Newcastle Carers Opportunities Fund Overview
What is the Newcastle Carers Opportunities Fund?
If you care for someone who lives in Newcastle upon Tyne the Carers Opportunities Fundmay provide a small grant of up to £200 to help you do something for yourself as a carer. It is intended to enhance your life outside of your caring role, to help relieve stress and isolation.
The Carers Opportunities Fund is a discretionary fund which has limited money available, and not all applications are successful. Do not commit to any purchases until you have received your decision.
To be eligible to apply, you must be able to answer yes to all of these questions
- Are you over 18?
- Do you provide unpaid care and support to someone who has a disability, a life limiting illness, is frail, has mental health difficulties or has alcohol or drug problems?
- You are still classed as an unpaid carer if you are receiving Carers Allowance, or managing Direct Payments/Individual Budgets.
- Does the person you care for live in Newcastle?
You cannot apply if:
- You have received in total the maximum payment of £200 from the Carers Opportunities Fund within the last 12 months
- The person you care for lives in residential care
- You are a paid Personal Assistant or Care Worker for the person you care for.
If you are unsure whether you are eligible to apply please contact Newcastle Carers on 0191 275 5060.
How do I apply?
You can fill in the form yourself, or seek help from staff at Newcastle Carers, Social Workers or other professionals who can complete it on your behalf.
You will need a supporting statement from someone who knows you in your caring role. This could be someone who works with you or the person you care for such as a support worker, doctor, social worker, care-worker etc. Or, it could be someone who knows your situation well, for example an employer/voluntary work manager or a person in authority at your place of worship (e.g. imam, rabbi, vicar etc.) It cannot be a family member or friend.
How much can I apply for?
The maximum per year is £200. You can apply multiple times, however you can only be awarded up to a maximum total amount of £200 in any 12 month period.
What can I apply for?
Examples of grants may include:
- Day trips or short breaks in this country e.g. a day trip or a weekend away
- Theatre, concert or cinema tickets
- Entry fees to a museum or an art gallery etc.
- An educational course, exercise or other classes, or equipment for these
- Materials for a hobby, e.g. gardening or art materials
- Gym or leisure centre membership
- A series of massage or complementary therapy sessions
- Household items (e.g. washing machine or cooker) where the benefit to you in your caring role can be clearly demonstrated
- Driving lessons, providing that strict criteria has been met and the benefit to you in your caring role can be clearly demonstrated
What will not be funded?
- Daily expenses, e.g. food, drinks, utility bills
- Debt management
- Gambling, including bingo
- Rent
- Purchase of alcohol
- Costs relating to your cared for person or anyone else accompanying you on a break
- Anything you have already done/bought/paid for(retrospective applications)
- Costs of things that should be provided by Community Care or Health services e.g. equipment you can get from the NHSor respite care for the person you care for etc.
- Flights/breaks abroad
How do I apply?
- Follow the guidance notes
- Answer all the questions
- Explain why you feel what you’ve applied for will help you most e.g. a break because you feel very stressed, a course because you need to build up you confidence.
- Ask a professional who knows you in your caring role to write the supporting statement
- Make sure you andthe supporting professional sign the form
- Provide a detailed breakdown of the costs and a copy of quotes or evidence of how much something costs internet print out, a written quotation, a copy of the page from the Argos catalogue. Attach this to the application form.
- Make sure what you are getting is good value for money
When can I apply?
- You can apply any time
- The panel meets six times a year.
Who can help me if I need help with the form?
Newcastle Carers:
- Ring 0191 275 5060 if you have a quick query
- If you need help to fill in the form, let us know and one of our workers will help you to do this.
Where do I send my form?
- By email to
- By fax to 0191 265 1191
- By post to Newcastle Carers, 135-139 Shields Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 1DN
- Or drop it in to the Newcastle Carers Centre.
What happens next?
- We will let you know that we have received your application and when the panel will make a decision.
- We will ask you for any additional information we need.
- If your application is successful we will let you know and organise payment. Once you’ve spent the grant you must send us receipts and complete a feedback form. If you do not do this, it will affect your chances of successfully applying to the Carers Opportunities Fund in future.
- If your application is unsuccessful we will let you know why and if you can reapply.
- The panel’s decision is final. There is no appeals process.
When will I find out?
Closing Date: / Decision Date:If you get your form to us by 1pm on: / You should hear no later than:
Friday 20th November 2015 / Wednesday 23 December 2015
Friday 15th January 2016 / Friday 12th February 2016
Friday 26th February 2016 / Thursday 31st March 2016
Friday 6th May 2016 / Wednesday 1stJune 2016
Friday 8th July 2016 / Tuesday 2nd August 2016
Friday 9th September 2016 / Tuesday 4th October 2016
Friday 11th November 2016 / Tuesday 6th December 2016
Friday 13th January 2017 / Tuesday 7th February 207
Friday 10th March 2017 / Tuesday 4th April 2017
Friday 12th May 2017 / Tuesday 6th June 2017
Friday 7th July 2017 / Tuesday 1st August 2017
Friday 8th September 2017 / Tuesday 3rd October 2017
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Application Form
Newcastle Carers Opportunities Fund
A grant from the Carers Opportunities Fund can provide a payment to help you to do something for yourself as a Carer. This might include help towards the costs of learning a new skill or interest; for a personal hobby or pastime; to put towards a holiday or short break; an item of household equipment that will save you time; something that promotes your own health and wellbeing or simply something that you always wanted to do but never had the opportunity.
Before you complete this form – please read the Overview and Supporting Statement included in this pack. Your application can only be considered if you sign the declaration/terms and conditions on the back page of this form and enclose the supporting statement.
Please complete all sections of the form. Please print clearly.
Your Details
First Name: / Last Name: / Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/OtherAddress:
Telephone: / Email:
Date of Birth: / Gender: / Ethnicity:
Where did you hear about this grant?
Did someone help you complete this application form? YES/NO
Are you a professional completing the form on behalf of a carer? If YESplease give your details below:
First Name: / Last Name: / Telephone:Organisation:
Job Title:
About the person you care for
First Name: / Last Name: / Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/OtherAddress: (if different from carer)
Date of Birth: / Gender: / Ethnicity:
The person I care for is my :
Illnesses or disabilities of the person you care for:
I care for more than one person
Please put their details here:The care/support I provide includes: (please tick all that apply)
Physical Care (e.g. getting in and out of bed, helping to wash, dress, using the toilet, lifting and moving)Practical Support (e.g. cooking, feeding, cleaning, laundry, shopping, collecting prescriptions)
Managing behaviours that challenge
Generally keeping an eye on the person I care for (e.g. keeping company, ensuring safety)
Financial Management
Emotional Support (e.g. sympathy, understanding, “just being there”)
Liaison with Services (e.g. making appointments, interpreting)
Support with socialising/activities
Providing Transport
Educational Support (e.g. help with reading, writing, school meetings)
Other (please state)
How often do you get the opportunity to do the things you want to do for yourself? (tickone box)
Whenever I want to / Sometimes / Rarely / NeverHow long have you been a carer? (tickone box)
Less than 6 months / 6 – 12 months / 1 – 5 years / More than 5 yearsHow many hours a week do you spend caring? (tickone box)
1-15 hours per week / 16 – 49 hours per week / 50+ hours per weekDo you or the person you care for receive services and/or support from anyone else?
Yes / E.g. Social Worker, medical support, educational support, respite care etc.If yes – please give brief details
How I would use a Carer’s Opportunities Fund Grant (tick and give details below)
Breaks – Day trips, short breaks, towards the costs of a holiday etc.I am able to make alternative care arrangements for the person I care for while I take my break.
Yes No
Please give additional informationin the Costs section overleaf of when and where you hope to go, how you will travel etc.
Relief – Household items, white goods, furniture, decoration, exercise equipment etc. Please give additional information in the Costs section overleaf of what you hope to buy, where from etc.
Skills & Learning – Formal or informal training etc. Please answer the questions below.
If you are applying for a home based learning course or courses that are reliant on computer access please let us know how you will access a computer or internet.
Once you have finished the course are there any additional courses or qualifications you will need to undertake in order to get the best value from this learning?
Please give additional information in the Costs section overleaf of what you will study, where the course takes place, any additional costs (books, travel, materials etc.)
Learning to Drive – Costs of lessons and/or tests. Please answer the questions below.
Do you have a current provisional driving licence? Yes No
(Please provide a photocopy – you must have a provisional licence to apply for this funding.)
Have you had any driving lessons so far? No Yes If yes, how many? ______
Have you sat the theory test? Yes No If yes, did you pass? Yes No
Have you attempted your practical test? Yes No
If the funding does not cover all of the lessons you need to learn to drive, how will you pay for additional lessons?
What access will you have to a vehicle if you pass your driving test, and how will you cover the running costs associated with driving? E.g. petrol maintenance, insurance, road tax etc.
Please give additional informationin the Costs section below of who will teach you to drive, how many lessons etc.
Please let us know the approximate breakdown of costs of your activity/item e.g. course fees, travel costs.
You must provide evidence e.g. print out, brochure etc. / Total for each item
(£) / Requested from the Carers Opportunities Fund (£)
(Total amount requestedfrom Carers Opportunities Fund MUST NOT exceed £200)
If your chosen activity/item costs over £200 how will you cover the difference? ( already put aside/other grant applications/family contributions etc.)
Have you received a grant from the Carers Opportunities Fund before? If so when, and for what?
Why do you need this grant and how will it help you as a carer?
Payment Details
If you are awarded a grant it can be paid directly to your bank account, or we can send you a cheque. If you do not have a bank account we can pay a nominated person with a bank account.
If I am successful please pay my grant: Please tick one of the following options
into my bank account
to me by cheque
into a nominated persons bank account
to a nominated person by cheque
Bank Details
Account Holders Name (for payment by cheque or bank transfer)Sort Code (for bank transfer only)
Account Number (for bank transfer only)
Bank Name (for bank transfer only)
We can make a direct payment on your behalf to purchase an item or activity if there are exceptional circumstances which prevent payment by bank transfer or cheque. Please contact us to discuss this if you feel this is a better option for you.
Declaration / Terms and Conditions
- I confirm that I have read the Application Guidelines
- I confirm the details I have provided on this form are accurate.
- I agree that I will spend the Carers Opportunities Fund grant in the way I have described.
- I agree to return the grant if the purpose for which it is given does not go ahead.
- I agree that if I receive other grants for the same purpose, which total more than the cost of the purpose, I will let Newcastle Carers know so we can discuss amending my grant.
- I agree that I will send receipts for any items or services purchased or provided through the grant within 4 weeks of receiving the grant/attending the break.
- I understand that if I do not return receipts it will affect my chances of successfully applying to the Carers Opportunities Fund in future.
- I agree that any unspent money must be returned to Newcastle Carers.
- I agree that I will complete a feedback form and return it within 4 weeks of receiving the grant/attending the break.
- I give Newcastle Carers permission to record my details on their databases and to send me information and occasional newsletters.
- I confirm that I have enclosed a supporting statement signed by a professional to confirm that I am an unpaid carer.
- I give Newcastle Carers permission to contact the person named on my supporting statement to ask for confirmation that I am an unpaid carer.
- I understand that Newcastle Carers’ full data protection statement is available on request from the centre.
Name / Signature / Date
Completed Application Form, Supporting Statement and Evidence of Costs should be sent to:
Carers Opportunities FundNewcastle Carers
135-139 Shields Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE6 1DN / Telephone 0191 275 5060
SMS 07874 100043
Fax 0191 265 1191
For Office Use
PurposeApplication Received / Application Ref / Database Ref
Amount Applied for / Stream / Reporting Criteria (1-13)
Panel Meeting Date / Awarded
In principle
Unable to reach a decision / Amount Awarded
Reason for non-award:
Additional Info Needed?
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Newcastle Carers Opportunities Fund
Supporting statement – to be completed by a supporting professional ONLY
Supporting Statement for :(name of carer)
I confirm that this person is an unpaid carer*:
A carer is someone who provides unpaid care and support to a family member, partner, child, friend or neighbour who has a disability, has an illness, is frail, has mental health difficulties or has alcohol or drug related problems and cannot manage without the carer’s support.An unpaid carer may be in receipt of Carers Allowance, or managing Direct Payments/Individual Budgets.
Yes / No (delete as applicable)
In what capacity do you know them?
Please tell us how their caring role affects them:(continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Any other comments? (continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
In signing this form you confirm that the information you have provided is true and accurate.
Unsigned forms will not be processed
Supporting professional’s signature: ______Date: ______
Please provide your details below:
Organisation: / Supporting Professionals name:Address:
Postcode / Contact number:
Carers Opportunities Fund
Application Checklist
Have you…
Answered all the questions on the form. A decision can only be made using the information you give us, so please provide as much detail as possible.
Answered the question on page 9 telling us how the grant will help you as a carer
Attached a signed supporting statement from a professional
Attached evidence of the costs of what you are applying fore.g. print out, brochure etc.
Signed the form
If you can answer yes to all the above, then your application is ready to be handed or sent in to Newcastle Carers
Please remember:
The Carers Opportunities Fund is a discretionary fund which has limited money available, and not all applications are successful. Please do not commit to any purchases until you have received the panel’s decision.
Carers Opportunities Fund
Newcastle Carers
135-139 Shields Road
Newcastle upon Tyne
Telephone 0191 275 5060
SMS 07874 100043
Fax 0191 265 1191
Thank you
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