News release: September 13th2012

Contact: Monica Cornforth, 07811 147192

EMBARGO: Immediate

Watch Your Eyes!

Leading eye care charity SeeAbility is encouraging people to look after their eyesduring National Eye Health Week (17th-23rd Sept.) Sight is the sense people fear losing the most and yet very few people have regular sight tests. So if you haven’t had a sight test in the last two years, book one today.

Sight tests are not only essential to detect serious eye conditions which could lead to long term sight problems, but they are also a valuable indicators of general health problems. SeeAbility, formerly the Royal School for the Blind launched Eye Watch on their website an interactive perspective on the most common eye conditions to give people the opportunity to experience cataracts, Macular Degeneration and Glaucoma and raise awareness of what vision would be like if signs and symptoms are ignored.

Helen Tozer, SeeAbility’s Communication Manager comments, “Eye Watch enables people to experience what actually happens to your sight with a preventable eye disease and is a great way of seeing why it’s important to have regular eye tests. During Eye Health Week, we are encouraging everyone to visit Eye Watch so that they see for themselves the impact of the loss of sight and to be aware of the importance of ensuring that they have regular sight tests.”

For further information visit


Notes to editors

  • SeeAbility is the operating name for The Royal School for the Blind, a national charity which has for over 200 years provided support for people who are blind or partially sighted and have additional disabilities.They currently operate a range of services in Bristol, Devon, East Sussex, Hampshire, Humberside, London, Sheffield, Somerset, Surrey and West Sussex.
  • SeeAbility offers a wide range of specialised residential, community and rehabilitation services for people with a visual impairment and additional disabilities.They aim to provide each individual with the support they need to develop essential life skills for greater independence and a fulfilling life.
  • SeeAbility's eye 2 eye Campaign is improving eye care and vision for people with a learning disability through access to information, specially adapted sight tests and low vision support.
  • Look-Up provides information and advice on eye care and vision for people with learning disabilities and eye care professionals.
  • SeeAbility is a member of UK Vision Strategy and Eye Health Alliance which promote awareness of and the importance of regular accessible sight tests.
  • SeeAbility's Head Office is based in Epsom, Surrey. For further information call 01372 755000 or visit