Newton Flotman Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19th January 2016
Present David Gibbs (Chairman) Julie King (Clerk)
Bob McKelvey
Christopher Remer
Bob Kelf
Jean Wilson
Nigel Morgan
Members of the public: Colin Foulger – County Councillor.
1. Apologies for Absence
It was agreed to accept apologies from Evelyn Domeyer.
2. Minutes of the Meeting held on 24th November 2015
These were agreed as a true record of proceedings with no amendments.
3. Declaration of Interest for Items on the Agenda and Dispensations
Jean Wilson and Christopher Remer declared an interest in any items relating to the Village Centre, as they are trustees of the Management Committee. Christopher Remer declared an interest in item 8e – Church building repairs, Community Hub and automated shop – as he was working with Chris Gaze on the automated shop project. Jean Wilson declared an interest in any items relating to the Church as she is a member of the PCC. Christopher Remer and Jean Wilson declared an interest in item 9e as they are working closely with the football club.
4. Public Participation
Colin Foulger said that, as was usually the case in late December and early January, it had been a quiet time at the County Council and therefore he did not have anything to report.
In response to a question, Colin spoke of the Precepts, and the increases that these represented, that he had seen his other Parish Councils set.
A discussion took place regarding the potential capping of Parish Council precepts, the Secretary of State had not exercised the power to do so for 2016/17 but it was recognised that the power was there.
Phil Hardy, District Councillor, had advised in an e-mail, that he had a ‘Member’s Fund’ which could be used to assist community-based projects and activities and asked that anyone that was interested make contact with him.
5. Correspondence
South Norfolk Council was launching its ‘Big Litter Pick 2016’. Community groups were being encouraged to organise litter picks and in return South Norfolk Council would supply equipment and donate £20 to the community group, in addition there would be 20 prizes of £200 to be won. It was suggested that the Clerk make contact with a Parishioner who had in the past organised litter picks.
6. Councillor Updates
Christopher Remer said that he was still helping the Football Club as part of the Village Centre sub-committee and assisting them with publicity. Their main concern was the condition of the pitch and the fact that it did not appear to be draining as well as it should be. Christopher, Jean Wilson and the Clerk would be meeting to review the Sport England grant paperwork to see what could be done. The Football Club were reluctant to undertake advertising until the pitch was playable on a regular basis.
Christopher Remer also said that he continued to administer the Community Facebook site, on average each posting was getting 350 views with the record to date for a posting of 7,600.
7. Matters Arising
Jean Wilson said that the Village Centre were looking to improve and extend the play equipment. She had registered with the EDP Community Chest Tokens and asked that any tokens be left in the church porch, at the school or with her.
8. Regular Items
a. SAM 2 Device
Nigel Morgan reported that the device had been used in three locations since the last meeting. Two on St Mary’s Close, recording traffic travelling up and down the hill, and the current location outside Hazelwood on Flordon Road. Speeds recorded on St Mary’s Close were: average 20mph, maximum 50mph for traffic travelling up the hill and average 25mph, maximum 55mph for traffic travelling down the hill. It was agreed to concentrate on Flordon Road for the foreseeable future.
It was agreed that the data collated to date should be provided to the Police, Nigel Morgan to produce a report that the Clerk could forward on.
b. Community Speedwatch
Eve Domeyer had received a call from Janet Overton, the coordinator for the Speedwatch teams, asking that if the equipment wasn’t being used it be returned. It was agreed that a session would be organised soon.
c. Other Highway Issues
i Resurfacing of Flordon Road
The patching on Flordon Road was still awaited although it was noted that one pot hole had been filled. Clerk to chase.
ii Flooding Under Railway Bridge
It was noted that the landowner’s details had been passed to Highways but it did not appear that the ditches had been cleared. Clerk to chase with Highways.
d. Village Centre and Alan King Playing Field – Inc. Sport England Grant
The Clerk had chased Sport England to enable the closure of the scheme and they had confirmed that they were looking into it. In the meantime it had become apparent that the pitch was not draining as well as it should be and, as was noted under item 6, Jean Wilson, Christopher Remer and the Clerk would be meeting to review the paperwork to establish what could be done.
e. Church building repairs, Community Hub and automated shop
Christopher Remer said that he had met the previous week with the PCC and presented them with a pre-business plan including suggestion as to who could operate the automated shop and potential sales figures. The PCC appeared to be in agreement and were meeting that night to look at the proposal.
f. Registrants and Views for the Parish Council Website
Statistics had been circulated, it was noted that the four week average had fallen from 59 to 42.
It was also noted that the e-mail notifications had not been working for the past month, the website providers were working on the problem.
9. Matters Arising
a. Long Stratton Area Action Plan including Long Stratton Bypass
It was noted that the planning application was still awaited.
i Proposed Main Modifications and Sustainability Appraisal Consultation
It was noted that the changes proposed were largely text changes. Councillors were disappointed that the impact of traffic on surrounding villages still wasn’t being taken into account.
It was agreed to respond to the consultation expressing Councillors disappointment that there was no reference to the ongoing problem and likely impact of traffic on surrounding villages.
A discussion took place regarding securing support from neighbouring parishes. It was agreed to draft a letter that could be circulated to surrounding parishes asking for their support and proposing a joint letter that could be sent to Highways, South Norfolk Council, the Department for Transport, the Department for Communities and Richard Bacon MP.
b. Community Emergency Plan
It was noted that Neil Tracey had volunteered to be the Community Emergency Coordinator. David Gibbs, the Clerk and Neil had met with the Emergency Planning Officers at South Norfolk Council, who had explained the role and passed on examples of suggested plans. Neil would be working on collating the information from the returned questionnaires into a plan.
c. Ditch Clearance between the allotments and the Village Centre
It was noted that the work had been undertaken, including erecting a 10m stretch of fencing backing onto Blundeville Manor. Councillors were very happy with the work undertaken and felt that it should last a long time.
d. Loaning of the SAM 2 device to Swainsthorpe Parish Council
The Clerk had confirmed with the Council’s insurers that the SAM 2 device would be covered whilst in use in Swainsthorpe and Councillors would be insured whilst installing it, however they had advised that it might be wise for Swainsthorpe to cover it under their insurance whilst being used in their Parish, as if there was a claim it would not create a claim against Newton Flotman’s insurance.
Consideration was given to how much to charge, it was agreed that the charge would be £15 per week and it would be offered for two week periods. Should Swainsthorpe Parish Council wish to take up the offer, a Rental Agreement would need to be drawn up including details of invoicing and insurance. It was understood that Swainsthorpe Parish council were looking at purchasing bracket/s and/or posts under the Parish Partnership Scheme but it was noted that there was currently a spare bracket if required.
It was noted that Swainsthorpe would need to get agreement from Highways as to the locations that should be used.
e. Newton Flotman Football Club – Signs on Kings Green
The Football Club was yet to use temporary signs to advertise their matches, the arrangement would be reviewed at a future meeting.
f. Grounds Maintenance Contract
Following the last meeting, David Gibbs, Christopher Remer and the Clerk had met with Norse to confirm the requirements. Based on this, the Clerk had approached three alternative contractors for quotes and one comparable quote had been received.
It was noted that the Council had a good relationship with Norse and, since it was the cheaper of the two quotes, it was agreed to enter into another contract with Norse, including a long term agreement if a discount was available to do so.
There were two items outstanding from the meeting: a report on action that could be taken to improve the football pitch and a ‘scarify and spike’ still to be completed for autumn 2015 (and possibly autumn 2014), the Clerk would chase these.
g. Clerk’s Pension
David Gibbs, Jean Wilson and Bob McKelvey had not reviewed the documents presented at the previous meeting. It was noted that whilst the Council were obliged to offer the Clerk a pension they were not obliged to pay into it due to the level of the Clerk’s earnings.
It was agreed that David Gibbs, Jean Wilson and Bob McKelvey would review the situation and, in the meantime, provision should be made in the 2016/17 budget.
10. New Items
a. Notice Boards
Councillors discussed the provision of noticeboards in the Parish. It was noted that the one beside the bus shelter had been left there for general parish notices when the new Parish Council noticeboard was installed outside Limebank. Some felt that this noticeboard was difficult to get to, it was generally agreed that it would not be cost effective to move it.
It was noted that, following the closure of the shop, there was no longer a noticeboard at the top of the village and it was suggested that one could be installed on the grass verge, next to the bench, outside the school.
It was noted that the Village Centre were also looking at replacing/repairing the noticeboard at the Grove Way entrance to the Centre and installing a new board at the Alan Avenue entrance.
It was agreed to work with the Village Centre and seek quotes for four new noticeboards: wall mounted, inside the bus shelter at the bottom of St Mary’s Close; outside the school; at the Grove Way and Alan Avenue entrances to the Village Centre and removal of the old board at the bottom of St Mary’s Close.
It was agreed to investigate applying for an Awards for All grant to cover the cost of the project.
It was agreed to seek permission from Highways for the installation of a new noticeboard outside the school, it was noted that permission would also be needed from the school and the views of nearby residents would need to be sought.
b. Procurement of Audit Services
It was noted that from 2017, smaller authorities would appoint auditors though a ‘sector led body’ or opt out of such arrangements and appoint auditors locally. It was agreed not to opt out of the ‘sector led body’ procurement.
c. Additional Fencing for the Allotment Site
Following the clearing of the ditch between the allotments and the Village Centre, approximately 35m remained unfenced. It was agreed to obtain quotes to fence this section for consideration at the next meeting.
11. Periodic Items
a. Clerk’s Appraisal
In line with the Clerk’s Contract, it was agreed to appoint Jean Wilson and David Gibbs to conduct the Clerk’s appraisal, this would be reported back at the March meeting.
b. Meeting Dates
Consideration was given to the meeting dates for 2016.
Christopher Remer proposed that the Council meet monthly, this was defeated, four votes to three with the Chairman using his casting vote.
The following dates were agreed:
Tuesday 22nd March
Tuesday 17th May (Annual Parish Meeting)
Tuesday 31st May
Tuesday 19th July
Tuesday 27th September
Tuesday 29th November.
12. Finance
a. Receipts and Payments since the last meeting
The following receipts since the last meeting were noted:
Norfolk ALC Transparency Fund £120.00
The following payments since the last meeting were noted:
Anglian Water Allotment Water £42.00
DT Dye Clearing of Allotment Ditch £822.00
b. Requests for Donations
c. Invoices for Payment
The following were approved and paid:
J King Salary & Expenses for Dec & Jan £371.62
South Norfolk Council Ditch Clearance £199.20
Information Commissioner Data Protection Renewal £51.50
The Society of Local Council Clerks Subscription £35.00
S Moore Bus Shelter Cleaning £45.00
13. Budgeting and Precept 2016/17
a. Budget and Precept
It was noted that South Norfolk Council would be forwarding on the Council Tax Support Grant, which for Newton Flotman for 2016/17 amounted to £611, and the tax base for 2016/17 would be 448.
An updated budget had been circulated and a net budget of £9,259.86 was agreed. It was noted that this did not take account of items currently under discussion such as the Clerk’s pension.
Consideration was given to the level of reserves, it was agreed that they were not high enough to allow for unexpected expenditure such as a by-election, the occupation of Council land by Travellers or to cover the cost of VAT incurred prior to reimbursement. It was therefore agreed unanimously to add £2,000 to reserves which resulted in a net, agreed budget of £11,259.86 a Band D cost of £23.77 and an overall increase in Precept of 15.3%.
14. Planning
a. Review of Planning Meeting Decisions
Those applications, along with the recommendations made at planning meeting/s were noted:
2015/2605 – Rush Meadow, Flordon Road – demolish brick thick single storey extension and rebuild. Small front door roof porch – approval recommended, comment made that the wall should be in keeping with the rest of the property and to be of a white finish rather than red facing brick.