New Zealand’s Finest - the Wines of Felton Road
Presented by Nigel Greening of Felton Road
Herbert Smith Freehills, Exchange House, Primrose St, London EC2A 2EG
Thursday 5 October 2017at7.00pm
“If Central Otago was the Côte de Nuits, then Bannockburn would likely be Vosne-Romanee and I’m going to hang it right out and say that Felton Road would be the top gun, the DRC.”
Felton Road is one of the best known and most respected names in New Zealand wine, and probably the most famous winery in Central Otago, home to many of New Zealand’s best Pinot Noirs. Felton Road produces world class Pinot Noirs from its Calvert, Cornish Point, Block 3 and Block 5 sites as well as its ‘regular’ Bannockburn cuvee (all five of which we will taste), and the wines display subtle differences reflecting the soils of the different sites. Felton Road is also becoming increasingly well known for the quality of its white wines, Chardonnay and Riesling. The wines at Felton Road are made with minimal human intervention, and the vineyards are managed organically following biodynamic principles. The wines have received widespread critical acclaim, with every vintage of the Block 3 and Block 5 Pinot Noirs reviewed by the Wine Advocate having receiving a score of 92+ or above.
We are privileged and delighted to welcome the owner of Felton Road, Nigel Greening to take us through a fantastic selection of his wines. Nigel is an incredibly popular speaker, as those who have tried to get a ticket for a tasting of Felton Road wines hosted by him can attest. The wines he will be presenting to us comprise three Chardonnays, including two of their top-rated Block 2, and five Pinots, including the fantastic Block 3 and Block 5. Those wines are as follows:
Chardonnay Bannockburn 2014 / Pinot Noir, Calvert 2014Chardonnay, Block 2 2011 / Pinot Noir, Cornish Point 2014
Chardonnay, Block 2 2014 / Pinot Noir, Block 3 2011
Pinot Noir Bannockburn 2014 / Pinot Noir, Block 5 2011
How do I apply for tickets?
This tasting represents fantastic value for the quality of the wines presented. Tickets are £45for members and £50 for guests. Pleaseapplyeitherbye-mail and paybyonlinetransfer,or bypostenclosing a cheque, as set out below.
E-mail and onlinetransfer
Pleaseapplyforyour ticket(s)byemail toAndrew Denny at , indicating thetasting and thenumberofmemberticketsand thenumberof guestticketsfor which you areapplying. For security reasons,youmustprovidethenamesofyourguestsprior to the tasting.
Pleasetransfer thefull amountfor your applicationtothefollowing account: Accountname:SolicitorsWineSociety-TastingsAccount
Reference:Felton- [your name](e.g.,“Felton-Smith”)
Ticketswillnot beallocated until paymenthasbeen received in full.Theorganiser will notifyyou by emailofyour ticketnumber(s)when ticketshave been allocated.Pleasenotethatpaymentonline does notguaranteeaticketallocation. Ifyour application isunsuccessful,yourpaymentwill berefunded,for which you willneedtosupplyyour bankaccount details.
Alternatively,please printor photocopyanother copyofthispage,completetheform belowadding your name, e-mail and telephone number in line one, and return it,togetherwithyour chequeand astamped addressed envelopeor aprinted email address, toAndrew Denny atAllen & Overy LLP, One Bishops Square, E1 6AD
I [name] [e-mail] [tel no]
applyfor ticket(s)at£45formember(s)and ticket(s)at£50for guestsfor theFelton Road tasting onThursday 5 October 2017.
Pleasealsoprintthename(s) ofyour guests:
Nameof guest(s)
For reasonsofsecurityatthe venue,thisinformationmustbeprovidedtotheorganiserbeforethedate of thetasting.