Funding Insight
Keeping you up to date with the latest funding opportunities
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15 March 2018
New Funding Opportunities
Funding for Research and Projects that Address Learning Disabilities (UK)
Pink Ribbon Foundation Grants 2018 (UK)
£100,000 Opportunity for Ambitious and Start-up Food Businesses (UK)
Schools Invited to Enter the Shell Bright Ideas Challenge (UK)
Funding to Support Vulnerable Migrants (UK)
Grants of £1,000 Available to Fund Innovative Geography Teaching at Secondary Level (UK)
New Support Programme Launched for Social Enterprises (UK)
Capital Grants for Theatre Improvements (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
Masonic Charitable Foundation Community Support Grants (England & Wales)
Free Football Kit and Equipment for Primary Schools (England and Wales)
Music Grants for Older People (England & Wales)
Funding for Projects that Raise the Attainment of Disadvantaged School Students (England)
New £13 Million Fund Launched to Help Foster Relationships Between Frontline Professionals and Young People at Risk of Sexual Exploitation (England)
Arts Council England Announces New Grant Scheme (England)
Funding for Community Projects (West Midlands)
Funding Reminders
Sutton Trust Summer School Programme Now Open for 2018 (UK)
Funding to Develop the Classics in Primary and Secondary Schools (UK)
BBC Children in Need Main Grant Programme (UK)
Funding for Small International Development Charities (UK / International)
Funding Available for Projects that Engage Young People in Engineering (UK)
Youth Hostel Association Grant Scheme Opens for Applications (England & Wales)
HS2 Woodland Fund Opens for Applications (England)
Grants of up to £10,000 for Projects that Help Disadvantaged and Neglected Children (UK)
Funding for Projects that Combat Abuse and Violation of Human Rights (UK)
Funding to Support Vulnerable Young Migrants (UK)
Funding to Support Family Based Projects (UK)
Holiday Grants for Disadvantaged and Disabled Children (UK)
Grants to Enrich the Quality of Life of Sick Children in Hospitals (UK)
Funding for Summer Play Schemes (UK)
Veolia Environmental Trust Grants (UK)
Funding for Local Good Causes (UK)
The Classical Association Grants (UK)
Funding for Biodiversity Projects and Community Buildings (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
Funding to Grow Community Tennis (GB)
Support for Children with Challenging Lives (England and Wales)
Government Launches New £1.5 Million Fund to Help People Return to Work (England)
Funding for Communities to Purchase their Local Pub (England)
Funding Support for Former Mining Communities (East & West Midlands, North East & North West of England, Yorkshire and Kent)
Funding Reminders
Grants of £150,000 Available to Support Effective Arts Based Learning in Primary Schools (UK)
Rosa Awards Grants to Promote Gender Equality (UK)
Co-operative Bank Donation Fund Opens for Applications (UK)
National Churches Trust Project Development Grants (UK)
Funding for Library Innovators Re-Opens for Applications (UK)
Funding for Organisations to Become a Public Service Mutual (England)
New Funding Opportunities
Funding for Research and Projects that Address Learning Disabilities (UK)
The Baily Thomas Charitable Fund is a registered charity which was established to provide both research and project funding in the area of learning disability and to aid the care and relief of those affected by learning disability. The Trust consider under learning disability the conditions generally referred to as severe learning difficulties, including autism, and fund projects concerning children or adults.
Grants are made to cover capital projects and core costs to include staff costs, general running and office costs at charitable organisations, schools and centres.
Projects funded include:
- Capital works for residential, nursing and respite care, and schools
- Employment schemes including woodwork, crafts, printing and horticulture
- Play schemes and play therapy schemes
- Day and social activities centres including building costs and running costs
- Support for families, including respite schemes
- Independent living schemes
- Support in the community schemes
- Snoezelen rooms.
Applications will only be considered from voluntary organisations which are registered charities or are associated with a registered charity. Schools and Parent Teacher Associations and Industrial & Provident Societies can also apply. Funding in the past has ranged in value from £250 to £150,000.
The next deadline for applications seeking funding in excess of £10,000 1st April 2018 for consideration at the June 2018 meeting.
Applications for £10,000 and below are considered under the Small Grants procedure and reviewed by the Trustees ahead of the usual meetings so can be submitted at any time.
Recent awards have been made to:
- Rose Road Association, £30,000 Towards capital costs and funding of short breaks.
- Stepping Stones Play and Learn Group, £25,000 Towards core costs of Play Group.
- Willow Tree Garden, £30,000 Towards refurbishment and development of buildings connected with the woodworking workshops.
Pink Ribbon Foundation Grants 2018 (UK)
Grants of up to £5,000 to UK charities which relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, or who have been affected by breast cancer or who work to advance the understanding of breast cancer, its early detection and treatment. Higher grants may be awarded if the trustees feel there is a special reason to do so.
Any charity working in the field of breast cancer can apply for a grant. The funding is being provided by the Pink Ribbon Foundations
Applications from general cancer charities must demonstrate that the grants requested will be applied to benefit those affected by breast cancer. Where applications relate to general services, details must be given of how many (and what proportion) of the total number benefiting from the charity's work are affected by breast cancer.
The closing date for applications is the 31st May 2018.
£100,000 Opportunity for Ambitious and Start-up Food Businesses (UK)
This Competition Call invites ambitious start-up businesses to apply to take part in The Seed Fund’s Seed Academy. The Academy is a series of summer school events that will take place throughout the country over the course of the summer season. The events are aimed at ambitious small producers and businesses with ideas for new food brands and involve a series of workshops, mentoring sessions and talks covering a wide spectrum of disciplines. Seed Academy attendees are provided with mentoring and invaluable insights into all areas such as raising investment, design and marketing, distribution, social media, marketing, food photography, pricing and finance.
The competition is open to small producers in the UK who have been awarded a great taste award in the previous year as well as start-ups that have been trading for less than four years.
Up to 12 businesses will be selected to participate with one overall winner chosen to receive £100,000 worth of brand development and on-going expert advice to help launch their brand.
The winner in 2017 was FIREPOT. Developed by Outdoor Food, FIREPOT is a selection of backpack-friendly meals with a two-year shelf life that just require hot water to prepare.
The deadline for applications is 30 April 2018.
Schools Invited to Enter the Shell Bright Ideas Challenge (UK)
Secondary school students, aged 11-14 have the opportunity to enter the Shell Bright Ideas Challenge. Now in its third year, the challenge invites young people to use their creativity, problem solving, teamwork and STEM skills to devise innovative solutions that could power cities of the future. “What will cities look like in 2050? How will they be powered to be vibrant, healthy and clean places to live?”.
Cash prizes of £750-£5,000 are available to boost their schools’ STEM offering. I addition there are:
- Cash vouchers for students;
- Prototyping workshops for students to see their ideas really come to life;
- A funded VIP experience at Make the Future Live in London, where the finalists’ prototypes will be on display and put to a public vote to pick the 2018 champion.
The deadline for submitting entries to the challenge is 5pm on the 27th April 2018.
Funding to Support Vulnerable Migrants (UK)
Not for profit organisations that promote positive interaction between different groups in order to counter xenophobia, racism and Islamophobia can apply for funding through the Barrow Cadbury Trust’s Migration Programme.
Through its Migration Programme the Trust want to fund grassroots groups working with refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants and other marginalised migrants. The Trust seek to enable grassroots groups to support the most vulnerable migrants as well as empower migrants and ensure they are not excluded from the public debate on migration. Organisations may apply for this programme from anywhere in the UK but most awards will be made in the West Midlands.
No minimum or maximum grant amount is specified. Applications can be submitted at any time.
Previous projects supported include:
- The Bosnia & Herzegovina UK Network (BHN) to expand their work with young refugees, many of whom are experiencing conflicts with family members as they grow up in a culture different to the one of their parents.
- Refugee Youth to build networks and dialogue with young refugees and organisations working with young refugees in the West and East Midlands, many of whom have been funded by the Trust.
Grants of £1,000 Available to Fund Innovative Geography Teaching at Secondary Level (UK)
Two grants of £1,000 each are available to fund innovative geography teaching at secondary level. The aim of the grants is to enable imaginative, innovative or creative teaching materials to be developed.
The grants will be awarded to teacher – higher education partnerships. Ideally these will comprise one school teacher and one lecturer/researcher from a UK Higher Education Institution. The funding is being made available through the Royal Geographic Society Innovative Geography Teaching Grants.
Every year, the Society identifies an area of research which is either based upon a timely issue or approach. The aim is to serve both geography pupils and the wider teaching community through the creation of teaching materials on this particular issue. The materials produced will be published on the Society’s website.
The application deadline is the 15th February 2019.
New Support Programme Launched for Social Enterprises (UK)
Unltd’s new social accelerator programme, Thrive, offers a combination of bespoke business support from a dedicated Venture Manager and potential to access finance through UnLtd and/or their partners.
Designed to give social ventures the chance to grow their business and deliver greater social impact, up to 20 ventures that are improving access to employment for those distant from the labour market will be supported in 2018.
Eligible applicants must be:
- Based in the UK
- Focused on employment or employability
- Have a trading and social impact track record.
Interested businesses are invited to contact the Thrive Team to discuss their application before applying.
Capital Grants for Theatre Improvements (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
The Theatres Trust's Theatre Improvement Scheme awards capital funding as grants of up to £20,000. The Trust works in association with the Wolfson Foundation and each year funds projects with a specific theme - in 2018 the theme is Improving Accessibility.
Grants will be awarded to projects which make theatres more accessible through changes to the building or its systems. Priority will also be given to:
- Projects that could serve as best practice case studies to inspire other theatres
- Projects that serve the needs of the audience and include evidence of consultation with users and potential users of the venue.
Theatres and projects of all sizes are eligible as long as they can demonstrate excellence in the pursuit of becoming an accessible theatre. Applicants must also:
- Own or manage theatres with titles or signed leases of more than 15 years on buildings in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- Run a year-round programme of live performance, of no less than 30 performances a year
- Have a bona fide UK charitable or not-for-profit legal structure and be able to provide certified or audited accounts for at least two years.
- Operate theatres that achieve excellence through their producing and programming or architectural significance
Early stage pre-application conversations are encouraged. Application forms should be downloaded from the website and emailed to
Apply by Thursday 13 September 2018
Masonic Charitable Foundation Community Support Grants (England & Wales)
Registered charities in England and Wales can apply for funding to the Masonic Charitable Foundation's Community Support Grants Scheme.
Funding is available for projects to:
- Tackle financial hardship
- Improve the lives of those affected by poor physical and/or mental health and wellbeing
- Provide educational and employment opportunities for disadvantaged children and young people
- Tackle social exclusion and disadvantage.
Charities can apply for large grants of £5,000 and above or for small grants of between £500 - £5,000.
Large Grant
Over £5,000 can be awarded to charities for a specific purpose only. Reasons to apply for a Large Grant can include funding salary costs, specific project costs and refurbishment costs. New build or large-scale capital development projects cannot be considered. Funding may be granted for up to three years, where there is evidence of an on-going need for funding.
To check if your charity is able to apply and begin the application process, please click here to answer some eligibility questions.
Small Grant
Between £500 and £5,000 can be awarded to charities for core expenditure such as general running or overhead costs of the charity. To check if your charity is able to apply and begin the application process, please click here to answer some eligibility questions.
The next closing date for applications to the small and large grants programme is the 25th May 2018. If applying for a Large Grant, applicants must first submit a Grant Enquiry Form.
The deadline for submitting the Grant Enquiry form is the 4th May 2018.
Free Football Kit and Equipment for Primary Schools (England and Wales)
Teachers who are teaching pupils aged 5-11 years old in primary schools in England and Wales have the opportunity to apply for free resources through the Premier League Primary Stars programme being run in partnership with Nike and delivered by the Football Foundation. This national curriculum-linked education initiative provides resources and ideas for teachers to inspire girls and boys in the classroom and playground and on the sports field encouraging them to learn, engage and be active.
Designed to be used for active classroom sessions and PE lessons, the Premier League Primary Stars Kit and Equipment programme provides teachers with either a Nike football kit or a range of equipment that can be used across the curriculum to get children active including footballs, floor spots and giant dice.
Teachers must first register on with only schools that did not receive a Premier League Primary Stars Kit or Equipment pack in 2017 eligible to apply at this time. Parents or carers who would like their child's school to be involved can also register an interest in the programme and the school will then be contacted and encouraged to apply.
The closing date is Friday 6th April 2018. Successful schools will have kit and equipment delivered in the autumn term 2018.
Music Grants for Older People (England & Wales)
The registered charity, Concertina which makes grants of up to £250 to charitable bodies which provide musical entertainment and related activities for the elderly has announced that the next deadline for applications is the 30th April 2018.
The charity is particular keen to support smaller organisations which might otherwise find it difficult to gain funding. Concertina has made grants to a wide range of charitable organisations nationwide in England and Wales. These include funds to many care homes for the elderly to provide musical entertainment for their residents. Some of the charities that have received grants from Concertina include:
- Mind Active, Northumberland to help fund a joint social activity inviting residents and supporting care staff from every residential care home in Wansbeck;
- Access to Art, London to help fund operational costs of running trips for the elderly to galleries/museums.
Funding for Projects that Raise the Attainment of Disadvantaged School Students (England)
The Shine Trust which funds projects that help disadvantaged young people to realise their academic potential, has announced that the Let Teachers SHINE competition has re-opened for applications.
The competition aims to find the country's best teachers and some fresh, imaginative and practical ways to raise attainment among disadvantaged students in literacy, numeracy and/or science. Funding of up to £15,000 will be available for 10 winning ideas that help disadvantaged children and teenagers to recognise and then realise their academic potential.
The competition is free to enter and open to any teacher working in England with students aged up to 18. Successful ideas might involve after-school programmes or innovative use of technology; etc.
2017 winners included:
Amy Hanna: Ark Academy, London for the Miss Hanna Loves Grammar project working with students from year 7 and 8, the large majority of whom have a reading age below their peers. Amy created 150 engaging and age-appropriate YouTube videos, covering basic grammar rules.
Andrew Otty: Exeter College, Exeter for Andrew’s Write On! project aiming to produce a bespoke English curriculum for post-16 GCSE learners with very low prior attainment
Elizabeth Hope: Children’s Hospital School, Leicester to develop Science at the Bedside, a comprehensive set of teaching resources for specialist and non-specialist staff, both at her own hospital and others around the country. These resources will enable children of all key stages and abilities to have access to practical, stimulating and engaging science lessons whilst in hospital.