New Post Chapel Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday, 9 April 2002
New Post Chapel Parlor
I. The meeting was called to order at 1855
II. Doris Lambert opened the meeting with a prayer.
III. Roll Call:
Pastor Chaplain: Chaplain Fowler
Elected Officers:
President Thomas O’Donnell
Vice President Sam Coffman
Representative 9:30 Service Rafael Ortiz
Representative 11:00 Service Stonie Whetstone
Member – at –Large Retirees Vince Cambron
Secretary Nancy Walrath
Committee Chairpersons:
Worship Sid Oaksmith (absent)
Music and Special Services Beverly Hopkins
Fellowship/Hospitality Marie Strickland
Outreach Jim Lambert
Stewardship Vince Cambron
Equipment and Facilities Tom O’Donnell
Visitation and Flower Ministry Lois Whetstone
Religious Education Sam Coffman
Guests: Doris Lambert
IV. President O’Donnell reported that the Living Last Supper presentation at FATC was a wonderful ministry. It had an impact that will be known in the future.
V. The minutes were reviewed. Jim Lambert motioned to accept the minutes as written and Vince Cambron seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
VI. New Business
A. Vince Cambron made a presentation to the Council. Mike Hammer has donated, to the chapel, a Franklin Mint set of figurines depicting the Last Supper. Vince Cambron and Rich Robideaux made a stand and case for the figurines. Vince will submit papers to the chapel for tax purposes.
B. Committee Report
1. Fellowship/Hospitality – Marie Strickland reported that the next potluck will be 19 May 2002 at 1230. The chapel will furnish chicken and the potluck will be held outside if possible.
2. Jim – (written report) Jim Lambert noted that Chaplain Rabe is available to speak on the topic of personal witnessing. Counters for each service will be announced during the announcements before service.
3. Vince Cambron has received the names of some graduating seniors. These students will be recognized on 19 May. Jim Lambert motioned that the chapel purchase Bibles for this. Tom O’Donnell seconded the motion. Vince presented the proposed NPC Parish Council slate of officers: Tom Hodgini for president, Rafael Ortiz for vice president, Bob Carver for 0930 representative, Cynthia Massie for 1100 representative, and Stonie Whetstone for member- at -large. Jim Lambert motioned to accept the slate of officers and Marie Strickland seconded the motion.
4. Flower Ministry – Lois Whetstone asked Vince Cambron to continue to announce the Sundays available for flower donations. Most Sundays in May and June are available. Concerns about the availability of a chapel assistant to open the church for flower ministry were addressed.
5. Music and Special Services – Beverly Hopkins will meet with Chaplain Fowler to address items needing to be ordered. This is volunteer recognition month. Committee chairpersons were asked to submit a list of volunteers to Gail Coffman. The piano has been tuned. The organ is scheduled for repair.
6. It was noted that 20 April is a chapel clean-up day.
C. Calendar – The May, June and July calendars were reviewed and updated.
D. Chaplain Fowler announced that he had received Certificates of Appreciation for the participants of the Living Last Supper presentation at the FATC. Jim commented that the Resurrection Sunday service with communion was very meaningful. The sermons from the previous Sundays had been directed toward the focus on Resurrection Sunday.
VII. Tom O’Donnell motioned to adjourn the meeting and Marie Strickland seconded the motion. The meeting was closed with a prayer from Chaplain Fowler.
New Post Chapel Parish Council Meeting
Tuesday, 21 May 2002
New Post Chapel Parlor
I. Welcome – President O’Donnell
II. Invocation
III. Roll Call:
Pastor Chaplain: Chaplain Fowler
Elected Officers:
President Thomas O’Donnell
Vice President Sam Coffman
Representative 9:30 Service Rafael Ortiz
Representative 11:00 Service Stonie Whetstone
Member – at –Large Retirees Vince Cambron
Secretary Nancy Walrath
Committee Chairpersons:
Worship Sid Oaksmith
Music and Special Services Beverly Hopkins
Fellowship/Hospitality Marie Strickland
Outreach Jim Lambert
Stewardship Vince Cambron
Equipment and Facilities Tom O’Donnell
Visitation and Flower Ministry Lois Whetstone
Religious Education Sam Coffman
IV. President’s Opening Remarks
V. Reading/Approval of Minutes
VI. Old Business
VII. New Business
A. Committee Reports (written format preferred)
B. Short/Long term Calendar
C. Comments by NCOIC
D. Comments by Attending Chaplain(s)
E. Concluding Comments by the President
VIII. Adjournment/Benediction.