Newnham Parish Council & Burial Authority

Minutes of a Parish Council meeting held on Monday 29th April 2013 at 7.00 p.m. in the W.I.

Hut, Newnham on Severn - Page 53.

Present: Chairman Cllr J. Larkham, Cllrs F. Bihlmeier , Cllrs, J. Chapman, , T Firman, C. Kenny,

G. Murray & I Walker

In attendance: The Clerk and 7 members of the Public.

  1. To Receive Apologies for Absence
  • Cllr Anderson
  1. To Receive Declarations of Interest
  • T. Firman - Allotments
  • C. Kenny Planning P0434/13/FUL – Sergeants House, Beeches Road. Change of Use.
  1. Adoption of Minutes of Parish Council Meetings held on the 25th March 2013
  • The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted
  1. To Allow Public Consultation
  • Traffic speeds up the Hill from Blakeney, causing concerns at the Zebra crossing for which there are no signswarning of the crossing.
  1. To Receive the Clerk’s Report – all matters on Agenda
  2. To Consider Matters Arising from Previous Parish Council meetings and not on the Agenda.
  • May Parish Meeting – After circulation of the proposed dates for future meetings it was pointed out that the May meeting falls on a Bank Holiday. It is proposed it be moved back one week to the 20th May.
  • Life saving Ring- Installed FOC by Mr Larkham
  • Bullo Pill to A48 Road- Letter sent to the Resident as requested.
  • Asset Register – Meeting held with rep from Came & Co to review new register V the existing one. Several questions require investigation relating to Wooden Railings, Iron Gates, Fencing, & rebuild costs for Bus Shelter, all issues resolved and details fed back to Insurers, re-evaluation of the premium will now take place. Consideration of Adding the Bridge on the Green and the Culvert bridging units could be made.
  1. To Receive Reports from County and District Councillors – order of Agenda to change to accommodate time of arrival of Councillors if required.
  • District Cllr Edwards referred to her report that was read out by the Chair at the Annual Parish meeting on the 22nd April


  1. Financial Statement
  • Resolved to Approve the monthly financial statement
  • Resolved to Approve Payments
  • Resolved to Approve the Income & Expense report for 2012/13
  1. To Elect a new member to the Finance and Employment Committee
  • After discussion it was Resolved to defer the appointment of a new member to the Annual Parish Council meeting, after the election of the 2nd May
  1. MUGA project
  • The Clerk advised the meeting that Grimshaws had been requested to send to him the final specification to the MUGA along with details of their request for some payment up front. To date this information has not been received and it is not possible to commit to the order until it has. FoDDC have confirmed that an upfront payment is allowable once reviewed.

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  1. To receive an update on the HMRC feedback with regard to questions posed
  • The Clerk confirmed that he was still trying to obtain an answer. Numerous calls have been made along with promises of a return call from the specialist dealing with these subjects. He will continue to press HMRC for a response.
  1. To Consider performance of Clerk over previous year for inclusion in appraisal by the

Chair & Chair of Finance in May (To be taken in committee at end of meeting)

  • Discussions relating to the Clerks performance were held in committee and feedback prepared for his appraisal in May.
  1. To Consider and Approve Council training by GAPTC (£250 + Mileage)
  • Resolved to approve training with a request that the Clerk arrange it for June.


  1. To Consider the status of Investigations to upgrade Zebra Crossing to a Pelican Crossing (Scheme cost out looked at £40-£50K)
  • Informal discussions held with Developer regarding Highways S106 allocation, awaiting response.
  1. To Receive an update on the erection of Hand rails near Red Lion House and Mornington Terrace, and the lowering of the Pavement at Old dean Road.
  • Mornington Terrace on hold due to significant cost associated with the long length of railings identified, Highways do not currently have sufficient funding to install. Red Lion House, quotation under development. Lowering of pavement in Old Dean Road, No contact yet by Highways with the property owner.
  1. Anti Social Behaviour Station Road
  • Neighbourhood watch signs sourced and Invoice included in Monthly statement after which signs will be delivered. It was also confirmed that since the issue of the ASBO’s and the Village meeting reports of fresh problems had not been made.
  1. To Receive a report on installing lighting over the steps at Sheens meadow
  • The order has been placed and the lighting should be installed and functioning by the end of May.
  1. Open Spaces and the Embankment
  • Quotation for on-going maintenance for 2013/14 in pack for considered. The proposed Contractor confirms that for the embankment Y on Y cost reductions should be realised as the ground cover increases. The information requested regarding the activities that need to be completed in both areas has been received from the proposed Contractor and supplied to the Developer for consideration, awaiting a response. After discussion it was Resolved that the Clerk should seek a further quotation in line with S.O’s
  1. To Receive an update with respect to the issue of Sheep on the Playing Field.
  • The Clerk confirmed that although sheep were not currently in the Playing Field he had yet to contact the landowner, therefore the fence had not been repaired.
  1. To Receive an update on erecting Sat Nav warning signs, The Green to Dean Road.
  • The Clerk confirmed that he had requested Highways if advisory signs could just be erected by the Parish, awaiting a response.
  1. To Consider Temporary Fencing erected outside Victoria Hotel
  • After discussion it was Resolved that the Clerk should write to Mr Bennett expressing concerns that the fencing had been erected on Highways land and that advice given by FoDDC was that there was in fact no danger to the Public from falling masonry. The letter to be copied to both Mark Saunders at (FoDDC) and Brian Watkins (Highways).

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  1. To Consider the number of general advertising signs unofficially appearing in the Village.
  • Various signs were discussed including the Farmers market. It was Resolved to suspend Standing Orders for 5 minutes to allow Public participation. After further discussion it was Resolved that Cllrs Firman and Larkham would investigate an overall policy relating to such signage.
  1. To consider the proposed input to the FoDDC Cabinet with regard to the ADPD input

provided by the Parish Council.

  • The APDP input by the Parish Council had been considered but the recommendation to the Cabinet was for a further 35 (approx.) houses to have locations outside of the current Settlement Boundary ( North of the Village) to be built for social and economic reasons. This was challenged as not only unnecessary but the likelihood of any Jobs being brought to the Village was minimal. It was noted that the ADPD was still I the consultation stage and further representations by the Council will be possible. It was Resolved that the potential for a free housing survey by the GRCC would be considered. Cllrs Bihlmeier & Kenny to investigate.
  1. To Consider breech of allotment regulations with respect to raised borders
  • A request to an Allotment holder to remove raised borders made by the Association was referred to the Council for consideration. It was Resolved that the Clerk would check the Allotment Association rules and identify if this issue was covered. Councillors were also requested to visit the Allotments and make themselves aware of the issue ready for further discussions at the May meeting.
  1. To review response to date to the recent FOI disclosure request and consider next steps.
  • The recent request for Information disclosure was considered taking into account the information supplied by the Clerk and the legal advice obtained. It was Resolved that the Clerk should write to the requestor, confirming that all available information has been supplied and the requirements of FOI have been met. Council now consider this matter closed and will not responded to future correspondence on the subject.

General Maintenance Issues:

  1. To Receive an update on the approved Tree Works in the Church Yard and on the Green.
  • The Clerk advised that Abbey Tree Services have submitted the Tree works request to the FoDDC Planning Department. This will be received as a Planning consultation document at the May meeting. Once approved the works can be planned.
  1. To consider the on-going maintenance of the Peace Garden.
  • A list of materials to the value of £320 was presented by the Clerk on behalf of the Peace garden Volunteers. It was Resolved that the value and materials quoted would be approved. The Clerk advised that he planned to set up an account at a local Garden Centre if possible to process the purchases. He was also requested to contact the Volunteers and confirm that the budgeted figure for the Peace garden could not be guaranteed Year on Year.

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  • Questions regarding Public Liability cover in the Peace Garden have been investigated by the Clerk. After discussion with the Insurer it has been confirmed that there is cover, providing a Risk Assessment has been completed. A model assessment for Open Spaces was provided by Came & Co. Only the possibility of land erosion at the River Bank needs to be added. It is also clear that for all Open Spaces the same requirement applies including a Quarterly check by a Councillor to confirm that all Assets are in good order i.e. Benches undamaged or loose etc. The Clerk suggested that as the Finance Committee meet quarterly the checks be added to the Agenda as a standard item. Audit activity to be discussed at the next Finance meeting.
  1. To Receive an update on the renovation/replacement of Bollards in the Chains.
  • It has been confirmed that K.J. Morris the contractor that completed previous works in the Chains is no longer in possession of any Bollards. A full evaluation of the requirements is needed. Cllrs Firman and Murray to action.
  1. To Receive an update on the negotiations regarding the Masonic Hall Car Park.
  • A response is still awaited from the Organisation
  1. To Consider the Yew Tree and Health risk to Sheep bordering private land.
  • It has been brought to Councils attention that the branches casuing concern to the owner of the sheep grazing in the area have been removed. – No further action required.
  1. To Consider water gathering in Play Area.
  • Resolved to suspend Standing Orders for 5 mins to allow Public Participation. It was confirmed that a Herring bone drainage system was installed many years ago but not maintained. To link into and refurbish this was seen as a significant expense. It was Resolved that Cllr Kenny should investigate the potential costs os a soak away being installed. Concerns that this issue may delay the placement of the MUGA order was agreed as unfounded.
  1. To consider full replacement of Church gates (Latch needs replacing currently)
  • After discussion it was agreed that this item would be discussed fully at the May meeting and that in the meantime Cllrs would take a look at the condition of the current gates
  1. Bench renovation/maintenance
  • It was Resolved that the Clerk should seek a second quotation for 8 Wooden slatted steel Benches prior to order placement.
  • Resolved that the Clerk should seek a quotation to Re oil 2 wooden benches(Inc Jubilee bench)
  • Replacement of 3 flat wooden benches at Cliff was considered. After further discussion it was Resolved that the Benches should be removed and three of the unused steel framed benches should be relocated in that are at the time of refurbishment. It was also agreed that an overall maintenance program should be developed for all Assets to ensure they are maintained in the most cost effective way and to ensure that good financial planning was in place.

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  1. To Receive a report regarding the Burial Ground Policy & Rates.
  • Existing Rules for the Burial Ground are considered to be in good order. The following changes were considered.
  • Increasing general fees in line with inflation.
  • Making a special allowance for Infants and Children (as per Westbury) All charges to be reviewed annually.
  • Parishioners who move out of Parish was also discussed. A proposal to allow a one year absence and still be considered a resident was amended to 5 years after discussion.
  • Annual Audit of Fees and Rules to be introduced.
  • Fees to be loaded to the web site

It was Resolved to accept the above proposals in full.

Further discussions were held regarding the amount of space left in the Burials Area and the Garden of Rest. It was agreed that the Garden of Rest was a priority and should be added to the next agenda.

  1. To Consider Planning Applications received
  • P0466/13/FUL – Romaleyn, Church Road. Extension– No Objection
  • P0434/13/FUL – Sergeants House, Beeches Road. Change of Use. - No Objection. The Clerk was reuested to advise FoDDC Planning
  1. Grass Cutting Contract
  • General performance of the Contractor during the first two cuts has been good. Concerns were raised over Broken pots at one grave, grass left on the Roadside and tyre marks at the Cliff. The Clerk confirmed that he had seen the marks which were slight but were visible. The Clerk was requested to feedback this information to the Contractor and to write a letter to the Family tending the grave with broken pots.
  • Discussion also took place about an area outside west view that was not included on the Contract and an area outside east View that was considered to be Two Rivers. However, it was debated that the area at East View was adopted by Council at a previous meeting. The Clerk was requested to check and add to the May Agenda.
  • Recent Correspondence regarding Daffodils and Crocuses from a Parishioner was read. The continual random planting of both bulbs was discussed as this only serves to increase the issue. The current Contractor (and the previous one) has suggested a strimmed border be maintained from the start of the cutting season to ensure all pathways and posts were clear of growth and that no plantings should take place in these areas. Cllr Larkham agreed to speak to the Parishioner in this regard.
  • Discussions regarding the lateness of this current season due to the cold weather took place. The Clerk requested that the Daffodil area cutting date would be added to the next Agenda for consideration by Council
  1. To consider correspondence received to date
  • Covered during Agenda

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  1. To Consider Councillor Communications and Information sharing. (Taken in Committee at

end of meeting).

The posting of a number of personal statements on Social Networking sites by a Councillor

aimed directly at another Councillor was discussed in depth and considered to have

brought the Council into disrepute. As was the general release of documentation and e-

mails (which could be classed as confidential) to individuals outside of Council. It

was agreed afterfurther discussion that the requirements of Standing Orders were clear

and that no amendments needed to be made. It was stressed that all Councillors should

abide those requirements. The Councillor slighted on the Social media sites requested the

Councillor posting the comments to make a full Public apology otherwise a Code of

Conduct charge may brought.

  1. Councillors Recent Issues and Matters for the Next Agenda.
  • Pot Holes West View and Station Road. – Clerk to contact Highways.
  • Polling cards for the forthcoming Parish Elections were not considered as no information was provided by the Clerk – Clerk to investigate.
  • Two Villagers have fallen on broken pavement by the George Café (one needing hospital treatment). – Clerk to write to Highways.
  • Style damaged at Clay Hill, little info available regarding public rights of way.

At 9.00 p.m. after confirmation by the Clerk that the business could be concluded by 9.30 it was

Resolved to continue with the meeting.

  1. To Consider date & Time of next meeting change to 20th May.

(Previously agreed date fall on a Bank Holiday)

It was Resolved to move the May Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting to 20th May.

Items 12 & 38 were then taken in committee (Item 12 in the absence of the Clerk).

Meeting Closed 9.45 p.m.