HELD: / 05 December 2012
LOCATION: / Reading Room, Barrowby
PRESENT: / ·  Mr B Harper
·  Mr P Cupit
·  Mr B Inglis
·  Mr M Sutton
·  Mr R Cross
·  Mrs V Cross
·  Mr R Poore / ·  Mrs B Silverwood
·  Mrs P Bosworth
·  Mrs P Harrison
·  Miss R McAuley (Parish Clerk)
APOLOGIES: / ·  Mr D Markham
·  No members of the public attended the open session.
The Chairman, Mr R Cross welcomed councillors to the December 2012 Parish Council Meeting.
Chairman expressed thanks to all involved in the organisation and smooth running of the 2012 Christmas event. There were approximately 60 children in attendance. He also thanked the councillors involved for the erection of the Christmas decorations at the Reading Room.
The Chairman requested that the Christmas event should be reviewed at the January 2013 meeting. / P.Clerk
·  Mr D Markham
No Declarations of Interest received.
4.  Approval of Minutes OF monthly meeting held on WEDNESDAY 07 november 2012
Approval of November 2012 Meeting Minutes - Proposed by Mrs P Bosworth seconded by Mr P Cupit, agreed unanimously.
5.1  Update on quotation from SKDC to install a waste bin on High Rd near the bus shelter.
The Clerk contacted Mr P Swinton at SKDC requesting they continue to monitor the situation in the village with reference to litter and our request for a bin. SKDC have asked that the people collecting the rubbish stop doing so for a period of time otherwise this will again affect the findings.
Confusion surrounds procedure for monitoring requirement for a dog waste bin. Clerk to investigate further and report findings at January 2013 meeting.
5.2  Update on Broadband cabinets – High Road and the Village Green.
Clerk called Miss Parker at SKDC who advised the Clerk that the initial planning application was rejected, due to the box being erected in the conservation area, against a limestone wall which was seen to be an “eyesore”.
BT installed the box on the village green and realised that they had not submitted a planning application, they did this retrospectively and it was approved on 5/11/2012.
Comments were received from the Conservation Officer and the Highways Office stating that they had no concerns with the cabinet being installed on the Village Green. The Clerk asked if we could have a copy of these reports, and was informed that they literally consisted of a 1 line email saying “No Concerns to Raise”.
SKDC are investigating why a planning application was not received for the modem box on High Road.
5.3  Set a date for Playground Working Party to meet – Working Party to meet Tuesday 18th December 7.00pm at Reading Room Barrowby. / P.Clerk
6.1  No planning applications for discussion.
7.1.  Review of Budget 2012-2013
Mr P Cupit reported on 2012-2013 Budget so far.
An additional meeting will be held in January 2013, to discuss/review the current financial year and the budget/precept for the next financial year. This meeting will be held on Monday 7th January 2013 7pm at The Reading Room Barrowby.
7.2.  Income and Expenditure for November 2012.
Approval of November 2012 Income and Expenditure - Proposed by Mr B Inglis seconded by Mr R Poore agreed unanimously.
Date / Voucher # / Description / Cheque # / Income / Expenditure
01/11/12 / 218 / Reimbursement of Expenses - Clerk Postage / 1851 / £ 9.50
01/11/12 / 219 / PE Hempstead - October Cuts 2 x Village Green / 1852 / £ 91.20
01/11/12 / 219 / PE Hempstead - October Cuts 2 x Reading Room / 1852 / £ 38.40
01/11/12 / 219 / PE Hempstead - October Cuts 2 x Adamstiles / 1852 / £ 52.80
01/11/12 / 219 / PE Hempstead - October Cuts 2 x Grave Yard / 1852 / £ 60.00
01/11/12 / 219 / PE Hempstead - October Cuts 1 x New Grave Yard / 1852 / £ 42.60
01/11/12 / 220 / True Traders - Xmas Tree Wall Bracket & Deliv / 1853 / £ 54.86
01/11/12 / 221 / SKDC - Cleaner Grant Oct 2012 - March 2013 / DD / £ 321.88
222 / Removed
13/11/12 / 223 / Speedy Asset Services Limited - Crowd Control Barrier for Xmas Event / 1854 / £ 65.52
13/11/12 / 224 / P Clegg (Syston Fruit Farms) - Xmas Trees & Del / 1855 / £ 162.00
13/11/12 / 225 / Reimbursement of Expenses - P Cupit (2 x Empty Hose Reels & Moss Treatment) / 1856 / £ 68.48
19/11/12 / 226 / ICCM Membership - Burial Ground / 1857 / £ 90.00
26/11/12 / 227 / Co-Operative Funeral Services / 554 / £ 910.00
26/11/12 / 228 / Ismali Group RR Hire July - Dec 2012 / 555 / £ 816.50
26/11/12 / 229 / Barrowby New Nov - Advert Lesley Hughes / 556 / £ 15.00
17/11/12 / 230 / RR Hire - Sian Eyles / 557 / £ 7.50
17/11/12 / 230 / RR Hire - Nikki McGuffie / 557 / £ 7.50
17/11/12 / 230 / RR Hire - Jo Sharpe / 557 / £ 30.00
17/11/12 / 230 / RR Hire - Jane Pick / 557 / £ 15.00
17/11/12 / 230 / RR Hire - Ralph Poore Grantham Canal Society / 557 / £ 22.50
17/11/12 / 230 / RR Hire - Grantham Ramblers / 557 / £ 15.00
17/11/12 / 230 / RR Hire - Jane Pick / 557 / £ 15.00
17/11/12 / 230 / RR Hire - Anna Arthur / 557 / £ 20.00
17/11/12 / 230 / RR Hire Deposit - Debbie Firmstone / 557 / £ 15.00
26/11/12 / 231 / RR Hire - Rachel Connolly Art Class / 558 / £ 266.00
26/11/12 / 232 / Sponsorship of Trees / 559 / £ 640.00
26/11/12 / 233 / RR Hire - Debbie Firmstone / 560 / £ 15.00
26/11/12 / 233 / RR Hire - Fiona Mann / 560 / £ 22.50
01/11/12 / 234 / Scottish Power R.Room Electricity / DD / £ 29.00
01/11/12 / 235 / British Gas R.Room Gas / DD / £ 55.00
01/11/12 / 236 / Utility Warehouse - Clerk Mobile Phone / DD / £ 16.19
26/11/12 / 237 / Streets Accountants - Internal Audit Accounts / 1858 / £ 684.00
01/11/12 / 238 / Clean My Windows - Window Cleaning R R / 1859 / £ 10.00
19/11/12 / 239 / Boyes Dishwasher Tablets - Reading Room / 1860 / £ 4.99
21/11/12 / 239 / Belton Garden Centre - Sulphate of Iron Moss Killer / 1860 / £ 8.50
16/11/12 / 239 / Downtown - Jeyes Fluid Moss Killer / 1860 / £ 14.00
14/11/12 / 239 / B & Q - Eye bolts for Xmas Tree Supports / 1860 / £ 10.76
07/11/12 / 240 / Engraved Tags - Sponsored Trees / 1860 / £ 49.95
15/11/12 / 240 / Widdowsons Ltd - A5 Brochure/Leaflet Holders / 1860 / £ 13.60
29/11/12 / 241 / Fineturf - 5 Rolls of Turf / 1860 / £ 12.50
30/08/12 / 241 / Belton Garden Centre - Pansies / 1860 / £ 42.53
24/09/12 / 241 / Tuffies - Blue Kitchen Roll - Reading Room / 1860 / £ 9.95
09/10/12 / 241 / Downtown - Pansies / 1860 / £ 27.39
01/11/12 / 242 / A Sharpe - Mowing & Strim Planters & Casthorpe Rd Seat Area / 1861 / £ 181.00
26/11/12 / 243 / Brian Inglis Reimbursement - Woodlines / 1862 / £ 40.68
26/11/12 / 244 / Reimbursement for Clerk Expenses, Internet, Computer Usage, Stamps, Milk, Tea Coffee / 1863 / £ 22.80
26/11/12 / 245 / Reimbursement for Clerk Mileage / 1863 / £ 79.82
28/11/12 / 246 / Clerk Salary / SO / £ 383.00
28/11/12 / 248 / Link Distribution - Dec / 1864 / £ 33.16
28/11/12 / 249 / P Cupit - Mileage Reimbursement / 1865 / £ 13.00
Totals / £ 3,154.38 / £ 2,477.18
7.3  The Barrowby News will continue to run within the Parish Council accounts until the end of the current financial year (March 2013). At the end of the financial year the Barrowby News will run i its own bank account with the funds it has accumulated. The Parish Council will however continue to support the publication - Proposed by Mr R Poore seconded Mrs B Silverwood, agreed unanimously.
7.4 "Caretaker salary - Mr P Cupit proposed that council should go into private session, seconded by Mrs V Cross. It was felt that due to the subject of the conversation that Mr B Harper and Mr M Sutton had a prejudicial interest and so they left the room at 19.09pm.Provision for the cleaning of the Reading Room was discussed. It was agreed to made an ex gratia payment to cover the cleaning of the Reading Room.
The Parish Council came out of private session at 19.23pm."
·  Proposed that the remaining Jubilee mugs will be distributed to worthy causes in the surrounding area. To be distributed by Mrs. P Bosworth and Mrs. B Silverwood.
·  Clerk to write to Mr Dixon and thank him for servicing of boiler FOC. Mr. B. Harper to supply address.
·  Guidance notes on use of projector
Mr P Cupit to email guidance notes to councillors and they are also to be displayed on the wall in the Reading Room (RR).
8.1.2  Request permission to purchase a dehumidifier for the Reading Room.
·  Proposed by Mr R Cross and seconded by Mr R Poore - all in favour. Mr B Inglis will purchase a dehumidifier up to the value of £199.00.
8.1.3  Request permission to purchase radiators for the male and female toilets.
RR group to discuss further and come back to January meeting with a view of what is required and a firm quotation.
Mr P Cupit to supply RR Group with gas/electric bills for winter 2012.
8.2.1  Pavilion Report
The Pavilion Committee meets on 11/12/2012 so nothing to report until after that date.
8.3.1  Working Party to set a December Meeting Date
See 5.3
8.4.1  Review of the quotation for cremation memorial.
To be discussed at January 2013 meeting where the BG will submit a firm proposal. BG Working Party will meet Tuesday 11th December at 10am.
8.4.2  2013 budget for removing leaves and moss.
To be discussed at Jan 2013 Precept meeting
8.4.3  Request permission to purchase adhesive for monuments – £8.48 (B & Q)
Approval of purchase proposed by Mr P Cupit seconded by Mr R Poore.
8.4.4  Request permission to purchase spray paint –to mark trees for trimming etc. £7.98 (B&Q)
Approval of purchase proposed by Mr P Cupit seconded by Mr R Poore.
8.4.5  Request permission to purchase brush head – Mr B Inglis to replace worn out one £12.99 (Belton garden Centre)
Approval of purchase proposed by Mr P Cupit seconded by Mr R Poore
8.4.6  Removal of soil from Burial Ground (Nick Barker has quoted £60-70)
Approval of purchase proposed by Mr B Inglis seconded by Mr P Cupit
8.5.1  Update on repairs to allotment car park.
Update to be provided at January 2013 meeting.
8.6.1  Registering the Green – Clerk to bring completed forms to January 2013 Meeting.
8.7.1  Feedback from Mr Kendall Health and Safety Training for Councillors held on 19/11/12.
Councillors attended: Mr R Cross, Mr P Cupit, Miss R McAuley (Clerk to Parish Council), Mrs P Harrison, Mr. B Harper, and Mr. John Young (Pavilion Committee Secretary). Mrs V Cross attended an assessed course held by the British Safety Council 3 day “Supervising Staff Safely” Course.
9.1.  Thanks to Mr M Sutton and everyone else involved for such a good job in organising the 2012 Christmas Event.
A vote was taken regarding the decision to retain a Christmas event - 6 voted in favour, 4 voted against.
A vote was also taken regarding the retention of organising the OAP spring party - 5 voted in favour, 5 voted against. The casting vote was made by the chairman against holding the event.
10.1  Housing Consultation Event – 5th December 2012.
10.2  Request permission to purchase liquid tar for Bus Shelter Repairs.
Liquid tar will be used to seal between the tarmac footpath and the concrete base of bus shelter, thus preventing water getting between path and bus stop base, weeds growing and damage to the path surface.
Two tins of tar and two tins of hardener will be required. Quotation received from GPL construction £67.50. Plus VAT.
·  Proposed by Mrs P Bosworth and seconded Mrs V Cross with the suggestion that a Health and Safety warning sign be displayed “wet tar do not step on”. Agreed unanimously.
10.3  Request permission to purchase polycarbonate sheets for Westry Corner PC notice board
Request to replace the two sheets that are damaged/discoloured. This is making it difficult to read the notices on the board. Quotation received from notice board manufacturer for 2 sheets of polycarbonate sheeting at £54.58 each plus vat and delivery charge.
·  Proposed by Mrs P Bosworth seconded by Mr R Poore and agreed unanimously.
10.4  Request permission to fell the tree on Casthorpe Road beside the bench.
Quotation received from DM Tree Surgery for £300 to cut down, remove and grind stump.
·  Proposed by Mr B Inglis seconded by Mrs V Cross and agreed unanimously.
10.5  Grass cutting around planters to include area around Barrowby sign at High Road junction with A1 slip road. Area of approx. 50 sq feet. The Parish Council was happy to go ahead with Mr A Sharpe’s for the coming year. Clerk to contact Mr Sharpe with ref including trimming around the sign within his quotation.
10.6  Land at Adamstiles.
To be discussed after Playground Working Party meeting. Reference to be made to the BIG report which makes recommendations in this area.
10.7  Length of Parish Council Meetings and Agendas.
It was confirmed that the Parish Council will operate in accordance with Standing Orders and 10pm is the latest finishing time. Any business not dealt with by this time will be discussed at the next meeting.
10.8  Mud left on Reedings Rd and adjacent to Scout Hut by farming contractor.
Clerk to write letters informing those involved of the issues surrounding mud left on roads.
10.9  Consideration of the request made by Mr. Ferens during the public session of September 2012 meeting.
Mr. Ferens pointed out that he is the President of British Legion. Mr. Ferens suggested that the Parish Council should lead an initiative to raise capital from the sale of the Memorial Hall together with the Insurance money from The British Legion to invest in a brand new facility on the site of the British Legion which would contain a community facility as well as a British Legion club room. This new facility would commemorate the Diamond Jubilee.
Chairman will update the council when feedback has been received from British legion Meeting on 5th December 2012.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 09 January 2013
DATE OF FINANCIAL MEETING: Monday 07 January 2013

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