New Society Application Form

Thanks for wanting to set up a new society! To help speed up the process, please complete this form electronically and email . You must answer all questions and please provide as much detail as possible, because the people reviewing your application may not know anything about this society.

Before completing the form, and allocating committee positions, please look atthe Committee Resources pagefor information about what is expected of Sheffield Hallam Students' Union societies, and the responsibilities of the committee. This information also includes details of how to use any funding your society has, and health and safety responsibilities. If there's anything you don't understand, please just ask.

Name of society:

The Sheffield Hallam Students' Union
Please do not use 'SHU' or 'Sheffield Hallam University' in your society name / Proposed membership fee:
□ Free (no fee charged to members)
□ £_____
Think about what you would use this fee for, and price your society accordingly. Refer to the funding information on the website.
Aims and Objectives of the Society:
Please list at least one aim (the general purpose of your society), and the objectives that show how you will achieve that aim.
AIM: e.g. to bring together all students interested in films
OBJECTIVES: e.g. to explore a wide variety of genres; to provide opportunities to learn about filmmaking
Are there any existing societiesor clubs which are similar to yours?
How will your society be different?
We can't have societies or clubs that cover the same interests/activities as other existing groups because we have limited resources. We expect you to have spoken to any similar societies about whether it would be better to join them and expand their activities. If your society appears similar to another existing society/sport, carefully explain why it is different and why your proposed society should be separate.
What activities will you offer your members?
What other events will the society put on and how many in the year?
This could include classes, training sessions, workshops, or debates - activities that meet your aims and objectives. What social activities might you offer your members? Make sure you give the people who read your application a good idea of what you plan to do.
What facilities and equipment will you need for your society to meet its aims and objectives?
This could be dance/rehearsal space, storage space for equipment, anything you need to ensure that your society is safe for members to participate in etc. This helps us to understand how you will operate and what physical resources you might need.
What might you need funding for? How will you raise this money?
We need to know what you expect to have to pay for, whether that's a one off cost for equipment or a regular expense for teaching. You should tell us how much you expect things to cost, and whether you can use memberships fees, what members might need to pay separate to membership fees, or if you will seek sponsorship or do other fundraising.
Some funding is available from the Students' Union, and if you plan to apply for this you should explain how much you might need and what it would be for. (Please refer to the funding information on the website)
Equal opportunities statement:
"Everyone is welcome to join this society, and no one will be refused membership on the grounds of their race, gender, sexual orientation or any other defining characteristic.
Wherever possible our activities will be accessible to all members."
Do you agree with this statement? Yes / No
Any additional Equality & Diversity information specific to your society:
(e.g. any physical activity that may involve additional considerations)
Any other information you would like to be taken into consideration for your ratification:
Please include any additional information to support your application.
Use this space to tell us anything you think hasn't been addressed in the other parts of the form. It's a good idea to think about whether your proposed society might raise any concerns (licencing, safety, controversy, etc.) and address these here, which may speed up the application process.

New Society Committee

Your committee members can only be Sheffield Hallam students. For information about what each committee member's responsibilities are, please refer to the Committee Resources page

Email Address
SHU number
Email Address
SHU number
Email Address
SHU number
Email Address
SHU number

All the listed committee roles are required for every society.
* A treasurer is needed by any society that will handle any money, and any society that charges a membership fee.

Please add any additional committee roles that your proposed society needs.
New Society Members

Names & contact details of at least 12 people interested in joining the society (required if opting to be a paid society, optional if opting to be a free society). Remember that a list of interested students will add weight to your application. These members can only be Sheffield Hallam University students.

Once ratified, your society can have up to 20% of the members as associate members (e.g. University of Sheffield students). This is explained in more detail on the Committee Resources page.

Name / Email / Phone / SHU number.

Your application will be reviewed by Officers, Sheffield Hallam Students' Union staff and elected student representatives. If there are any questions about your application you will be contacted for more information.