Site Based Meeting

August 31, 2015

Members Present: Kristy Thomas, Keitha Rodden, Elaine Shobert, Meredith Morales, Rachel Smith, Maria Truitt, Michelle Truesdell, Alicia Moss, Whitney Roach, Ashley McLaughlin, Denise Speer, Karen Rosenthal, Mona Diggs, Cyndi

Newton, Jose Seguera, Christina Cooper, Margo Sellers

Ms. Thomas

Election of chairperson: Maria Truitt

New Business:

Fundraisers – possible fundraisers: Wrapping paper, cookie dough, etc. in the fall, and Candy in the spring. We don’t make a lot of money in the fall, but do in the spring with the candy sale. Goal would be to make $10,000 to cover all of our needs. Suggestion made to do a fun run, but question was raised about how it would be organized. There is another suggestion to only do one fundraiser and do it well. The team decides to do only one fundraiser for the year and it be the candy sale.

2 Letters:

1-From Christina Cooper about uniform violations (see attached copy of letter)-A question was raised about who would collect the information and document violations, then how would consequences be communicated to the classroom teacher? There is a concern about punishing younger children when it’s out of their hands. There is a suggestion to keep a uniform notebook in the cafeteria and one at car rider line to document students who are out of uniform, then the office would have record and send notification to the teacher. Grade level teams will discuss this and will come back to it for a decision at the next meeting.

2-Tardy policy (see attached letter)-School has adopted this policy, staff unanimously approved this letter and policy for students. (New bell will be added and we will be notified of changes.)

Teacher attire/dress: Parent has expressed concern about short dresses and inappropriate staff clothing. The school does have staff dress code that all should follow. Staff should be mindful of covering themselves adequately.

Cell phones-should NOT be out during the day. All phones should be put up and not used during the day. If there is an emergency, staff will be notified by the office.

Test scores-Ms. Thomas is going to get scores tomorrow. Adjustments have been made to try and improve the scores. Fourth grade took a big hit in scores that had a big impact on the school. Administration is reflecting to make the year the best possible. Scores will be publicized Wednesday.

Staff concerns:

-Parents not allowed in cafeteria, particularly the first six weeks. Parent was turned away for child’s birthday because they didn’t know the policy. Suggestion –parent can come in case of child’s birthday, but the school needs to notified ahead of time. Parents must ask the teacher 24 hours in advance if they could bring school approved treats during specified time. This policy will be in place all year.School concern is getting routines and procedures established during the first 6 weeks without having disruptions to the students. If a parent comes without approval, the office will handle.

-Dismissal-second grade is having to wait a very long time to get out of the building at dismissal. Suggestion-kindergarten and first go through the courtyard, but then there’s a concern about locked doors.

-Staff participation in contributing to school webpage- Mona would like for each grade level to sign up for a month to submit an article for the school website. She would like suggestions for how to improve the webpage and have staff participate in producing the webpage. Ms. Thomas has a concern about high stress months (October, January, May/June) and have support staff pick up those months. Fifth grade would like September, Literacy will take October, Second would like November

-Related arts has question about submitting K-2 grades. The teachers would like to have the grades one week before report cards are due. Related arts needs to have grades ready the afternoon of the last day of the grading period.

-All report cards done in black ink

-Holiday program will be held at Rock Rest on December 10. Ms. Bridges is working on the program. Third grade might perform at Curriculum night in October.

-Optional workday in September in middle of the week (Jewish holiday). New teachers do not get optional days off.

-Buck store-suggestion to do ice pops in lieu of first buck store because kids are getting bored with buck store being the same every time. Suggestion is to do something different in the middle of the year (cookies and chocolate milk, ice cream sundaes, cookie decorating, etc.). Go back and get feedback from teams and let Margo know.

For next meeting:

Uniform violations policy

Dismissal grade level procedures

Meeting adjourned at 4:08