Appendix 1.
as from the Biennial General Meeting held at Papatoetoe 2011
1.All entries are to be in accordance with the class specifications for that entry. A fee, as set by the HOST club, shall be payable.
2.Eligibility to compete is limited to FINANCIAL members of clubs AFFILIATED to the New Zealand Amateur Winemakers and Brewers Federation, and overseas entries as permitted in the Constitution.Entrants are to be of an age where they can legally drink on licensed premises
3.Competition entries shall be entered only through the Club to which the entrant is a FINANCIAL member. Clubs are to encourage entries to be of a standard fitting a National Competition.
4,All entries shall be the products of natural fermentation made by the entrant(s). Fortification will only be permitted WHERE STATED in the standard class specifications AND in host club additional classes.
5.Competition bottles for still wines shall be of clear colorless glass, of approximately 750ml capacity, with rounded, not sloping shoulders, be straight necked, without screw type bottle top. Liqueurs shall be in colorless, clear glassbottles of approximately 375mL capacity and same description as 750mLwine entry bottles. Sparkling wines are to be presented in conventional 750mL sparkling wine bottles, with fully punted bottoms, minimum empty weight of 800grams, with no defined colour, and without screw type bottle tops.
6.Beer entries are to be presented in conventional brown beer bottles of 750mL size.
7.Flanged corks are to be used for still wines and liqueurs, provided they carry no brand names or other markings. Wired plastic stoppers are to be used for sparkling wines. Beer entries are to be capped with plain unmarked crown caps.
8.All standard competition entries shall be filled to leave an air-space as follows:
(i)Still wines and liqueurs 20mm (plus or minus 10mm)
(ii)Sparkling Wines 70mm (plus or minus 10mm)
(iii) Beer Entries 30mm (plus or minus 10mm)
(iv)Levels outside of tolerance shall be liable to penalty points, but not
9.All entries shall be identified by a tie-on tag, affixed with new rubber bands¹ showing;
(i) Class number and name.
(ii)Competitor's name.
(iii)Competitor's Club
(iv)Main ingredient(s)
(v)Vintage (optional)
10.Each class shall be mutually exclusive and no entry shall be permitted in more than one class. Two entries per class or beer sub-class per entrant will be allowed, each to be of a different main ingredient, vintage, or fermentation. The addition of sugar or artificial sweetener to a wine shall not be used to enter further different or subsequent classes. This rule does not exclude the use of grape juice for back blending in wines.
11.Any entries not up to class specifications or correct bottle type, and not complying with the rules will be excluded by the competition secretary. No reason for exclusion need be given; however any protest against such exclusion must be lodged within thirty minutes of theresults being made public. The protest committee will consist of the Chief Judge, the Chief Steward, and two other host Club committee members.
12.The minimum cut-off date for receipt of bottles (entries) shall be two weeks before the Competition. The host Club shall set aside entries received after the designated closing date. Transport, or other unforeseeable delays not of the making of the sender shall be accepted only at the discretion of the convener.
13.All entries shall become the property of the host Club, and will be released after judging, at the discretion of the host Club.
14.All wine and liqueurbottles shall have corks tied down, or plastic shrink wrap capsules be used, during transit to the competition. Adhesive tape shall not be used to secure corks/closures. A note from each club advising shipment details will ensure that receipt of entries is properly managed.
15.Judging sheets and a schedule of results are to be returned to the participating clubs within 14 days of the competition.
16.For the guidance of Club, Regional, and National Competitions attached to these rules is a list of wine, beer, and liqueur classes, to be used for all National Competitions. This list can be added to, but NOT deleted from in any National Competition, and it is recommended that all regions and clubs adopt these as minimum classes for competitions.
17.That the percentages which were used by the Nelson/Waimea clubs in1990, be used for future National Competitions. The percentages being:
Gold:87. 5%
Silver:77. 5%
Bronze: 67. 5%
18 That the wine/liqueur and beer judging sheets for National Competitions shall be
designed and provided by the National Amateur Wine & Beer Judges Guild and be attached to
the New Zealand Amateur Winemakers and Brewers National Competition rules.
19.That club(s) hosting a National Competition give priority invitations to judge at the proposed competition to those recognised accredited Senior Judges and Judges including the Chief Judge, from the National Amateur Wine and Beer Judges' Guild affiliated to the N.Z. Amateur Winemakers and Brewers Federation
20.The host club shall provide for the judges in all the wine classes a list of main ingredients of each bottle. Such list shall be on the table used for judging each class.
21.(a) That the Chief Judge will appoint three (3) senior accredited judges to judge the Wine/Beer of the Show Trophies.
(b) That “Best in Show” will be judged by three Senior Judges for both wine and beer; that they are new and separate competitions comprising all bottles that were ‘Best in Class’.
Changes and/or additions to the Rules approved at the Delegates BGM held in Papatoetoe October 2011 are printed in Bold Italics
Note 1. This amendment was carried at the 2007 BGM and is now inserted
(Please destroy all earlier dated copies of these rules to avoid potential breaches)