CST, INC. Customs Broker and Compliance Consultants

Definitions of the data elements


  • Name & address of last known entity selling or agreeing to sell the goods. If goods are imported other than purchase, the name & address of the owner of the goods must be reported. DUNS number may be used in lieu of the name and address.


  • Name & address of the last known entity to which the goods are sold or agreed to be sold. If no purchase agreement, the name and address of the owner of the goods. DUNS number may be used in lieu of the name and address.

Importer of record number:

  • The IRS number, EIN (Employer Identification number), Social Security number, or CBP assigned number for the entity liable for payment of duties and responsible for meeting all Customs regulations pertaining to the import transaction.

Consignee number:

  • The IRS number, EIN (Employer Identification number), Social Security number, or CBP assigned number for the entity on whose account the merchandise is shipped. This may be the same as the importer.


  • Name & address of last manufacturer such as assembler or producer.
  • Name & address of the supplier of the finished goods in the country of export
  • DUNS numbers are acceptable.
  • MID’s not acceptable

Ship to party:

  • Name & address of the first party to physically receive the goods after the release from Customs. DUNS number may be used in lieu of the name and address.
  • Physical address of the place of delivery if different from corporate address.
  • If the ship to party is not known at the time of filing, a firm’s code for a bonded warehouse or container freight station is acceptable.

Stuffing location:

  • Name & address of the physical location where the goods are stuffed into the container. The “scheduled” location may be provided and updated if changed. If factory loaded, provide the name and address of the factory.
  • DUNS number may be used instead of the name and address.


Name & address of the company who loaded the container or arranged to have the container

loaded. Provide the factory’s name and address if factory loaded.

HTS #: Tariff numbers to the six-digit level must be entered; all 10 digits may be entered

Country of origin of the product.

Definitions of cargo:

Bulk cargo is cargo stowed loose in the hold and is not enclosed in any container. Bulk cargo is free flowing articles such as oil, grain, coal, ore, etc which can be pumped or run through a chute or handled by dumping; or articles that require mechanical handling such as bricks, iron, lumber, steel beams, etc.

Break-bulk cargo – Non containerized but which is packaged or bundled.

Security Filings are required for break-bulk cargo but are not required for bulk cargo, air-freight, or truck freight.