Magnet Schools Assistance Program Project Abstract

FY 2013 Competition

Applicant / New York City Community School District 28
PR Award # / U165A130022
School District / New York City Community School District 28
State / New York
Project Title/Name / New York City Community School District 28
Title / Todd Levitt
Project Director

Grant Award Amount / Total: $8,395,603 over 3 years
  • Year 1 $2,836,829
  • Year 2 $2,788,997
  • Year 3 $2,769,777

School and Grades Served / Theme
PS 80: Magnet School of Multimedia and Communication (K-5) / Multimedia and Communication (with STEM integration)
PS 160: Magnet School of the Arts (PreK-6) / Arts (with STEM integration)
PS 354: The STEM Institute of Queens (PreK-5) / STEM

Project Description:

Project Objectives:

  1. Reduce minority group isolation at 3 highly minority group isolatedmagnet schools; minority group isolation will be reduced by specific percentage pointseach year; Each year, each magnet school will receive at least 65 applications.
  1. Provideto all student instruction that includes their school's systemicreforms and magnet themes in units and courses aligned with State standards. Each year,magnet schools will complete comprehensive education plans with objectives andactivities that support systemic reforms and describe how they are coordinated withMSAP activities.
  1. Provide to all students in each magnet school program magnet themeinstruction coordinated with systemic reforms and used with students for a specificnumber of hours per week.
  1. Attain each year, for each magnet school its EAMOs or Safe Harborcriteria for its total population and for each subgroup of students that is included in NYSschool accountability status for ELA and mathematics; By the end of eachproject year, the percentage of students from major racial and ethnic subgroups in magnetschools who score proficient or above for ELA, math and sciencewillincrease compared to the previous year. By the end of the project period, magnet schoolstudents will develop mastery of the magnet curriculum.
  1. Provide professional development for magnet school teachers related tosystemic reforms and magnet theme development and implementation. Each year, magnetschool teachers will receive at least 30 hours of professional development related tosystemic reforms and 30 hours of professional development related to the magnet theme.
  1. Ensure for all students enrolled in magnet schools equitable access to highquality education. Each year, for each magnet school, specific percentages of classes willreflect their grade’s enrollment for each racial/ethnic group by +15 percentage points. There will be an increase in parent participation at each magnet school. Each year,there will be an increase (compared with the previous year) in parent participation in themagnet schools.