Next Week’s Worship –14thFebruary 2016

FirstSunday of Lent

8.00am: Holy Communion

9.30am:Parish Eucharist with Revd Maslen

Readings: Deuteronomy 26.1-11; Romans 10.8b-13; Luke 4.1-13

This week’s Diary commencing 8thFebruary 2016

Tuesday: / 2.30pm / Social committee meeting
Ash Wednesday: / 9.30am
7.00pm / Holy Communion at Tetbury Church
Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes in Tetbury Church
Thursday: / 7.00pm
8.00pm / Stewardship committee meet at the Vicarage
Taize at Christ Church

Parish Priest’s Day off: Monday

Prayer List (Please pray daily for the sick and departed)

Monday: Brian, Leath, Annabel

Tuesday: Sarah, Steeley, Joe, Dennis

Wednesday:Charlotte-Ann, Charles, Anne

Thursday: Peter, Phyl, Justin, Lucy

Friday:Win, Jim, Val

Departed: Those we remember with love

Praying for the TownCharlton Road

Praying for St Mary’s SchoolYear1/2 Class Holly with Claire Peacock/Hannah Watts and Susie Smith

Years Mind: Michael Parry(30/01)

(“Year’s Mind” is to mark the first anniversary of a death – often a difficult time for family and friends)

Parish Administrator: Diana Sharp, All items for inclusion in the Sunday news-sheets should be sent by Thursday 8.30am at the latest. Tel: 01666 500088; e-mail:


Sunday next before Lent 7th February 2016

Welcome to all visitors and those new to the Church. Please make yourselves known to us.We particularly welcome the family and friends of Alice Jean Taylorwho is to be baptised this morning. Coffee will be served at the front after the 9.30am service. Join us if you can.

There is a loop system for the hard of hearing, and large print copies of the service and the hymn book are available from the sidesmen.

All are invited to come to the altar at the time of Communion. Members of other churches who would receive at their own church are welcome to do so here. If receiving communion is not appropriate, please come up to receive a blessing (it helps us if you bring a service book to indicate if you would prefer to receive a blessing). If you would like Communion brought to you please tell one of the sidesmen.

Worship Today

8.00am: Holy Communion

9.30am:Family Service with Holy Communion with Baptism with Revd Poppy Hughes


Almighty Father, whose Son was revealed in majesty before he suffered death upon the cross: give us grace to perceive his glory, that we may be strengthened to suffer with him and be changed into his likeness, from glory to glory; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

Parish Priest: Revd Poppy Hughes, The Vicarage, 6 The Green, Tetbury,GL8 8DN. Tel: 01666 502333 Day off: Monday


Curate: RevdKim Hartshorne email:


Lent. Our Lent observance begins with our Ash Wednesday service at 7pm on Wednesday 10th February.

The next Taize service will be held next Thursday, 11th February at 8pm at Christ Church.

Lent House Groups start the week of Monday 15th February and they are based on a book by Dominican Friar Timothy Radcliffe. You don’t have to buy the book to do the course, but if you would like to explore things further there are new and second hand copies available on line and copies in St Marys’ bookshop. Pick up a leaflet today.

TACT Soup lunches start on Friday 12th February at St Michael’s Church hall. There will be a list at the back of church for volunteers to sign up to provide soup and bread etc. For more information please contact Princess.

Save the Children Quiz night is here again on Saturday, 13thFeb at 7pm at the Dolphins Hall. Tickets £10 inc. fish and chips (BYO drinks.) available from Maureen Clarke-. Last year we sold out & some people were disappointed, so make sure you get yours early.

This month we welcome The Revd Chris Blockley on tothe Clergy and Reader team across our family of six churches. Christrained as an actor, barrister, priest and counsellor; was a Curate in Bristol and then a state school chaplain for eight years before spreading his wings to focus on creative writing and other projects - including spending some time with us over the coming months. He is looking forward to his time with us - however long or short that may be. He will be taking services initially in Avening and Cherington but we hope everyone will have a chance to meet him while he is with us. Please do make him welcome when you see him.

Diary date – welcome to all men of the Parish and friends. There will be a Mens’ breakfast, at the Ormond, Long Street Tetbury on Saturday5th March at 9am. There will be a cooked breakfast and coffee in their function room. Revd Peter Hyson, Company Director, Teacher and priest who has several books to his credit will give us a short talk called “Careful or you will end up in my novel. He will explore the perils and perks of being a writer. The cost of the event will be £10. Tickets obtainable from Jim Toogood at Church after the service.

The Second Sunday cash collection next week will be in aid of St Mary’s Monday Club.

On 24 April our own Eileen Hodgson, who holds the record for the fastest woman runner around Woodchester Park, is running, again forChristian Aid, in the LONDON MARATHON. Please Sponsor her, however small your donation. The easiest way of doing this is by going onto the internet by typing in follow the directions, make a donation – sponsor a friend – enter friend’s name ( Eileen Hodgson) - donate now...... This is a safe way of giving and you can see how near Eileen is to reaching her target. If you can gift aid your donation 25% more will be added by the government so it’s well worth doing! If you haven’t got a computer or don’t like giving in this way, either Eileen or myself will happily receive your donation and get it to the right place.

On Saturday 21 May – the beginning of Christian Aid Week – Rev. Stuart Radford, the outgoing Minister of Christ Christ Church, and Rev. Noel Sharp, the incoming minister – will be walking from Nailsworth to Tetbury to raise money for Christian Aid and would like others to walk with them. There will be coffee at Christ Church Nailsworth from 10 –12, the walk from 12 - 3 and tea at Christ Church Tetbury from 3 – 5. We will need people to walk with them, drivers and sponsors. I hope you can do one of those three things BUT if you can’t, come and buy a cup of tea or coffee and a bun to support them in that way.

Volunteers are needed to provide transport to church for the 9.30am service on an occasional basis. The lady lives in the new flats in Lewsey Court. Please speak to the Church wardens.

We need an Electoral Roll Officer. This is an important but not an onerous job. If you are interested, please see Poppy or Diana Challis for details.

The Traidcraft stall will be open after the 9,30am service this morning

Parish Office: The Parish Office will be open 9.00am – 1pm Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.


Treasurer: All financial enquiries e-mail:

Sunday 7th February 2016

Sunday next before Lent

Old Testament Reading Exodus 34.29-35

Moses came down from Mount Sinai. As he came down from the mountain with the two tablets of the covenant in his hand, Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because he had been talking with God. When Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, the skin of his face was shining, and they were afraid to come near him. But Moses called to them; and Aaron and all the leaders of the congregation returned to him, and Moses spoke with them. Afterwards all the Israelites came near, and he gave them in commandment all that the LORD had spoken with him on Mount Sinai. When Moses had finished speaking with them, he put a veil on his face; but whenever Moses went in before the LORD to speak with him, he would take the veil off, until he came out; and when he came out, and told the Israelites what he had been commanded, the Israelites would see the face of Moses, that the skin of his face was shining; and Moses would put the veil on his face again, until he went in to speak with him.

NewTestamentReading 2 Corinthians 3.12-4.2

Since we have such a hope, we act with great boldness, not like Moses, who put a veil over his face to keep the people of Israel from gazing at the end of the glory that was being set aside. But their minds were hardened. Indeed, to this very day, when they hear the reading of the old covenant, that same veil is still there, since only in Christ is it set aside. Indeed, to this very day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their minds; but when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit.

Therefore, since it is by God’s mercy that we are engaged in this ministry, we do not lose heart. We have renounced the shameful things that one hides; we refuse to practise cunning or to falsify God’s word; but by the open statement of the truth we commend ourselves to the conscience of everyone in the sight of God.

Gospel Luke 9.28-36

Jesus took with him Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray. And while he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white. Suddenly they saw two men, Moses and Elijah, talking to him. They appeared in glory and were speaking of his departure, which he was about to accomplish at Jerusalem. Now Peter and his companions were weighed down with sleep; but since they had stayed awake, they saw his glory and the two men who stood with him. Just as they were leaving him, Peter said to Jesus, ‘Master, it is good for us to be here; let us make three dwellings, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.’ Peter did not know what he said. While he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were terrified as they entered the cloud. Then from the cloud came a voice that said, ‘This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!’ When the voice had spoken, Jesus was found alone. And the disciples kept silent and in those days told no one any of the things they had seen.