Monday, June 8th, 2015, 6:30 p.m.
City Auditorium Conference Room
These minutes are being published subject to review and revision by the New Salem City Council.
Council Mayor: Lynette Fitterer.
Council members present: Delton Kautzman, Eugene Schaaf, Pat Fleckenstein, Gary Hoffmann.
Absent: Algae Young, Delores Klusmann
Others present: City Auditor Melissa Davis, Robyn Thiel, Margi Engelter, Alan Lechner, Robert Schwagler, Leonard Heid, Todd Norton, Mark Meyer, Rick Anderson, Deb Anderson, Mike Severson, Kristi Klusmann, Kyle Kirchmeier, Claye Kaelberer.
Hoffmann moved and Fleckenstein seconded to approve the May 11th, 2015 city council minutes as presented, all voting aye, motion carried.
Hearing of Visitors
The council reviewed the bids for the city lots. Kautzman moved and Schaaf seconded to accept Alan Lechner’s bid of $8251.00 for the property at 211 N 2nd St. All voting aye the motion carried.
Schaaf moved and Hoffmann seconded to accept Margi Engelter’s bid of $7500.00 for the property on the corner of Cedar and Third Street. All in favor the motion carried.
Water and Sewer
Hoffmann moved and Kautzman seconded to approve the two water bill adjustments for a total of $-2.60 as presented by Davis. All in favor the motion carried. Davis informed the council that the city’s Missouri West water bill is back down to its normal average use. Davis also informed the council that the issues with DFC water meter were taken care of. The water meter has been working just not communicating with the office computer, therefore DFC received a bill in June for two plus months of use.
Street Committee
Fleckenstein presented the council with the City of Jamestown curb, gutter, sidewalk, and street assessments process. Fleckenstein also visited with a special assessments analyst on the process. Each repair is on a case by case basis. Fleckenstein will present the council with a proposal for the city to follow for curb, gutter, sidewalk, and street repair next month. Davis will visit with Fuchs about putting together a list of necessary curb repairs for the city.
Kautzman visited with Fuchs about the road repair on Elm Street between 2nd and 3rd street. Fuchs felt the cold mix alone will cost over $5,000. Several other street, curb and gutter concerns were discussed and Davis will visit with Fuchs about the concerns when he returns from vacation.
Concerns about grass clippings being blown into the street were discussed. Davis will send a letter to the residents reminding them to clean up grass clippings that get blown in the street.
Fleckenstein and several residents presented the council with concerns about 9th Street just west and south of DFC. The continuous truck traffic has created several problems for the neighbors of DFC, including poor street conditions due to trucks going off truck routes, loud noise from trucks, loaders, and forklifts as late as 2:00am, water running into the streets and neighboring yards, along with other drainage issues. Kaelberer addressed the council and residents and explained that DFC is working on a plan of action to help alleviate as many of the issues as possible. Kautzman recommended to Kaelberer that the next time the general manager is in town that a meeting be scheduled between the DFC general manager, members of the DFC board, and the city’s street committee to discuss possible solutions.
Building Committee
Meyer presented the council with a variance request for the Community Fitness Center to build across property lines. Hoffmann moved and Kautzman seconded to approve the variance. All voting aye the motion carried.
New Business
Renaissance Zone expansion was discussed. Currently the city has 13 blocks in the renaissance zone, but can expand up to 34 blocks. The council will revisit the expansion at a later date.
Hoffmann moved and Schaaf seconded to approve the Resolution Setting Auditor Bond Limit with the discussed changes. All in favor motion carried.
Schaaf moved and Fleckenstein seconded to approve the liquor license transfer on June 13 from the Rud Corporation to Red Trail Links. The motion passed unanimously.
Hoffmann moved and Fleckenstein seconded to approve the bills as presented, all voting aye, motion carried.
Paid Chk# 000132E 941 PAYMENT 5/27/2015 $2,500.42
Paid Chk# 000133E WEB.COM 5/11/2015 $17.95
Paid Chk# 012245 CITY OF BISMARCK 5/14/2015 $168.75 TV disposal
Paid Chk# 012246 Bauer, Calvin 5/18/2015 $406.17
Paid Chk# 012247 Blaich, John 5/18/2015 $95.28
Paid Chk# 012248 Brunen, Andy 5/18/2015 $834.63
Paid Chk# 012249 Davis, Melissa 5/18/2015 $699.94
Paid Chk# 012250 Frohlich, Jim 5/18/2015 $234.22
Paid Chk# 012251 Fuchs, Dane 5/18/2015 $1,656.84
Paid Chk# 012252 CITY OF BISMARCK 5/21/2015 $696.90 TV disposal
Paid Chk# 012253 AE2S 5/26/2015 $90.00
Paid Chk# 012254 MDU 5/26/2015 $3,153.18 street lights
Paid Chk# 012255 NEW SALEM HISTORICAL SOCIET5/26/2015 $250.00 Donation
Paid Chk# 012256 Austin, Scott 6/1/2015 $115.44
Paid Chk# 012257 Bauer, Calvin 6/1/2015 $380.47
Paid Chk# 012258 Blaich, John 6/1/2015 $98.84
Paid Chk# 012259 Brunen, Andy 6/1/2015 $979.01
Paid Chk# 012260 Davis, Melissa 6/1/2015 $699.94
Paid Chk# 012261 Frohlich, Jim 6/1/2015 $169.56
Paid Chk# 012262 Fuchs, Dane 6/1/2015 $1,586.34
Paid Chk# 012263 Kautzman, Erik 6/1/2015 $471.71
Paid Chk# 012264 Meyer, Mark 6/1/2015 $92.35
Paid Chk# 012265 AMERIPRIDE SERVICES 6/8/2015 $221.87 aud floor mats
Paid Chk# 012266 AT&T 6/8/2015 $163.02
Paid Chk# 012267 BANYON DATA SYSTEMS 6/8/2015 $295.00 software and support
Paid Chk# 012268 Capital City Restaurant Supply 6/8/2015 $180.00 Ice Machine Filiters
Paid Chk# 012269 CENTRAL DAKOTA FRONTIER 6/8/2015 $610.43 gas and oil
Paid Chk# 012270 CLAYS PLUMBING 6/8/2015 $390.00 Rogness Sewer
Paid Chk# 012271 COFER SANITATION 6/8/2015 $49.61
Paid Chk# 012272 CURTIS RUD OIL 6/8/2015 $183.51
Paid Chk# 012273 DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP 6/8/2015 $1,338.18
Paid Chk# 012274 DANE FUCHS 6/8/2015 $261.00 TV Disposal
Paid Chk# 012275 FARMERS LUMBER & GAMBLES 6/8/2015 $360.67 aud/shop supplies
Paid Chk# 012276 FUSION INTEGRATED TECH 6/8/2015 $475.00 Alarm System Alarm Service Ren
Paid Chk# 012277 MELISSA DAVIS 6/8/2015 $69.49 postage/stamp
Paid Chk# 012278 MISSOURI WEST WATER SYSTEM6/8/2015 $10,694.07 water purchase
Paid Chk# 012279 MORTON COUNTY AUDITOR 6/8/2015 $3,360.00 police contract
Paid Chk# 012280 NAPA 6/8/2015 $490.30 equipment parts
Paid Chk# 012281 NDPERS 6/8/2015 $998.73 retirement payment
Paid Chk# 012282 OFFICE DEPOT 6/8/2015 $21.99
Paid Chk# 012283 ONE CALL CONCEPTS 6/8/2015 $13.20
Paid Chk# 012284 ROTO ROOTER 6/8/2015 $1,500.00 Birch & 8th
Paid Chk# 012285 SANITATION PRODUCTS 6/8/2015 $445.51 sweeper misc
Paid Chk# 012286 Security First Bank BC/BS 6/8/2015 $285.00 Dane insurance
Paid Chk# 012287 SPIFFY BIFFS 6/8/2015 $74.00
Paid Chk# 012288 STRATA CORP 6/8/2015 $416.02
Paid Chk# 012289 TRANSTRASH 6/8/2015 $1,663.52
Paid Chk# 012290 WEST RIVER 6/8/2015 $215.84 phones
Lynette Fitterer-Mayor
Melissa Davis-Auditor