From Thu Feb 22 20:54:01 1996
Newsgroups: alt.2600.moderated
From: (Graham Bullers)
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 1996 04:54:01 GMT
H A C K E R ' S
Copyright (c) Hugo Cornwall
All rights reserved
First published in Great Britain in 1985 by Century Communications Ltd. Portland House, 12-13 Greek Street, London W1V 5LE.
Reprinted 1985 (four times)
ISBN 0 7126 0650 5
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Billing & Sons Limited, Worcester.
Introduction vii
1 First Principles
2 Computer-to-computer communications-7
3 Hackers' Equipment-15
4 Targets: What you can find on mainframes30
5 Hackers' Intelligence-42
6 Hackers' Techniques57
7 Networks69
8 Viewdata systems86
9 Radio computer data-99
10 Hacking: the future108
I troubleshooting112
II Glossary117
III CCITT and related standards130
IV Standard computer alphabets132
V Modems-141
VI Radio Spectrum-144
VII Port-finder flow chart-148
The word 'hacker' is used in two different, but associated ways: for some, a hacker is merely a computer enthusiast of any kind, who loves working with the beasties for their own sake, as opposed to operating them in order to enrich a company or research project--or to play games.
This book uses the word in a more restricted sense: hacking is a recreational and educational sport. It consists of attempting to make an unauthorized entry into computers and to explore what is there. The sport's aims and purposes have been widely misunderstood; most hackers are not interested in perpetrating massive frauds, modifying their personal banking, taxation and employee records, or inducing one world super-power into inadvertently commencing Armageddon in the mistaken belief that another super-power is about to attack it. Every hacker I have ever come across has been quite clear about where the fun lies: it is in developing an understanding of a system and finally producing the skills and tools to defeat it. In the vast majority of cases, the process of 'getting in' is much more satisfying than what is discovered in the protected computer files.
In this respect, the hacker is the direct descendant of the phone phreaks of fifteen years ago. Phone phreaking became as interesting as inter-nation and international subscriber. Trunk dialing was introduced, but when the London-based phreak finally chained his way through to Hawaii, he usually had no one there to speak to except the local weather service or American Express office, to confirm that the desired target had indeed been hit. One of the earliest of the present generation of hackers, Susan Headley, only 17 when she began her exploits in California in 1977, chose as her target the local phone company and, with the information extracted from her hacks, ran all over the telephone network. She 'retired' four years later, when friends started developing schemes to shut down part of the phone system.
There is also a strong affinity with program copy-protection crunchers. Most commercial software for micros is sold in a form to prevent obvious casual copying, say by loading a cassette, cartridge or disk into memory and then executing a 'save' on to a blank cassette or disk. Copy-protection devices vary greatly in their methodology and sophistication and there are those who, without any commercial motive, enjoy nothing so much as defeating them. Every computer buff has met at least one cruncher with a vast store of commercial programs, all of which have somehow had the protection removed--and perhaps the main title subtly altered to show the cruncher's technical skills--but which are then never actually used at all.
Perhaps I should tell you what you can reasonably expect from this handbook. Hacking is an activity like few others: it is semi-legal, seldom encouraged, and in its full extent so vast that no individual or group, short of an organization like GCHQ or NSA, could hope to grasp a fraction of the possibilities. So this is not one of those books with titles like Games Programming with the 6502 where, if the book is any good and if you are any good, you will emerge with some mastery of the subject-matter. The aim of this book is merely to give you some grasp of methodology, help you develop the appropriate attitudes and skills, provide essential background and some referencing material--and point you in the right directions for more knowledge. Up to a point, each chapter may be read by itself; I have compiled extensive appendices, containing material which will be of use long after the main body of the text has been absorbed.
It is one of the characteristics of hacking anecdotes, like those relating to espionage exploits, that almost no one closely involved has much stake in the truth; victims want to describe damage as minimal, and perpetrators like to paint themselves as heroes while carefully disguising sources and methods. In addition, journalists who cover such stories are not always sufficiently competent to write accurately, or even to know when they are being hoodwink- ed. (A note for journalists: any hacker who offers to break into a system on demand is conning you--the most you can expect is a repeat performance for your benefit of what a hacker has previously succeeded in doing. Getting to the 'front page' of a service or network need not imply that everything within that service can be accessed. Being able to retrieve confidential information, perhaps credit ratings, does not mean that the hacker would also be able to alter that data. Remember the first rule of good reporting: be skeptical.) So far as possible, I have tried to verify each story that appears in these pages, but hackers work in isolated groups and my sources on some of the important hacks of recent years are more remote than I would have liked. In these cases, my accounts are of events and methods which, in all the circumstances, I believe are true. I welcome notes of correction.
Experienced hackers may identify one or two curious gaps in the range of coverage, or less than full explanations; you can chose any combination of the following explanations without causing me any worry: first, I may be ignorant and incompetent; second, much of the fun of hacking is making your own discoveries and I wouldn't want to spoil that; third, maybe there are a few areas which are really best left alone.
Nearly all of the material is applicable to readers in all countries; however, the author is British and so are most of his experiences.
The pleasures of hacking are possible at almost any level of computer competence beyond rank beginner and with quite minimal equipment. It is quite difficult to describe the joy of using the world's cheapest micro, some clever firmware, a home-brew acoustic coupler and find that, courtesy of a friendly remote PDP11/70, you can be playing with UNIX, the fashionable multitasking operating system.
The assumptions I have made about you as a reader are that you own a modest personal computer, a modem and some communications software which you know, roughly, how to use. (If you are not confident yet, practice logging on to a few hobbyist bulletin boards.) For more advanced hacking, better equipment helps; but, just as very tasty photographs can be taken with snap-shot cameras, the computer equivalent of a Hasselblad with a trolley- load of accessories is not essential.
Since you may at this point be suspicious that I have vast technical resources at my disposal, let me describe the kit that has been used for most of my network adventures. At the center is a battered old Apple II+, its lid off most of the time to draw away the heat from the many boards cramming the expansion slots. I use an industry standard dot matrix printer, famous equally for the variety of type founts possible, and for the paper-handling path, which regularly skews off. I have two large boxes crammed full of software, as I collect comm software in particular like a deranged philatelist, but I use one package almost exclusively. As for modems--well, at this point the set-up does become unconventional; by the phone point are jack sockets for BT 95A, BT 96A, BT 600 and a North American modular jack. I have two acoustic couplers, devices for plunging telephone handsets into so that the computer can talk down the line, at operating speeds of 300/300 and 75/1200. I also have three heavy, mushroom colored 'shoe-boxes', representing modem technology of 4 or 5 years ago and operating at various speeds and combinations of duplex/half- duplex. Whereas the acoustic coupler connects my computer to the line by audio, the modem links up at the electrical level and is more accurate and free from error. I have access to other equipment in my work and through friends, but this is what I use most of the time.
Behind me is my other important bit of kit: a filing cabinet. Hacking is not an activity confined to sitting at keyboards and watching screens. All good hackers retain formidable collections of articles, promotional material and documentation; read on, and you will see why.
Finally, to those who would argue that a hacker's handbook must be giving guidance to potential criminals, I have two things to say: First, few people object to the sports of clay-pigeon shooting or archery, although rifles, pistols and crossbows have no 'real' purpose other than to kill things--and hackers have their own code of responsibility, too. Second, real hacking is not as it is shown in the movies and on TV, a situation which the publication of this book may do something to correct. The sport of hacking itself may involve breach of aspects of the law, notably theft of electricity, theft of computer time and unlicensed usage of copyright material; every hacker must decide individually each instance as it arises.
Various people helped me on various aspects of this book; they must all remain unnamed--they know who they are and that they have my thanks.
First Principles
The first hack I ever did was executed at an exhibition stand run by BT's then rather new Prestel service. Earlier, in an adjacent conference hall, an enthusiastic speaker had demonstrated view- data's potential world-wide spread by logging on to Viditel, the infant Dutch service. He had had, as so often happens in the these circumstances, difficulty in logging on first time. He was using one of those sets that displays auto-dialed telephone numbers; that was how I found the number to call. By the time he had finished his third unsuccessful log-on attempt I (and presumably several others) had all the pass numbers. While the BT staff were busy with other visitors to their stand, I picked out for myself a relatively neglected Viewdata set. I knew that it was possible to by-pass the auto-dialer with its pre-programmed phone numbers in this particular model, simply by picking up the phone adjacent to it, dialing my preferred number, waiting for the whistle, and then hitting the keyboard button labeled 'Viewdata'. I dialed Holland, performed my little by-pass trick and watched Viditel write itself on the screen. The pass numbers were accepted first time and, courtesy, I'll spare them embarrassment...I had only lack of fluency in Dutch to restrain my explorations. Fortunately, the first BT executive to spot what I had done was amused as well.
Most hackers seem to have started in a similar way. Essentially you rely on the foolishness and inadequate sense of security of computer salesmen, operators, programmers and designers.
In the introduction to this book I described hacking as a sport; and like most sports, it is both relatively pointless and filled with rules, written or otherwise, which have to be obeyed if there is to be any meaningfulness to it. Just as rugby football is not only about forcing a ball down one end of a field, so hacking is not just about using any means to secure access to a computer.
On this basis, opening private correspondence to secure a password on a public access service like Prestel and then running around the system building up someone's bill, is not what hackers call hacking. The critical element must be the use of skill in some shape or form.
Hacking is not a new pursuit. It started in the early 1960s when the first "serious" time-share computers began to appear at university sites. Very early on, 'unofficial' areas of the memory started to appear, first as mere notice boards and scratch pads for private programming experiments, then, as locations for games. (Where, and how do you think the early Space Invaders, Lunar Landers and Adventure Games were created?) Perhaps tech-hacking—the mischievous manipulation of technology--goes back even further. One of the old favorites of US campus life was to rewire the control panels of elevators (lifts) in high-rise buildings, so that a request for the third floor resulted in the occupants being whizzed to the twenty-third.
Towards the end of the 60s, when the first experimental networks arrived on the scene (particularly when the legendary ARPAnet--Advanced Research Projects Agency network-- opened up), the computer hackers skipped out of their own local computers, along the packet-switched high grade communications lines, and into the other machines on the net. But all these hackers were privileged individuals. They were at a university or research resource, and they were able to borrow terminals to work with.
What has changed now, of course, is the wide availability of home computers and the modems to go with them, the growth of public-access networking of computers, and the enormous quantity and variety of computers that can be accessed.
Hackers vary considerably in their native computer skills; a basic knowledge of how data is held on computers and can be transferred from one to another is essential. Determination, alertness, opportunism, the ability to analyze and synthesize, the collection of relevant helpful data and luck--the pre-requisites of any intelligence officer--are all equally important. If you can write quick effective programs in either a high level language or machine code, well, it helps. A knowledge of on-line query procedures is helpful, and the ability to work in one or more popular mainframe and mini operating systems could put you in the big league.
The materials and information you need to hack are all around you--only they are seldom marked as such. Remember that a large proportion of what is passed off as 'secret intelligence' is openly available, if only you know where to look and how to appreciate what you find. At one time or another, hacking will test everything you know about computers and communications. You will discover your abilities increase in fits and starts, and you must be prepared for long periods when nothing new appears to happen.
Popular films and TV series have built up a mythology of what hackers can do and with what degree of ease. My personal delight in such Dream Factory output is in compiling a list of all the mistakes in each episode. Anyone who has ever tried to move a graphics game from one micro to an almost-similar competitor will already know that the chances of getting a home micro to display the North Atlantic Strategic Situation as it would be viewed from the President's Command Post would be slim even if appropriate telephone numbers and passwords were available. Less immediately obvious is the fact that most home micros talk to the outside world through limited but convenient asynchronous protocols, effectively denying direct access to the mainframe products of the world's undisputed leading computer manufacturer, which favors synchronous protocols. And home micro displays are memory-mapped, not vector-traced... Nevertheless, it is astonishingly easy to get remarkable results. And thanks to the protocol transformation facilities of PADs in PSS networks (of which much more later), you can get into large IBM devices....
The cheapest hacking kit I have ever used consisted of a ZX81, 16K RAM pack, a clever firmware accessory and an acoustic coupler. Total cost, just over ú100. The ZX81's touch-membrane keyboard was one liability; another was the uncertainty of the various connectors. Much of the cleverness of the firmware was devoted to overcoming the native drawbacks of the ZX81's inner configuration--the fact that it didn't readily send and receive characters in the industry-standard ASCII code, and that the output port was designed more for instant access to the Z80's main logic rather than to use industry-standard serial port protocols and to rectify the limited screen display.
Yet this kit was capable of adjusting to most bulletin boards; could get into most dial-up 300/300 asynchronous ports, re-configuring for word-length and parity if needed; could have accessed a PSS PAD and hence got into a huge range of computers not normally available to micro-owners; and, with another modem, could have got into Viewdata services. You could print out pages on the ZX 'tin-foil' printer. The disadvantages of this kit were all inconvenience, not in facilities. Chapter 3 describes the sort of kit most hackers use.
It is even possible to hack with no equipment at all. All major banks now have a network of 'hole in the wall' cash machines-- ATMs or Automatic Telling Machines, as they are officially known. Major building societies have their own network. These machines have had faults in software design, and the hackers who played around with them used no more equipment than their fingers and brains. More about this later.