MDA 5.1859 Drought, Water brought from Loddon.
MDA 20. 4.1860 Site fixed.
MDA 27. 4.1860
MDA 5. 9.1860
MDA 24. 9.1860 Not started.
IA 23. 4.1861 On need for water and prices of water.
IA 30. 4.1861
IA 3. 5.1861
IA 21. 6.1861
MDA 14.10.1861 Contracts let.
IA 18.10.1861 Contracts let.
MDA 28. 2.1862 Contractor pushing forward.
IA 28. 3.1862 Company's Dam only water in town.
IA 1. 4.1862 Reservoir being excavated. Cost of water etc..
DBCE 20.12.1862 Jane Mewit walks into Company's Dam.
DTSE 10. 9.1863 Fencing of Reservoir required.
DTSE 23.10.1863 Fenced in.
TC 7.10.1865 Complaints about broken Government promises to lay water
onto Town.
TC 21.10.1865 B G Davies petitions for a better supply.
TC 21. 4.1866 Editor suggests removal of soil from reservoir to improve holding capacity.
TC 28. 4.1866 More complaints about lack of steps to improve water supply.
TC 5. 5.1866 Delegates confer at Maryborough - Mt Greenock scheme
TC 4. 8.1866 Talk of Borough taking over reservoir.
Water 1/6 for 200 gallons.
TC 26. 1.1867 Shortage of water. W. Peckham carting 9d per cask, 2/-
per 200 gallons. G Fyfe also delivering.
TC 2. 2.1867 4 boys taken to Court for throwing stones in Reservoir.
Good fun account of proceedings.
TC 19.10.1867 Reservoir filled to overflowing.
TC 10. 9.1870 Fish introduced by Henry Clouston and Frank Fearn thriving.
TC 22.10.1870 Clark the Reservoir Keeper. Very good letter to the Editor from ex- Keeper H A McMillan about his
improvements to the reservoir bank etc.
TC 5.11.1870 Wire gauze to be placed over outlet to prevent fish being washed away.
TC 3.12.1870 M Duggan completes contract to clear and grubb reserve. Accepts contract to erect fencing.
Council moves to clear reserve of stones and rubbish, form a serpentine walk and erect a few seats.
Borough estimates allow L50 for improvements to Reservoir Reserve.
TC 31.12.1870 Editorial, "..a very pleasant and enjoyable spot..scrub cleared away leaving just sufficient for shelter.
comfortable seats have been fixed...A broad level winding path is to traverse the grounds, rustic bridges
TC 14. 1.1871 Duggan's contract for fencing completed. Reserve cleared, seats erected and bridge thrown across the
TC 16.12.1871 Borough Council to allow fishing after 23.12.1871.
TC 23.12.1871 Mayor Burstall first broaches concept of public baths at Reservoir Reserve.
TC 30.12.1871 Fishing commences, T L Williams lands 126 blackfish before breakfast.
TC 30.12.1871 A grand picnic, under the auspices of the mayor, will be held on New Years Day.
TC 2. 3.1872 Editorial about need to lay on water to main street.
TC 11. 5.1872 Dr Mueller offers to forward trees.
Council consider fencing 10 acres of the Reserve.
Council discuss laying on water to town.
TC 21.12.1872 A Grand Fete to take place on New Year's Day. An excellent ad.
Council agrees to erect refreshment booth 40' x 15' x 7'.
TC 28.12.1872 Editorial on expectations for New Year's Day Fete.
TC 25. 1.1873 For sale, the reservoir cottage and garden.
TC 22. 2.1873 Editorial about possibility of increasing holding capacity by raising level of bank 3' to 3'6". Problems
of water supply by pipes to the town also raised.
TC 1. 3.1873 Council applies for grant for public park and garden.
TC 1. 3.1873 H A McMillan asks Council not to object to sale of house and garden. Town Clerk to obtain lowest price.
TC 22.11.1873 Borough accounts indicate L20-10-6 spent on Reserve this year.
TC 29.11.1873 Pigeon Match to take place on the cricket ground near the reservoir.
TC 6.12.1873 Pigeon match T L Williams v. Mr Barwick, Williams wins.
TC 4. 4.1874 Part of the fence washed away in big rains.
TC 26. 9.1874 Fishing Licences available, 5/-. Also a handsome and safe pleasure boat for hire.
TC 2. 1.1875 New Year's day fete in aid of the cemetery.
Not enough room to have races on the bank.
TC 9. 1.1875 Editorial call for water to be laid on to the town.
TC 13. 2.1875 Petition to Borough Council to lay water on.
TC 20. 2.1875 Editorial on same subject.
TC 27. 2.1875 Petition put to Govt. Water Dept.
TC 23.12.1876 Annual Fete for 1877 in aid of fencing for Reserve.
TC 26. 1.1878 Drought, reservoir holding up, Company's dam has some water also. 3d per bucket at Goldsborough.
TC 8. 6.1878 Complaints about Council spending about L300-L400 in such a hurry at the Reserve.
TC 15. 6.1878 Council have a considerable amount of money to spend on the Reserve.
TC 15. 6.1878 Letter to Editor justifying Council Expenditure at the reserve.
TC 29. 6.1878 L30 available from Govt. for a standpipe.
Borough Council appoints Committee to lay out the Reserve.
TC 6. 7.1878 Borough Council calls for tenders to:
* Plough portion of the Reservoir Reserve.
* Cut and form 20 chains of pathways.
* Cut and form 30 chains of roadways.
TC 13. 7.1878 7 tenderers for this work, Andrew Keogh's accepted.
TC 27. 7.1878 The park now presents a rather busy scene. This is a very good report. Teams of bullocks and horses preparing
the ground which is laid out in the form of an octogon
16' wide, with trees on either side, etc, etc, croquet lawn, etc.
TC 5.10.1878 All works now completed at a cost of L46-7/-.
TC 16.11.1878 Borough Council decide to (a) purchase another boat and (b) erect the "Fighting Gladiator" statue.
TC 23.11.1878 Borough Accounts for year. Spent on Reserve:
* Back Fence L146-15/-
* Front fence 98- 9/-
* Clearing ground 40- 0/-
* Excavating pond 81-13-4
* Erecting W.C.'s 5
* Ploughing, seeding, etc. 78-19/-
* Day Labour 103-11-6
TC 7.12.1878 Borough Council calls for tenders to extend the booth, 45' in length, 15' wide, also taking down front booth.
TC 7.12.1878 "Fighting Gladiator" will be clad in Highland Costume for the 1879 Fete!!
Also the fountain at the Reserve will be in full play.
TC 14.12.1878 "Fighting Gladiator" erected on pedestal (seems it was in two parts - DG).
John Pickup erects fountain for L6.
W McGregor to extend booth for L8-17/-.
TC 14. 6.1879 J T Scorer plants trees at Reserve.
TC 9. 8.1879 Watercourses leading into the reservoir to be cleaned out.
TC 7. 2.1880 Minister of Mines allocates L100 to clean out and deepen the Reservoir provided the Borough Council spends a similar
TC 14. 2.1880 Borough calls for tenders to deepen and clean reservoir.
TC 21. 2.1880 Water carrier Charles Taylor asks Council not to charge
for water whilst deepening is going on. Agreed to.
TC 27. 3.1880 Tender accepted by Borough to spread soil excavated from Reservoir.
TC 17. 4.1880 Keogh's contract at the Reservoir nearly completed.
TC 15. 5.1880 Details of excavations.
TC 19. 6.1880 The boats to be let out to tender.
TC 28. 8.1880 An open air service in aid of the Benevolent Society.
First outing by the brass band.
TC 4. 9.1880 Sec. Tarnagulla Croquet Club requests Council to put the lawn at the Reserve in order.
TC 18.12.1880 "Fighting Gladiator" bedaubed. Reward offered for offender/s.
TC 5. 2.1881 Water Supply Dept. calls for plans re loan of L500 requested to lay water on.
TC 25. 6.1881 George Tingley seeks and is given permission to mine in the Reserve.
TC 1.10.1881 There is a good chance of funds becoming available for laying on the water to the town.
TC 10.12.1881 Borough Council calls tenders to clean up the footpaths, booths, etc for the 1882 Fete.
TC 21. 1.1882 Tenders accepted for supply of iron pipes etc. to lay water on. Tenders called to lay pipes to Commercial Rd.
TC 4. 2.1882 D Duggan, Contractor, asks persons wishing to have water laid on to tell him.
TC 25. 2.1882 D J Duggan given Council approval to lay on water from the main to private residences.
Also, John Danks and Co have forwarded the whole of the goods ordered, except the lead.
TC 4. 3.1882 Duggan finds a nice nugget near the Victoria Hotel.
TC 11. 3.1882 Water is at last laid on to the town.
Criticism of Borough Council not making use of dams within its control. Chinese have been absolutely
defiling dams for years by puddling in them, etc. There is a dam at the south end of Commercial Road that is
very convenient for travellers, etc.
TC 18. 3.1882 Standpipe in Poverty Street referred to.