During the summer of 2012 several district immersion events are being planned to provide churches and individuals who are interested in going deeper around developing community and building relations with new people in their communities. These immersion sites can serve as “models” for how some churches are learning about – and learning from – their neighbors. Take-home action steps will be identified that participants can implement back home.

The following locations across the conference have agreed to serve as host sites for immersion experiences. The listing is sorted by district. However, churches or individuals are welcome to cross district boundaries. You are invited to identify a date, site and description of the event that most interests you. Note that in order to keep the immersion opportunities true to their intended purposes, capacities are limited for several of the sites. Additional Immersion Sites may be added throughout the next few months. Check the Conference New Places for New People webpage ( MinistriesNew Places for New People) for additional sites.

If your church is providing opportunities for developing community and building relations with new people in your community that you would like to offer as possible Immersion Sites for other churches to learn from contact your district Field Outreach Minister.

For more information about any of the sites, contact the Field Outreach Minister in the appropriate district or the listed contact person. To register contact the district office for the site you want to attend.

Southwest District:Shirley Lewis (712) 243.8573

Southeast District:Jean Carpenter (319) 986.2095

South Central:Paul Smith (641) 414.5771

Central District:Wendy Lubkeman (515) 967.7639

East Central District: Ann Zeal (319) 365.6273

Northeast District:Janet Condon (319) 268.7502

Northwest District:Judi Calhoon (712) 732.0812

North Central District: Alanna Warren (515) 832.2784

Southwest District

New Places for New People Summer Immersion Sites

Emerson – Prayer-Walking Project

Date: Saturday, June 23, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Capacity: 12 – 15

For more information contact:

Denise Stevens (CLM), lay pastor, ; (402) 679.5965

Meet with Prayer Walking team to receive orientation and instructions. Conduct pray walk and return to church building for report and debriefing. Lunch will be included on a donation basis.

Shenandoah – Helping Hands Dinner

Date: Sunday, July 29, 3:30 – 6:30 pm and/or

Sunday, August 26, 3:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Capacity: 10 – 12

For more information contact:

Rev. Ed Powers, pastor, ; (319) 551.2192

Participants will join in on the preparations for dinner, and then interact with the guests from the community as dinner is served. The dinner prep will probably start around 3:30 p.m. or earlier and start serving at 4:30. Serving is mostly done by 5:30 p.m. when the participants will join the crew for a meal and time of debriefing. The Mission Room (free clothes closet) will be open that day as well.

Council Bluffs, Broadway – Annual Summer Block Party

Date: Wednesday, August 29, 3:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Capacity: 20

For more information contact:

Rev. Bob Folkers, associate pastor, Congregational Development Team

Home: (402) 291-4328; Church: (712) 322-7741; Mobile: (402) 659.1337

3:00 – 4:00 p.m. – Meet with planning team for orientation to event

4:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Assist in set-up and initial hospitality

5:00 – 8:00 p.m. - Participate in the party

8:00 – 9:00 p.m. - Meet with pastors and team for debriefing and to reflect on the experience and its connection to ongoing ministries of the church


Shirley Lewis (712) 243.8573

Southeast District

New Places for New People Summer Immersion Sites

Davenport, St. John’s UMC – The Center

Date: Friday, June 22, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Capacity: 15

For more information contact:

Field Outreach Minister Phil Carver at or (319) 986.2095

Meal packing and serving at a meal site and street team homeless outreach

Lockridge, New Sweden UMC – MUMMS VBS

Date: Wednesday, July 18, 4:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Capacity: 15

For more information contact:

Field Outreach Minister Phil Carver at or (319) 986.2095

MUMMS (Mobile United Methodist Missionaries) Vacation Bible School

Fairfield, First UMC –Community Involvement

Date: Sunday, July 29, 8:30 a.m. – Noon

Capacity: 25

For more information contact:

Field Outreach Minister Phil Carver at or (319) 986.2095

Care Center Visits, Community Clean Up, other activities as announced


Jean Carpenter (319) 986.2095

South Central District

New Places for New People Summer Immersion Sites

Lacona – MUMMS

Date: Thursday, June 21, Time TBA

Capacity: Limited

For more information contact:

Field Outreach Minister Paul Smith at (641) 414.5771

How to find the kids in your town! Gather with Mobile United Methodist Ministries (MUMMS) at Lacona to see how they prepare a site for one of their activities. Specific time is To Be Announced at a later date. There are limited spaces. Please call ahead for time and to reserve your space. Please call The South Central Field Outreach Minster, Rev. Paul Smith at (641) 414.5771.

Bussey – Community Survey

Date: Saturday, August 11, 10:00 a.m.


For more information contact:

Field Outreach Minister Paul Smith at (641) 414.5771

How to conduct a community survey! Join with Rev. Paul Smith and Rev. Dale Schoening as they do a community survey. Come and learn how to conduct one that will give you important ministry information. Join us at the Bussey United Methodist Church at 10:00 am on August 11, 2012. We will survey the town of Marysville. Please call The South Central Field Outreach Minster, Rev. Paul Smith at (641) 414.5771 to reserve your spot.


Field Outreach Minister, Paul Smith (641) 414.5771

Central District

New Places for New People Summer Immersion Sites

Perry – Latino Worship/Fellowship

Date: Sunday, July 8, 2:00 – 4:30 p.m.

Location: Perry UMC, 1100 3rd Street, Perry, Iowa 50235


For more information contact:

Field Outreach Minister Karen Nelson ()

Is your congregation wondering how to reach people from another culture? Come and see how Perry UMC offered a new place to the Latino community in Perry. You are invited to attend the Latino worship service that meets each Sunday afternoon at Perry UMC. Stay for food and fellowship with the Latino congregation. During that time, you will have the opportunity to visit with Pastor Enna Antunez , Pastor Paul Burrow, and the worshippers. Hear their stories and receive insight and suggestions for ministry with the Latino community in your area. Come yourself or bring a car-load from your congregation. Please register with Wendy Lubkeman () or (515) 967.7639 by Sunday, July 1st, if you plan to attend this immersion event.

Kellogg – Open Hand Mission

Date: Saturday, July 21, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Location: Kellogg UMC, 417 2nd Street, Kellogg, Iowa 50135


For more information contact:

Field Outreach Minister Karen Nelson ()

Are you trying to figure out a way to reach people in your community that are not connected to the church and draw them into a closer relationship with the Lord and the Body of Christ? Kellogg UMC has found a way. On the third Saturday of every month, they serve a free meal for anyone in the community. At these meals, people are invited to fill out a prayer request card and, on these cards they can request free gifts like gas cards, postage, and the like. The meal is followed by a service they call “Worship Lite.” The event continues to grow, with up to 70 people for supper and the worship service often has more people than the Sunday morning worship. You are invited to come and be a part of Open Hand Mission in July. You can help with the meal, fellowship with the guests, and attend worship. Pastor Tim Morgan will be available to share how this ministry got started and answer your questions. Please register with Wendy Lubkeman () or (515) 967.7639 by Friday, July 13th, if you would like to attend this immersion event.

Central District (Continued)

New Places for New People Summer Immersion Sites

Marshalltown – Prayer Walk

Date: Saturday, August 4, 9:30 a.m. – Noon

Location: Marshalltown, First UMC, 202 W. Main Street, Marshalltown, Iowa 50158


For more information contact:

Field Outreach Minister Karen Nelson ()

Prayer Walking has been described as “praying on-site with insight”. You are invited to learn what that could mean for you church and your community. We will meet in the church to receive orientation and instructions, conduct a prayer walk, and then return to church for report and debriefing. Reverend Dale Scritchfield and Reverend Karen Nelson will lead this event. Please register with Wendy Lubkeman () or (515) 967.7639 by Friday, July 27th, if you plan to attend this immersion event.

Ankeny – Connecting through sports, recreation and fitness

Date: TBA

Location: Ankeny Christian Life Center, NE 36th Street, Ankeny, Iowa 50021


For more information contact:

Field Outreach Minister Karen Nelson ()


Wendy Lubkeman (515) 967.7639

East Central District

New Places for New People Summer Immersion Sites

Cedar Rapids, St. Paul’s – Lemonade Stand Ministry and Kids’ Club on the Lawn

Date: Thursday, July 19, 12:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.

(Back-up date: Tuesday, August 14th, 12:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.)

Location: 1340 3rd Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403

Capacity: 10

Deadline for Registration: July 16

For more information contact: The Rev. Sherrie Ilg, or (319) 363.2058

Share time with a simple connection idea outside the walls of St. Paul's UMC in the heart of Cedar Rapids. Through the hospitality of lemonade, St. Paul's Sidewalk Ministries provide a place to listen, to talk, to find out how we can pray for someone, to laugh, to hear a story, to have fun...all because of the love of Christ. Meet at 12:45 for an overview of the ministry, then enjoy being outside under the shade trees from 1:30- 3:15, sharing in the Lemonade Stand and the Lemonade Kid's Club activities.

Marion, First UMC/Marion Cares—FLY (Feeding Lunch to Youth) and Marion Cares

Date: Tuesday, July 24, 10:00 a.m.-3:00 a.m.

Location: 1298 7th Avenue, Marion, Iowa 52302

Capacity: 15

Deadline for Registration: July 15

For more information contact: Joe Polzin,

Gather at 10:00 a.m at First UMC in Marion to learn about FLY and Marion Cares. Prepare and distribute lunches to one of the Marion Cares Sites. Stay for the first part of the afternoon at a Marion Cares site and join in n activity which could include: Creative Expression, Large Group Games, Reading to Grandparents, SOAR (School’s Out Academic Reinforcement), TxT Time (our faith-based discipleship program) or Community Gardens.

East Central District (Continued)

New Places for New People Summer Immersion Sites

Cedar Rapids, St. Mark’s—Fun Friday

Date: Friday, August 10, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Location: 4700 Johnson Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52405

Capacity: 10

Deadline to Register: August 6

For more information contact: Mandy Staley,

The purpose of St. Mark’s Summer Ministry called “Fun Fridays” is to develop relationships with neighborhood kids and their families. Held at Jacolyn Park, Fun Fridays offer fun activity options like: a spray park, kickball, a sandbox, playground equipment. Members of the ministry team also offer craft options, group games, and yard games. Since this is a place where many neighborhood families “hang out,” this is an example of the church going to where the people are. Everyone who is at the park is invited and welcomed to join in any activity as well as the noon meal.

Marengo, First UMC---Prayer Walking

Date: Wednesday, August 15, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Location: 895 Court Avenue, Marengo, Iowa 52301

Capacity: Unlimited

Deadline to register: August 13

For more information contact: Rev. Katie Dawson,

First UMC in Marengo has a passion to reach out to children, youth and their families. As the new school year begins, it is fitting to spend time in prayer for the community while in the community. Meet with Pastor Katie Dawson and the PrayerWalking team to receive orientation and instructions. Conduct a prayer walk in the church’s neighborhood; then return to church building for debriefing.

East Central District (Continued)

New Places for New People Summer Immersion Sites

Dubuque, St. Luke’s UMC—Food for the Soul

Date: TBA

Location: 1199 Main Street, Dubuque, Iowa 52001


Deadline to register:

For more information contact: Rev. Jon Gaul,

Participants will join in on the preparations for dinner, and then interact with the guests from the community as dinner is served. Following the meal, join in worship with the Food for the Soul guests and then join with the crew for debriefing and reflection.


Ann Zeal (319) 365.6273

Northeast District

New Places for New People Summer Immersion Sites

Volga – Music in the Park/Ice Cream Social

Date: Sunday, June 10, 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.


For more information contact: Rev. Lisa Schroeder,

Meet at Park Shelter at 4:00 for information from host church, Volga UMC. Address and directions: Volga City Park in Volga City, Iowa 52077. Turn left at the stop sign at the waterfall as you enter town (right off Highway and you will see the park in front of you. We will be gathered under the large shelter. Follow up discussion, learnings, and next steps at 7:00 pm.

Waterloo, Jubilee UMC – North End Music and Arts Festival

1621 E. 4th St., Waterloo, IA 50703

Date: Saturday, August 25, Times yet to be announced


For more information contact: Cheryl Faries at (319) 234.2560 or or check the website:

Concession stands will be available. Bring a lawn chair. Follow up discussion, learnings, and next steps following the event.


Janet Condon (319) 268.7502

Northwest District

New Places for New People Summer Immersion Sites

West Bend & Mallard – Sidewalk Sunday School

Date: Every Tuesday in June (West Bend), 1:00 p.m. West Bend church parking lot

Every Wednesday in June (Mallard), 1:00 p.m. at the Mallard City Park


For more information contact: Rev. Evelyn Lewiston,

We will be holding a Sidewalk Sunday School in the West Bend church parking lot at 1:00 p.m. every Tuesday in June and in Mallard every Wednesday in June at 1:00 p.m. in the City Park.

Arnolds Park/Okoboji – Lake Side Boat-In Worship

Date: Every Sunday during the summer through Labor Day, 7:30 a.m.

Lake Side at the bridge between West and East Okoboji


For more information contact: Rev. Sarah Rohret,

Lake Side Boat-In Worship is held every Sunday morning during the summer through Labor Day weekend. Join us on July 16th for a special Sunday and reflection time of new contexts for worship following the service. Dress warmly and bring a lawn chair!

Sioux City – Prayer Walk

Date: July 28, 10:00 a.m., Wesley United Methodist Church in Sioux City


For more information contact: Rev. Nea Huggins,

Join us for a day of prayer walking and learning throughout the Siouxland area on July 28th. We will gather at Wesley United Methodist in Sioux City at 10:00 am.


Judi Calhoon (712) 732.0812

North Central District

New Places for New People Summer Immersion Sites

(Check with the NC District Office for more information)

Fort Dodge, First UMC – Sidewalk Sunday School



For more information contact:

North Central District Office

Nevada, First UMC – Block Party



For more information contact:

North Central District Office


Alanna Warren (515) 832.2784