New Rockford-Sheyenne JH Band Syllabus
This is an elective music course for junior high and high school students desiring to perform. The goal of this course is to teach students to become better and more confident musicians and to develop an appreciation for various styles of music. This statement is expanded with these specific goals listed below:
Band Goals
To continue the development of music appreciation and understandingthrough the study and performance of the best in music.
To develop interested and discriminating listeners and provide a well-roundedmusical background.
To provide music and support for certain school and community affairs, whilepromoting and enhancing the dignity and reputation of the band at musicfestivals and concerts.
To provide all students with an opportunity for worthy use of leisure time, anemotional outlet, and good social experiences.
These goals will be met through more specific objectives as listed here:
Objectives for the year
1. Demonstrate proper playing posture.
2. Demonstrate expanded rib cage breathing.
3. Demonstrate breath support.
4. Play with correct articulation.
5. Produce a clear and pleasing tone on your instrument.
6. Actively participate in all sight-reading exercises.
11. Learn and play assigned scales correctly.
12. Learn all key signatures in Sr. High.
15. Blend and balance with the band when playing.
16. Demonstrate knowledge of musical terms and symbols.
17. Listen analytically to yourself and critique your performance.
Grading policy
1. Participation and Effort.
These all-important qualities comprise50% of your quarter grade. This will be a weekly grade assessed by the director and updated regularly in PowerSchool. The director will determine this portion of the grade from an evaluation in the following areas:
a. attendance (absences/tardies from rehearsals)
b. positive attitude/behavior/effort
c. class readiness (folder/music out, pencil checks, preparation)
d. any miscellaneous assignments that may arise – i.e. end of quarter evaluations, etc.
2.Practice minutes(NEW THIS YEAR)
Since Mrs. Hovey does not have time for regular lessons this year, Junior High band students will be expected to practice 30 minutes per week on their own time. This will comprise 20% of your grade. These minutes must be logged on an official practice log and signed by a parent. All logs are due Monday at the beginning of band for the previous week.
3.Concert attendance (Pep Band and Concerts)
The final goal of choir and band is to prepare for performances throughout the year. All concerts are required and worth 30% of your grade. Pep Band performances, while not required are a wonderful way for us to show off our program to the public on a regular basis and as such, students are expected to be present for these whenever possible (AND IT’S FUN!!!!!).
Music Room Expectations
1. No cell phones or other personal electronic/digital devices are allowed in the classroom. Rule of thumb: if it can text or connect to the internet, it is not allowed in the classroom.
2. No gum, candy, or food is allowed in the classroom.
3. No backpacks, tote bags, purses, etc. are allowed in the classroom
4. Report any inability to play, due to illness or injury, before class begins on that day. Your participation level for that day will then be determined by the teacher.
5. Take any necessary breaks at the restrooms or water fountains BEFORE class begins.
6. You may bring bottled water in to the classroom.
7. Keep a pencil in your folder for use in marking music. Mrs. Hovey will provide you with one pencil at the beginning of the year.
8. Students who are dismissed from participation in any concert for any reason, will be given an alternative assignment to complete.
Current Schedule of events (subject to change)
Thursday, Oct. 16Fall Band/Choir Concert7 PM
Thursday, Dec. 11Christmas Concert7 PM
Date TBDSolo and Ensemble festival9am-3pm
Thursday, May 14Spring Concert7 PM
Pep Band performances will be in a separate document.
All important news, schedules and special announcements will be on my page on the school website. Parents and Students, check it often for updates!
Through the signatures below, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the goals and policies set forth in the New Rockford Sheyenne Band Syllabus.
Student Signature______Date______
Parent Signature______Date______
Return this signed sheet to Mrs. Hovey. This will be your first official grade in the gradebook. Due Friday, August 29.
Parent or student comments: