#19 January 6-10, 2014


Next week we will continue with our full week schedule, which means the children WILL HAVE their regular Spelling Unit 3 Week 1, Language, and Reading.

This newsletter begins with wonderful news for the New Year. The picture below shows of students who did not have late homework for the 2nd Quarter. Congratulations to these students on a job well done: Lilian, Braxton, Paige, Lucy, Angelina, Hank, and Karlee. Not pictured and missed is Tamara. Congratulations on being responsible with your homework for the entire second quarter!!!


Remember to read for the Six Flags READ to SUCCEED program. The children have until Monday, February 3rd to read for 360 minutes or 6 hours. Any child who achieves this goal by February 3rdwill earn a free pass to Six Flags. The tickets are valid during the 2012 season. Get to reading, 4th graders, so you can earn your ticket to Six Flags!!!

This year I am using the app Remind101. I introduced Remind101 to everyone who was at the open house. I only have 14 parents using Remind101. This app allows me to text important information to each of you when I need to do so. Please sign up to receive my text messages by texting (815)261-0491 with the message @mrshembe, and I will reply. Then you need to follow the directions on your texts.

Students need to remember to copy all of the assignments off of the board and cross off the assignments that they get finished in class. Remember, students, you can bring home your schoolwork to be checked by your parents. Parents, please check your child’s work. I have a lot of grades that could be improved greatly if they were checked at home. The only schoolwork that cannot be checked by your parents are,the Smart Responses, Language quizzes, and tests.

I am pleased to announce that we will be having Accelerated Reader for 4th graders. This means that the children will once again be able to earn prizes for reading. The children have also been asking me how to find out if a book is A.R. (Accelerated Reader) or not. If you would like to know whether or not a book is an A.R. book you can search the following url, Remember to use my website to help you with useful websites.

Our school is once again collecting Box Tops for Education. Please send all of your Box Tops to school. The money collected from the Box Tops goes right back to your child’s education. Thank you for your help!!!

Your child will be taking a selection test every Thursday on the computers at school. I will be printing of these tests for you because I wanted you to be able to see your child’s score. I will let you know that due to budget constraints, I will be unable to print off these tests every week. However, you can keep track of your child’s test scores simply by going to and logging in using your child’s name and password. You can find your child’s user name and password in their binders located in the reading section. Simply go to enter your child’s name and password, as it appears on the paper. Then you will go to another screen. From there you will need to click on “Parents.” In the box that says “View Student Progress” you will need to choose Mrs. Hemberger-Reading Success Tracker 2008 G4. Here you will be able to keep track of your child’s reading test scores.

Parents, I want you to know that it is never too early to start preparing your child for the I.S.A.T. tests. You child and utilize a program for home called “STUDY ISLAND.” To go to this website you child will need to type in . Here they can begin to practice for the fourth grade I.S.A.T. tests that will be coming up this spring. The child’s user name is the first two letters of their first name, then their entire last name, with no spaces, then the at sign followed by CUSD10. The CUSD must be in all caps. For example, my first name is Tricia and my last name is Hemberger so my user name would look like this trhemberger@CUSD10. Their password is the child’s lunch account number. If your child is new to the district the password is trojans. When they log in they will need to change their password to their lunch account. This site will definitely help them perform better on their I.S.A.T.

If you are sending in cash for lunch money it needs to be sent to school in an envelope with the students name on it, their lunch account number, and my name. When cash gets put in the envelope the secretary does not know who it comes from and which account to credit. Thank you for your help with this matter.

If you are sending in a cake or a cookie cake for your child’s birthday please make sure that it is precut. It is very difficult to get 21 slices even and I do not have a knife in my classroom.

Keep in mind these upcoming dates:

Friday, January 10th–Don’t forget to look at your child’s papers in the “Friday

Folder.”Keep the papersand then sign the “Friday Folder” so that it can be

returned onMonday. Please sign your child’s January Behavior Chart on the

Week 1 line. The children need to study for their Unit 3 Week 1 Spelling Pretest on


Monday, January 13th– The children will have their Unit 3Week1

Spelling Pretest today on the computer using SpellingCity to take their pretest.

Please go to to practice your spelling words this weekend.

The children were given their list for these words to practice Friday.

Wednesday, January 15th– Your child will ask you to listen to them read this week’s

story aloud and then you will need to sign the Reading Log indicating that you

listened to them read the story to you entitled The Stranger.

The children will have their selection test over this story tomorrow. Please use the

“FamilyTimes” for this story to help your child prepare for this test. Please study

for the Chapter 17 Math Test. Use the Math Chapter 17 Study Guide to study from.

The childrenwill also need to study for their Social Studies quiz over the Southeast

States. This quiz will be tomorrow. They will need to know the states location and be

able tosuccessfully match each state with their capital.

Thursday, January 16th– The children will take their reading selection test todayon their

iPads over the story The Stranger. Remember, you cancheck your child’s selection

test score by going to andlogging in using your child’s

name and password. You can find your child’s username and password in their

binders located in the reading section.The children will take their quiz over the

Midwest states today and they will alsohave their test over the Chapter 17 Math

Test today.

Friday, January 17th– The children who did not earn a 100% A+ on Monday’s Spelling

Pretest will be taking the Unit 3 Week 1 Final Spelling Test today to try for an

improved score. Also, your child will take their Language Quiz over singular

possessive nouns today. Don’t forget to look at your child’s papers in the “Friday

Folder.”Keep the papersand then sign the “Friday Folder” so that it can be

returned onMonday. Please sign your child’s January Behavior Chart on the

Week 2 line.

Monday, February 3rd –Our field trip to Sangamon Auditorium at UIS will be today. We

are going to see the stirring drama Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad.

This great American freed herself along with hundreds of other people from the

bonds of slavery. Her courage helped to change the world.Six Flags READ to

SUCCEED forms are due. Remember you need to have read for 360 minutes.

Wednesday, February 5th – PTO Meeting tonight at 6:30 at the Auburn Elementary

School Library.

Wednesday, March 5th – PTO Meeting tonight at 6:30 at the Auburn Elementary

School Library.

Wednesday, April 2nd – PTO Meeting tonight at 6:30 at the Auburn Elementary

School Library.

Wednesday, May 7th – PTO Meeting tonight at 6:30 at the Auburn Elementary

School Library.

Friday, May 9th –All of the children’s A.R. points are due today in order for them to

attend the A.R. award.