Mission Statement

TREE HOUSE PRE SCHOOL & MONTESSORI is committed to the best interest of the children, ensuring that all their physical, emotional, social, language and intellectual needs are met in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

Our aim is to support the learning and development of each individual child by providing a Montessori based integrated, balanced, broad and stimulating curriculum. Our Montessori Curriculum is guided by Dr. Maria Montessori, creator of the Montessori Method of Education. Maria Montessori firmly believed that young children have incredibly absorbent minds, assimilating all that they see, hear and experience. The adult is formed through what he has absorbed through his environment. By thoughtfully planning the environment in which children live and learn each child reaches his full potential. Our aim at Tree House is to encourage this method and for each child to reach its full potential.

We aim to provide a secure learning environment, which enables children to:

  • be vibrantly inquisitive about new things
  • acquire fine motor skills
  • develop an analytical mind
  • work independently
  • work well with others as part of a team
  • respect others
  • feel purposeful and valuable
  • derive satisfaction from achievements
  • be happy and confident
  • be tolerant and patient
  • be appreciative and appreciated

“To assist a child we must provide him with an environment which will enable him to develop freely” – Maria Montessori


Parental Involvement

We as childcare workers recognise the value of parental involvement and understand how it can support their work with the child. It is the policy of this service not to discuss details of any child or family outside this service without written permission. Confidential information is shared only with the staff members who need the information to effectively perform their job. Both staff and parents have a right to examine their own files. We offer an open door policy to all parents, but appointments can be made if required.

Equal Opportunities

The children in this service are all unique individuals and will be respected as such. We in this service are committed to an anti-bias approach. Our staff has a responsibility to show clearly through their work that they respect all cultures, beliefs and traditions and disabilities. Children are welcomed, valued and accepted for who they are without fear of being ridiculed, undermined or excluded.

Positive Behaviour Management

The methods used in this service will only be methods that promote the development of self-discipline and will be developmentally appropriate. We believe in promoting positive behaviour. Parents may be asked to meet with staff to discuss their child’s behaviour, so that if there are any difficulties we can work together to ensure consistency between home and service. By positively promoting good behaviour, valuing co-operation and a caring attitude, we hope to ensure that children will develop as responsible members of society.

Discipline/Behaviour Management Policy

  • Children are encouraged at all times to behave in a caring responsible way.
  • We encourage turn taking and sharing.
  • Positive behaviour is always reinforced to encourage and build the child’s self-esteem.
  • Rules of play and the playroom are clearly explained to the children.
  • Difficult behaviour is dealt with by distracting the child, changing the activity/environment or giving time out.
  • As children imitate behaviour, the adults in this playroom will lead by example.


Health and Safety Statement

The policy of TREE HOUSE PRE SCHOOL & MONTESSORI is to encourage and create an environment that ensures the safety of the children, staff and other persons who enter the premises, in so far as is reasonably practicable. The implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the school.

All staff members are responsible for working in such as to ensure the safety of others as well as themselves. All employees are responsible for the health and safety of the children under their supervision.

Tree House Pre School & Montessori is insured under Kidd Insurance Co.

Our Safety Statement will be reviewed annually.


The Classroom
  • Furniture and equipment only suitable for children will be used.
  • All shelving containing educational equipment will be at the height of the child and will be fully accessible at all times.
  • Floors will be free from hazards and will be cleaned daily but not be polished.
  • All paints and compounds used will be of a non-toxic nature.
  • All electrical plugs, sockets and equipment will be protected and covered to ensure the safety of the children.
  • Children will have no access to containers for holding hot or boiling liquids or substances.
  • A thermostat in compliance with the relevant legislation at the time will control the heat and water temperature.
  • The toilet facilities will be checked at regular intervals and will be cleaned daily.


  • Excellent hygiene standards will be upheld at all times.
  • It is the responsibility of all the staff members to maintain these high standards.
  • All staff members must be dressed appropriately for working with the children and meeting with the parents.
  • The school will be cleaned daily.
  • Tissues will be available in each room and bins are available for the hygienic disposal of tissues.
  • Staff will ensure all children wash their hands with soap and warm water after toileting children.
  • Smoking is prohibited at all times in the Tree House Pre School & Montessori.


Accident Prevention

  • The premises will be kept tidy at all times to reduce the risks of accidents occurring. This includes:
  • Coats and bags will be placed in their correct place at all times.
  • Teaching materials to be placed back on the shelves when not in use.
  • Hot drinks will not be consumed in the classroom.
  • Electrical appliances to be kept out of reach of the children with leads secured safely away.
  • All entry and exit areas will be kept clear at all times.
  • All accidents involving the children in the school will be recorded in the Accident Book and will be reported to the parents on the day the accident occurs.

Administration of Medicine

In general, TREE HOUSE PRE SCHOOL & MONTESSORI tried to avoid administering medication to children and would encourage parents or cares to ensure that they are administered before attending school. In circumstances where this is not possible, we must be provided with written consent from the child’s parents/carers to administer the medication during school hours. Any prescribed medications will be administered by authorised staff members only, in a way that ensures the safety and well-being of children. All medications will be stored safely away from children’s reach and refrigerated if required. All medication administered will be accurately recorded.

In respect to those children who have long term medical needs, written consent from the parent/carer must be given on a monthly basis and a plan will be drawn up giving clear and accurate instructions that include details of the medical condition, medical needs, symptoms of condition and emergency contact details.


Storage of Cleaning Materials

  • All cleaning or toxic materials will be placed out of reach of the children.
  • Cleaning utensils will be stored in their correct place out of reach of the children.
  • Ensure tops of all containers are closed correctly and tightly.
  • All doors on presses will be closed at all times.

Care of equipment

  • All electrical equipment will be checked regularly to ensure it is in correct working order.
  • Any electrical faults must be reported to the manager. All electrical equipment will be properly protected and earthed.
  • All defects in equipment and appliances must be reported to the school manager and must not be made available for use.
  • All electrical appliances must be unplugged when not in use.
  • All fire equipment will be checked regularly to ensure they are fully operational.
  • All fire equipment will undergo a maintenance check at least once a year.
  • All teaching materials will be checked and cleaned once a week.


Emergency Procedures
  • Safe evacuation of the building is of the utmost importance.
  • All exits must be kept clear at all times to ensure a quick and safe exit.
  • All staff must be familiar with the location of fire appliances and their instructions.
  • All staff must be familiar with the fire drill.
Fire Safety

A supervised fire drill will take place at lease once every term. This is in line with the Church of Ireland National School and Department of Education guidelines.

The following fire equipment will be available in the school:

  • fire extinguisher for electrical and non-electrical fires
  • fire blanket
  • A fully stocked first aid kit with adequate supply of suitable burn cream, lotion, spray and burn injury dressings.

All staff will be instructed and trained on the use of the fire equipment.

All staff will hold current First Aid Certificates and will be proficient in treating minor burns.

All fire safety equipment will be clearly marked and easily located.

All smoke alarms will be maintained in good order at all times and tested once every two weeks.


Fire Drill Procedure

  • When the fire alarm sounds do not panic or frighten the children. Carry out the Fire Drill procedure that has been practiced with the children.
  • All children and staff should stop work and line up at the designated area practiced in the Fire Drill.
  • Where possible, staff members will take the class roll with them.
  • The teachers will check the toilets and any other areas to ensure no child or adult are unaccounted for.
  • The building will be evacuated through the Fire Exits closing all doors as you leave.
  • Staff members will lead the children to a safe area and call the roll ensuring all children are present and accounted for.
  • Without putting yourself or others at risk, if you feel the fire can be handled with either a fire extinguisher or fire blanket then do so.
  • If staff and children are at risk and the fire cannot be controlled by an extinguisher, the emergency services should be contacted immediately 999.



School Outings are an important part of our calendar. We feel it is important for children to experience different environments and play experiences. Anytime a child leaves the school with a staff member is considered an outing. The following guidelines will apply for all outings:

  • Parents will be given consent forms before every outing and these forms must be signed and returned to the school before the date of the outing.
  • Each parent will be informed in writing of the destination, method of transport, times of departure and return, planned activities and supervision ratios.
  • All outings will be planned in advance with the designated leader.
  • A risk assessment of the outing will be carried out and recorded.
  • The adult to child ratio will be set at 1:2 for all outings. Parents or extra responsible adults may attend on outings.
  • Each adult will be made aware of their role/responsibility during the outing and have the ability to identify any hazards or risks to the children on the outing and must be aware at all times of the dangers children are exposed to on outings e.g. water, traffic, animals, strangers etc.)
  • Transport must comply with safety requirements and insurance cover and all drives must be assessed for suitability to transport children.
  • A qualified first aider must be appointed and a fully stocked first aid box must be taken on each outing.
  • A mobile phone with all emergency phone numbers must be taken by a responsible adult.
  • Role Book must be brought on all outings and must be called, before, during and after each outing. Frequent head counts must be carried out.
  • Children must be supervised at all times.
  • Parents will be notified regarding appropriate clothing, accessories and food required for each outing.


Child Protection

Tree House Pre School & Montessori is committed to promoting and facilitating the total development of the child, socially, emotionally, physically and culturally. We recognise the importance of a child’s environment in their development.

Tree House Pre School & Montessori will ensure a safe and secure environment is provided for all children. We are committed to good practice in our work, which protects all children from harm. We recognise and accept our responsibilities in relation to keeping all children from harm and in furthering our own awareness of the causes of harm.

Children First,the Department of Health and Children’s Guidelines on protecting children from abuse, clearly places a duty on our service to protect children in our care. The Child Care (Pre-school Services) Regulations, 2006 also require us to develop clear written guidelines on identifying and reporting child abuse.

We will ensure that sensitive information passed to us will be treated with confidentiality and note that the giving of information to the appropriate people for the protection of a child is not a breach of confidentiality. Anyone who receives information from colleagues about possible or actual abuse must treat it as having been given in confidence (Children First, 1999, 5.3.3).

Training on child protection is provided and is compulsory for all staff members. Staff members are provided with support in the form of training, regular supervision and opportunities to discuss with the manager, any concern in relation to a child or family – a concern is never too trivial.


Child Protection

Reporting Child Abuse

It is the responsibility of all staff members working in Tree House Pre School & Montessori to report any suspicions and/or allegations of physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or neglect to the Health Service Executive (HSE) and in the case of an emergency we will contact the Garda Síochána in Stepaside.

It is not the responsibility of Tree House Pre School & Montessori or its staff to carry out investigations. This is the role of the HSE and the Garda Síochána.

We will ensure that Parents/Guardians/Carers will be kept informed and appropriate confidentiality will be maintained at all times.

If a member of staff is suspected or accused of abuse, the matter will be reported immediately and other users of the service will be protected. In some instances this may mean the suspension of staff from duty

Responsibility for child protection and welfare issues is delegated to Elaine Dunne, Owner of Tree House Pre School & Montessori and it is her responsibility to ensure all members of staff know that she is the Designated Child Protection Person.

All information regarding concern or assessment of child abuse will be shared on ‘a need to know’ basis in the best interests of the child (Children First, 1999)

In making any report, the following must be taken into consideration

  • The protection and safety of the child is paramount
  • The principle of natural justice – a person is innocent until proven otherwise
  • The principle of confidentiality – only those that need to know should be told of a suspicion/allegation/disclosure of abuse and the number of people to be kept informed should be kept to a minimum

Care is monitored throughout the day to minimise the risk of child abuse or neglect.

We will ensure that:

  • All employees are suitable to work with children.
  • All employees are carefully selected and vetted through Garda Vetting Forms.
  • All employees are adequately supervised.


Child Protection

The following Principles of Child Protection Practice in Early Years Settings will apply:

  • The welfare of children is of paramount importance
  • There is respect for children in their ordinary physical care – staff members should talk to children rather than each other and should personalise all their interactions. Information should be shared with children, their opinions should be sought and encouraged and their growing abilities to care for themselves should be acknowledged. The level of contact around intimate care should be sensitively dealt with and a child’s need for privacy in the toilet etc. should be respected in accordance with his or her self-care abilities. All employees should be guided by individual children in expressions of affection.
  • Children have a right to be listened to, heard and taken seriously. Adults should also observe their body language. Children’s concerns and feelings will be respected. Their questions will always be answered honestly in a way that is appropriate to their age and stage of development
  • Families have a right to be respected and consulted in relation to their child’s welfare.
  • Where there is a conflict of interest between the needs and rights of children and the needs and rights of their parents/carers, the child’s needs and rights will be paramount
  • We are committed to working collaboratively with all agencies and disciplines concerned with the protection and welfare of children
  • We will respect confidentiality of information entrusted to us but will not treat as confidential information which needs to be shared to protect children.
  • We will always fully consider factors such as the child’s gender, age and stage of development, religion, culture and race in our work.
  • We will endeavour to raise awareness in relation to children’s welfare and protection among parents, carers, workers and the community generally.
  • We will employ ‘best practice’ in our recruitment and selection policies and practices so as to minimise the risk to children in our services.
  • We will employ agreed and positive ways of dealing with children’s behaviour. Their troublesome or disruptive behaviour will be kept separate from themselves as individuals and labels or nicknames will be avoided. Safe methods for dealing physically with children will be agreed and consistently applied.