Introduction:In response to the ESRC’s aim of developing early career researchers who are able to straddle research council interests and who are fluent in interdisciplinary concepts and methods, we are running a new two stagecompetition for supervisor-led proposals. This document sets out the timescales and process for the competition.
Summary of Timescales
Stage 1:
- Deadline for submission of Expressions of Interest (EOIs): 25th January 2018
- Deadline for invitation to submit a full application: 16thFebruary 2018
Stage 2:
- Deadline for full application: 16th March 2018
- Deadline for award to supervisors: w/b 16th April 2018
- Deadline for recruitment of students: 23rdJuly 2018
Application Process
This competition is a new offering from the SGSSS whichaims to encourage conceptual and methodological creativity in the scope of interdisciplinary applications. Co-funding from another Doctoral Training Partnership is not required but applicants are advised to read the ESRC Guidance of Steers and Targets which provides the requirements of an interdisciplinary award .
Stage 1
Supervisor pairs (with the lead supervisor in social sciences and the second supervisor outside the social sciences)are invited to submit a co-produced Expression of Interest – EoI - (maximum of 500 words). The brevity of the EoI is to encourage rapid and creative responses from interested colleagues. It should articulate the main conceptual idea and methodology of the proposal and demonstrate how it meets the brief of being inter-disciplinary. EOI application form can be foundhere.
These will be assessed across three criteria: quality of proposed research; fit with steer; innovation and feasibility. The highest scoring applicants will be asked to submit a full proposal.
Stage 2
Selected applicants will be asked to submit a full application – form can be found here. At this stage the proposals will be scored in terms of quality of proposal and research environment including supervisory fit and training proposals (see appendix 1). The top 4 proposals will be funded and supervisors required to advertise studentships widely.
Appendix 1: Interdisciplinary AwardMarking Framework2018
Filter Question:
Does the proposal meet the Interdisciplinary steer: Yes/No
ResearchProposal(OUTOF 10) / Supervision &Training(OUTOF5)10 / Anexcellent
scoringwell intermsof bothcogency and originality.All components
context, methodology, and impact – will bewell thought out andclearly expressed. / As(9)but proposal isexceptionally
good inall of itscomponents.
9 / As(8)and proposalis highly original
and innovative,at thecuttingedge of developments substantively and methodologically.
8 / As(7)and proposal containsclear
awarenessof the potential impact of theresearch.
7 / Awell-defined proposal with
researchablequestions, appropriately identifiedsources,an awarenessof thetheoretical and empirical backgroundtothe researchandanappropriate methodology.
6 / Agood and
promisingproposalbut with identifiable weaknesses. Some,but not all, components of the proposal will be problematic,
orshowa lack of knowledge. / A good proposal withonly minor but
stillidentifiableweaknesses. The researchquestionwillbeclear,the methodology appropriateand clearly presented,andmost of the appropriate literatureidentified.
5 / A promising proposal that suffers
fromseveral weaknesses. The
methodologyisappropriatebut ill- expressed. Theproposal isonly weakly groundedinrelevant literature. / Supervisionarrangementsrepresent a near-perfect fit with
the proposedresearch. Thesupervisory team areinternationally-recognised expertise intheirfieldsand the combination of supervisors offers the student good training in an interdisciplinary context.Thesupervisioncombinationmeets directly the studentship’straining needs. ThedestinationHEI offers high-quality specialist training. Theresearchfitswell across research council interests.
4 / A proposal withoneserious
weaknessor several minor ones,
which suggests gaps inknowledge anda weak graspof the proposed methodology and its suitability. / Supervisionarrangementsrepresent a very goodfit withthe
proposedresearch. Thesupervisorsareexperienced
witha strongreputationfor researchwithin their fields, andthecombinationof supervisorsoffersthestudentgood trainingin an interdisciplinary context. There isprovisionof advancedand specialist traininganda broadly supportiveresearch environment at the destinationHEI.
3 / A proposal withsignificant
littleappreciationof possible methodologies,and/or awarenessof relevantliterature. / Supervisionarrangementsrepresent a goodfit withthe
proposedresearch. The leadsupervisor will beanexpert in
thefieldandthecombinationof supervisorswill offer good support tothe student across interdisciplinary fields. TheHEI offers good general support andadvancedtrainingfor the student.
2 / Aproblematic proposalthat would need considerableadditional work before beingfundable. All componentsof the proposalwill requirefurther work and/or demonstratelittleor nobackgroundor interest intheir subject. / Supervisionarrangementsareappropriateandthe
supervisor hasexperienceinthepreciseareasof the
proposedresearch. The supervisory team offers good general support andtheHEI offers someadvancedtraining for the student.
1 / Supervisionarrangementsandsupport offered bytheHEI
meet thethresholdfor ESRC recognisedtrainingonthis
pathway. Note: supervision arrangements below this threshold donot meet the ESRCtraining requirements and students should not beofferedDTP fundingon this basis.