September 9, 2003

There is a great deal of information in this newsletter. Please read it thoroughly.

Residents’ Meeting

A Residents’ Meeting will be held Thursday, October 9 from 7-9 at Chesterfield Elementary School. This Meeting will be held to discuss current business and address any new issues or concerns.

Directory Updates

Revised directories were distributed about two weeks ago. If you have any corrections or updates to the directory, contact Debbie Hamrick @ 532-7340.

Or ()

Website Development

Gary VonderHaar has developed our very own “Pine Creek” website. Find it at,

Many pertinent subdivision items can be found there and issues and notices can be posted through Mr. VonderHaar. ()

Cool Stuff...Thanks, Gary!


Reminder! All permanent / semi-permanent improvements (such as...decks, pools, play sets, in ground basketball sets, satellite dishes, fences, changing the color of your home etc.) requires the prior approval of the Trustees. Recently there have been several requests submitted w/o proper lead-time, which creates the potential for additional costto you if the work begins prior to Trustee approval and the plans require revisions to meet the guidelines. Currently, several swing sets are not in compliance and have not been approved by the Trustees. (You should know if you are in compliance.) If you are not, please submit a form (Download or print form from our website) to have your property reviewed and your file updated to reflect the changes. It’s easier than you think. Requests for improvements should be submitted in writing to Jeff Oberschelp at 438 Pine Bend Dr. Or ()

See website for a Summation of Basic Improvement Guidelines.When in

Vehicles parked on the Street

Complaints have been coming in about having to constantly dodge the same cars daily just to make it through the subdivision. Commercial vehicles are allowed only during periods of actual construction or repair. Pine Creek covenants prevent vehicles from being parked on the street for periods exceeding 4 hours.

If you have friends that visit frequently or will be spending the night or weekend, or your children do, encourage them to park in your driveway...that’s why we have them.

Commercial vehicles are not to remain overnight. Further, the street is not to be used as a staging area for home improvements and landscaping projects.


Financials for fiscal 2003 “to date” are attached on a separate sheet.

Pet Courtesy

There have been numerous complaints recently regarding pet waste in Pine Creek. The City of Wildwood has a code that addresses animal nuisances. Owners can be fined for neglecting to clean up pet waste. As trustees' who receive these complaints, we have had no choice but to advise the residents to video tape or take a photo of the offenders and call the city.

We have many great pets in our neighborhoods and many great owners who love them and are out there with them every day on walks. If you’re not carrying a bag for clean up...your not being responsible. Let’s keep in mind that our four legged loved ones can leave unpleasant surprises for the next walker, jogger or homeowner.

Please remember to clean up after your pet.


Parents...tell your children and children, tell your parents!

Two in a neighboring subdivision where a child was struck by a car and one in our subdivision where a pickup truck was speeding out of the subdivision full of kids on the wrong side of the monument at 10:00 at night have prompted the Wildwood police to begin rolling patrols with radar in our subdivision. The speed limit is 25 MPH. Tell your friends and your children’s friends “this is a zero tolerance policy” You might feel a little funny getting a ticket in you own will feel a lot worse if someone else is injured.


Common Ground Dumping

It’s that time of year for landscaping, etc. Please make sure that you or your contractors do not use the common ground areas adjacent to your property for dumping of waste materials.

Notes on the Retention Pond / Lake and Common Grounds

Most of the residents are aware of our retention pond. For those of you who are not, it’s located behind the homes @ 422 through 434 Pine Bend and access is between the homes at 418 and 422 Pine bend. Please use courtesy when visiting the pond and while in the common ground area along the creek as they back up to homeowners private property.

There are two recent issues regarding these areas.

1) The storm sewers in your yards and along our streets are directly connected to our lake. Anything you throw into the sewer ends up in the pond. Lately, Nita Gordon (Trustee and Lake Manager) and some of the people who visit the lake have been finding everything from beer cans to candy wrappers in the lake, washed down from the connecting passages.

We are trying to provide a healthy environment for the fish that have been stocked in the lake.

Some of these fish eat mosquito larva, others eat the unwanted duckweed and others that will be good game fish. Anything you put into the sewers ends up in the lake and can kill of our fish. Oil spills, radiator anti-frieze, grass clippings and excess fertilizer from your yard can pollute the lake!

If you don’t want it in your lake, make sure it doesn’t end up in the sewer.

2.) The common ground area down by the creek has recently been frequented by teenagers drinking and partying after hours. The homeowners in the area have been instructed to call the police if it happens again.

Holiday Decorations

Belated thanks goes to those who coordinated the holiday decorations last year. (The Hudspeths and the Krisitchs for the Christmas entrance decorations and to an anonymous flag planter on the 4Th). Also, thanks to Carol Esrock and Sue Adams for the luminaries. We plan on, doing it all again. Anyone who would like to help this year, please contact Steve Kristich or Robert Hudspeth for the entrance or Carol Esrock for the luminaries.

2003 Committees

The committee chairs for 2003 are as follows. Please call the committee chair if you are interested in helping make Pine Creek a better place to live.

Welcome Committee

Debbie and Robert Hudspeth


Pond and Lake Management

Nita Gordon


Website Planning and development

Gary VonderHaar


Subdivision Directory

Debbie Hamrick


A note from the editor:

If your sprinkler system runs while it’s raining or just after a rain, it’s not only a waste of water, but can cause a fungus on you lawn. Call your sprinkler system representative and most likely for less than a family dinner at Wild Horse Grill you can have a rain gauge set up on your system to keep it from coming on during or after a rain when its not needed.

Thanks for reading and please pass this along to your family members. Hope to see you at the meeting!


Steve, Nita and Jeff


Contact your Resident Trustees with any questions or concerns.

Nita Gordon @ 530-0888, Jeff Oberschelp @ 519-9623, Steve Kristich @ 530-9550