Bureau of Employment Relations
Bureau of Employment RelationsMERC PANEL MEMBER BIOGRAPHY
Daniel, William P. Arbitrator
Business: Daniel & Grossman, P.C.
336 W 1st St Flint, MI 48502 810-235-2581
FAX: 810-233-3888
Industries include: Agriculture, aluminum, atomic energy, auto, bakery, beverage,
brewery, brass copper, broadcasting, canning, cement, chemical, clothing,
communications, construction & building, dairy, education, electrical equipment &
appliances, entertainment, arts, food, foundry, furniture, glass, heating ventilation, health care, hotel/restaurants, local government, lumber, machinery, manufacturing, meat packing, metal fabrication nuclear energy, packaging, pharmaceutical, plastics, plumbing fixtures, police & fire, printing & publishing, private sector interest, public sector grievance, (further listings available).
University of Detroit PhB, 1955; University of Detroit Law School JD, 1958.
Professional Organizations:
American Arbitration Association; Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Michigan Employment Relations Commission; Michigan Civil Service Commission
PER DIEM: $925
CANCEL: Minimum fee upon cancellation of the case 1/2 per diem; Cancellation charges:
A. confirmed dates up to 30 days before the hearing 1/2 per diem
B. confirmed dates within 30 days of hearing full per diem
OTHER: All travel, telephone, xerox, etc. at cost. All fees and charges are equally
divided and payable unless parties agree otherwise.
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