大學nfu Thesis Format Specifications


Thesis Format Guidelines

Revised by the Office of Academic Affairs

April, 2011

Huwei, Yunlin, Taiwan, Republic of China

Table of Contents

I.Binding Order

II.Specification Description

III.Writing Rules:

Appendix1: Cover

Appendix2: Title Page

Appendix3: Power of Attorney 1 (National Central Library Version)

Appendix4: Thesis Oral Examination Committee Verification

Appendix5: English Abstract and 5-7 Keywords

Appendix6: Chinese Abstract and 5-7 Keywords

Appendix7: Acknowledgements or Preface

Appendix8: Table of Contents

Appendix9: List of Tables

Appendix10: List of Figures

Appendix11: Symbols

Appendix12: Main Thesis Content

Appendix13: Reference (depend on your college)

Appendix14: Appendix

Appendix15: Extended Abstract (Extended abstracts should be approximately 3-5 pages)

Appendix16: Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Appendix17: Examples of Book Spine

Appendix18: Layout Specification Sample

Appendix19: Watermark(start inserting from the abstract)

NationalFormosaUniversityThesis Format Guidelines

  1. Binding Order


1. Cover / 7. Acknowledgements or Preface / 13. References
2. Title Page / 8. Table of Contents / 14. Appendix
3. Power of Attorney
(National Central Library Version) / 9. List of Tables / 15. Extended Abstract
(Extended abstracts should be approximately 3-5 pages in length.)
4. Thesis Oral Examination Committee Verification / 10. List of Figures / 16. Curriculum Vitae(CV)
5. English Abstract and 5-7 Keywords / 11. Symbols / 17. Book Spine
6.Chinese Abstract and 5-7 Keywords / 12. Main Thesis Content(Note 1)

Note 1:

Patent Search must be performed for the related topics and technologies for the thesis discussion and avoid or modify as needed to avoid tort.

  1. Specification Description

1.Cover: Contents include the author’s department name, degree, thesis name (Englishand Chinese), name of advisor, Name of Student, submission date.(see Appendix 1).

2. Title Page:Including Thesis Title (Chinese and English), Student’s Name (Chinese and English), Advisor’s Name (Chinese and English), University’s Name, Department’s Name, Degree, and Location of Thesis Submitted, Submission Date. (see Appendix 2)

3.Power of Attorney(National Central Library version): See Appendix 3.

4.Oral Examination Committee Verification:See Appendix 4.

5.Chinese and English Abstracts:The content should describe the research goal, information source, research methods and results etc., approximately 500~1000 words, a horizontal-style copy of both the Chinese and English versions should be bound in the thesis with watermark added; watermarks should be added on every page from the Chinese abstract (text in front), the watermark could be downloaded from the library’s thesis submission system (see Appendix 5, 6, and 19).

6.Thesis size and paper: Should be made with 210mm x 297mm specification A4 paper. The cover and book spine should use 150 pound or above linen paper or cardboard, the color will be specified by each department.

7.Layout Specifications:Retain 2.5cm on the top of the paper, 3cm on the left side, 2cm on the right side and 2.5cm on the bottom, type in the page number at 1cm below and layout bottom in the center,. (see Appendix 18).

8.Text Specification:The main article should be typed with Chinese KaiU and Times New Roman in English, from left to right; arrange by typing for the horizontal-style, when quoting an original foreign language in the sentence note it with the ﹙﹚ symbol.

9.Page number: (1) For Chinese abstract, figures and tables, use lower-case Roman numerals such as i,ii,iii,…etc. to number them.

(2) For the thesis’ first chapter up to the Appendix, use Arabian figures such as 1,2,3,…etc. to number them.

10.Binding: Bind from the left side of the thesis, print the university name, department name, author name and graduation year on the book spine.( see Appendix 17)

11.Submission:After passing the oral examination verification, and uploaded to the library’s thesis submission system and passing the verification, send three paper-copy of the thesis to the library, the library will send one copy to the National Central Library as according to the rules, and the other two copies will be kept by the library. As for the thesis abstract that needs to be uploaded to the National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan, the library will perform unified uploads.

12.Others:Acknowledgements or Preface(Appendix 7), Table of Contents(Appendix 8), List of Tables(Appendix 9), List of Figures(Appendix 10), Symbols(Appendix 11), Main Thesis Content(Appendix12), Reference(Appendix13), Appendix (Appendix 14), Extended Abstract (Appendix 15),Curriculum Vitae (Appendix 16)

  1. Writing Rules:
  2. Table of Contents: Arrange the thesis content and item names, chapter, section number and page numbers etc. according to the specifications set in the “Thesis publishing item order” sequence. (The chapters of the main text will be set by individual departments)

Table of Content

Subject or Chapter / Chapter headings or omission number (Note: This column is just for explanation purposes, do not include this in the final paper) / Page Number
English Abstract / ………………………………………………………….……………. / i
Chinese Abstract / ………………………………………………………….……………. / ii
Acknowledgements or Preface / ………………………………………………………….……………. / iii
List of Tables / ………………………………………………………….……………. / iv
List of Figures / ………………………………………………………….……………. / v
Symbols / ………………………………………………………….……………. / vi
Chapter 1 / Introduction…………………………………………………………... / 1
1.1 / ×××××………………………………………………………………... / 7
Chapter 2 / Literature Review……………………………….…………………… / 10
2.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 11
2.1.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 12
2.1.2 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 13
2.2.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 14
2.2.2 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 15
2.2.3 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 16
Chapter 3 / Methodology…………………….…………………………………... / 17
3.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 19
3.2 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 21
Chapter 4 / Experiments………………………………………….………………. / 22
4.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 23
4.2 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 24
Chapter 5 / Conclusion…………………………………...... …………… / 25
5.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 27
5.2 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 30
Chapter 6 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 32
6.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 34
6.2 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 35
Reference / ………………………………………………………….……………. / 36
Appendix I / ………………………………………………………….……………. / 37
AppendixII / ………………………………………………………….……………. / 40
Extended Abstract(3-5 pages)
Curriculum Vitae

2. Tables & Charts: Numbered together in sequential order, listed on one page (see Figure 1).

3.Symbols: all mathematical and/or special symbols used should be listed and illustrated on one page for reference. There is no need for individual numbering (see Appendix 11).

Table2.1 Classification of Shape Memory Alloy…………………30
Table2.2 ×××……………………………………………………31
Table2.3 ×××……………………………………………………32
Figure2.1 Organization……………………………………………10
Figure2.2 ××××××…………………………………………………12
Figure 1: Examples ofTables andFigures

4.Main Text:

(1)Chapter & Section Number: in numbers accordingly (1, 2, etc.); sections in numbers accordingly (1, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1., (1), , etc.).

(2)Chapter Title and Section Order: (See Figure 2.)

Chapter Numbers and Names in the center at the top

Paragraphs and sections starting from the left of the page, indenting one or two spaces

Numbers and names of sub-paragraphs presented by indenting a few spaces from the begging of the line.

(3)Line Spacing: English in 1.5 or double space, 28 lines minimum per page. A double-space line below chapter names.

(4)Mathematical Expressions: Number each and ever formula with brackets “( )” according to their order in the thesis.


The optimal condition can be computed if (35) and (36) are set to be 0.

(5)Footnote:  Special issues or viewpoints can use Footnotes to illustrate.

Footnotes should be sequentially numbered and displayed on the upper right corner. Consecutive numbers within each chapter; start over for new chapters.

Footnote numbers and contents at the same page at the bottom separated from the main text with a line. Use next page if insufficient space.


The travelling time of passengers outside [railway] carriage, including walking[10] and waiting, is analyzed below:

Under the circumstance of W-meter11 MRT service belt, Grid Typ pedestrian path system, and mixed journey (shown in Figure 4)..























(6)References: All citations, regardless of languages and chapters, should be sequentially numbered. The numbers in question are put in ‘[ ]’. Full bibliographical information should be enclosed after the main text.

Example:The model produced by Duncan[1]is the most frequently used one when designingcontrol picture. The model works based on the following manufacturing process and some assumptions on incomes.

(7)Tables and Figures Arrangement:

Numbers and names of tables are placed above the table; numbers and names of figures below. Sources and illustrations, both tables and figures, are placed below.

Numbers inside tables and figures should be word-processed or in technical lettering.

Table 2.1 ×××××

Figure 3.1×××××

Source: ××××Source: ××××

5.References Arrangement

(1)All r are listed on a new page after the main text according to their labeled numbers (see Appendix13).

(2)Sequence and Format:

Author, Co-author, Co-author, Book, Volume, Translator, Edition


Book, (Editor), Publisher,Location, Year and Month

89(or published by editor/s)1112


Books: Names underlined, formatted as below, information not provided can be omitted.


〔2〕Jelinek, F., Probabilistic Information Theory, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1968.



a.If more than one author, follow the order in the original literature.

b.If more than three authors, list the first author’s name only followed by“等”or “et al.”.

Example: 姚從吾等編著。M.W. Du, et al.

c.Authored by Institution and/or school treated as individual author.

Example: 中國圖書館學會,圖書館標準,正中書局,台北,民國五十四年。

d.Same author with different books, author’s name replaced with ‘──’.

Example: [1]李期泰,外交學,正中書局,台北,民國五十一年。

[2] ──,國際政治,正中書局,台北,民國五十二年。

e.Author unknown, regarding book names as authors.

Example: [1] 北京大學五十週年紀念特刊,(〔北平?〕,出版者不詳,民國三十七年)。

[2] Sake, Nonpareil Press, Chicago, 1910.

f.Translation Works

Example: [1](德)赫塞(Herman Hesse)著,鄉愁,陳曉南譯,新潮文庫,台北,民國六十五年。

[2] Lissner, Ivar, The Living Past, Translated by J. Maxwell Brownjohn, G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1957.

g.Author in pseudonym or courtesy names treated as names followed by real names in ‘〔〕’.

Example: [1] 孟瑤〔楊宗珍〕,飛燕去來,再版,皇冠雜誌社,台北,民國六十三年。

[2] Penrose, Elizabeth, Cartright (Mrs. Markben), A history of France,John Murray,London, 1872.

Journals and Essays: Names underlined. Chinese titles in “「」”; English titles in “ ”. Examples see below:

Author, Co-author,“Paper Title”, (News) Magazine, Volume, Volume

123(Journal and Volume)5


Page, Publisher, Year and Month


Example:[1] 陳惠戎,「如何解決公務人員住的困難」,中國論壇,38~42 頁,民國六十五年七月二十五日。

[2] Swanson Don. "Dialogue with a Catalogue", Library Quarterly, 34, pp. 13-25, December 1963.

[3] 陳永健,蔡中川,「計算機輔助之中文印刷系統」,科學發展月刊,第三卷第七期,558~569頁,66年7月。

Author, “Names of Paper”, Proceeding, Page, Conference Location, Country,



Year and Month


Conference Proceedings



Author, “Thesis”, University, Degree, Year and Month



6.Appendices: New pages can be used as Appendices for copious data, inference, explanatory notes, and so forth, or rather long-winded literature, tables and figures (see Appendix 10).



(Times and New Roman, 30pt)

Department of Automation Engineering

(Times and New Roman, 24 pt)

MasterThesis(Times New Roman, 24pt)

English Title(Times New Roman, 20pt)

Chinese Title(Times New Roman, 20pt, Bold)

Graduate Student: ○○○(Times New Roman, 18px)

Advisor: ○○○(Times New Roman, 18px)

April, 2011

Huwei, Yunlin, Taiwan, Republic of China

Appendix2:Title Page

xxxxxxxxxx(English Title)

xxxxxxxxxx(Chinese Title)

Graduate Student:xxx



Department ofAutomation Engineering


A ThesisSubmitted to Department of Automation Engineering

College of Engineering


in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree ofMaster of Science


Automation Engineering

April 2, 2011

Huwei, Yunlin, Taiwan, Republic of China

Appendix3:Power of Attorney 1 (National Central LibraryVersion)

Power of Attorney for Online Access to Doctoral/MasterThesis

The degree thesis authorized is required byDepartment of Automation Engineering (Graduate Program) / College of Engineering at NationalFormosaUniversity in ______(Month), ______(Year).

Thesis Title: ______

Advisor: ______

I hereby agreeon __year__month__day (for no longer than 5 years) to give non-exclusive, free authorization to the National Central Library and my graduate university’s library to allow duplication of the above mentioned copyrighted thesis paper (including abstract) with no limit of region, time or number of times duplicated either by microfilms, optical discs or other various forms of digital methods, and must make the above mentioned thesis paper into an electronic version and by means of uploading the electronic thesis file onto the internet, provide it to users for personal non-profit use of online retrieval, browsing, downloading or printing.

‧User’s non-profit use of online retrieval, browsing, downloading or printing of the thesis paper mentioned above should be done according to the relevant provisions of the Copyright Law.

Authorized by: ______

Signature: ______Year___Month___Day

Appendix4:Thesis Oral Examination Committee Verification


Oral Examination Committee Verification

Department of Automation Engineering (Graduate Program)



Fulfill the Master’s Requirement; reviewed and verified by this committee.

Oral Examination Committee Members:


Head of Dept.:

/Year /Month /Date

Appendix5:English Abstract and 5-7 Keywords




Advisors: Professor Yun-Lin Huang

Advisors: Professor Goodman Cheng

Advisors: Professor Beauty Lee


Departmentof Automation Engineering (Graduate Program)



A procedure is-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Appendix6:Chinese Abstract and 5-7 Keywords










本論文研製之 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Appendix7:Acknowledgements or Preface

Acknowledgements or Preface

This research would not have been possible without the assistance of manypeople–––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Appendix8:Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Subject or Chapter / Chapter headings or omission number (Note: This column is just for explanation purposes, do not include this in the final paper) / Page Number
Chinese Abstract / ………………………………………………………….……………. / i
English Abstract / ………………………………………………………….……………. / ii
Acknowledgements or Preface / ………………………………………………………….……………. / iii
List of Tables / ………………………………………………………….……………. / iv
List of Figures / ………………………………………………………….……………. / v
Symbols / ………………………………………………………….……………. / vi
Chapter 1 / Introduction…………………………………………………………... / 1
1.1 / ×××××………………………………………………………………... / 7
Chapter 2 / Literature Review……………………………….…………………… / 10
2.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 11
2.1.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 12
2.1.2 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 13
2.2.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 14
2.2.2 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 15
2.2.3 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 16
Chapter 3 / Methodology…………………….…………………………………... / 17
3.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 19
3.2 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 21
Chapter 4 / Experiments………………………………………….………………. / 22
4.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 23
4.2 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 24
Chapter 5 / Conclusion…………………………………...... …………… / 25
5.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 27
5.2 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 30
Chapter 6 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 32
6.1 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 34
6.2 / ×××××××…………………………………………………………….. / 35
Reference / ………………………………………………………….……………. / 36
Appendix I / ………………………………………………………….……………. / 37
Appendix II / ………………………………………………………….……………. / 40
Extended Abstract(3-5 pages)
Curriculum Vitae

Appendix9: List of Tables

List of Tables

Table 2.1 / Classification of Shape Memory Alloy……….……….. / 30
Table 2.2 / ×××……………………………………….……………. / 31
Table 2.3 / ×××……………………………………….……………. / 32
Table 2.4 / ×××……………………………………….……………. / 33
Table 3.1 / ×××……………………………………….……………. / 34
Table 3.2 / ×××……………………………………….……………. / 35
Table 3.3 / ×××……………………………………….……………. / 36
Table3.4 / ×××……………………………………….……………. / 37
Table3.5 / ×××……………………………………….……………. / 38

Appendix10: List of Figures

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 / Organization……………………………….…………..... / 10
Figure 2.2 / ×××……………………………………….…………...…. / 12
Figure 2.3 / ×××……………………………………….…………...…. / 15
Figure 2.4 / ×××……………………………………….…………...…. / 17
Figure 3.1 / ×××……………………………………….…………...…. / 20
Figure 3.2 / ×××……………………………………….…………...…. / 22
Figure 3.3 / ×××……………………………………….…………...…. / 23
Figure 3.4 / ×××……………………………………….…………...…. / 26
Figure 3.5 / ×××……………………………………….…………...…. / 28

Appendix11: Symbols


Δgc / :chemical free energy difference
σ / :interfacil energy per unit area
A / :elastic strain energy coefficient
B / :stress induced martensite
SIM / :stress induced martensite
σP-M / :critical stress to induce SIM
γ / :surface tension force
r1,r2 / :radius of curvature
Δμ / :chemical potential gradient
Ω / :atomic volume
T.D. / :theoretical density

Appendix12: Main Thesis Content

Chapter 1 Introduction


Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1North America




  1. New YorkState



(2)New York City


  1. MassachusettsState

(1) BostonCity


(2) WorcesterCity


Figure 2.1 Capital accumulation of each season

Table 2.2Measuring result

Distance / X Psition / Y Psition / Score / Actual distance
15cm / 304.63 / 138.74 / 85.67% / 14cm
20cm / 323.10 / 129.62 / 88.85% / 20cm

Appendix13:Reference(depend on your college)


[1] Last name,X.X.and Last name,Y.Y.(19xx),Title,Journal,Vol.,No.,pp.x-x

[2] Last name,X.X.(19xx),Title for report or book,(X edition),Publisher.

Appendix14: Appendix

Appendix I



Appendix15: Extended Abstract(Extended abstracts should be approximately 3-5 pages)

Title (Times New Roman, 20 pt, bold)

中文題目(標楷 20)







Department of Automation Engineering



Extended abstracts should be approximately 3-5 pages in length including references, tables and illustrations without pagination.

Keywords: Include a list of 5-7 keywords, separated by commas.

Chapter 1 Introduction


Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1North America




  1. New YorkState



(2)New York City


  1. MassachusettsState

(1) BostonCity


(2) WorcesterCity


Figure 2.1 Capital accumulation of each season

Table 2.2Measuring result

Distance / X Psition / Y Psition / Score / Actual distance
15cm / 304.63 / 138.74 / 85.67% / 14cm
20cm / 323.10 / 129.62 / 88.85% / 20cm


[1] Last name,X.X.and Last name,Y.Y.(19xx),Title,Journal,Vol.,No.,pp.x-x

[2] Last name,X.X.(19xx),Title for report or book,(X edition),Publisher.

Appendix16: Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Cheng, Hu-Wei

Work Experiences

2009-present Assistant Engineer, Industrial Economics and Knowledge Center, Industrial Technology Research Institute


2007-2009 MS, Department of Automation Engineering (Graduate Program), NationalFormosaUniversity

2002-2006 BS, Department of Automation Engineering, NationalFormosaUniversity

Appendix17: Examples of Book Spine

Appendix18: Layout Specification Sample

Length (A4): 297m

-------Width (A4): 210mm---------

Examples of Text Size and Typing Range

Appendix19:Watermark(start inserting from theabstract)


[10]Considering the accessibility to [train] station, passengers are assumed to arrive on foot.