LMS Chess Team Tryouts
When: 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Monday, September 18, 2017
Where: Liberty Middle School, meet in room 231(Ms. Avans)
Tryout Procedure: The LMS Chess Team is excited to announce the date and time for tryouts to join the competition chess team for 2017-18 school year. All students who would like to tryout should complete the attached application, turn in to Ms. Avans, and appear at Liberty Middle School to engage in a simultaneous chess match with one of our instructors on Monday, Sept. 18th at 3:30 p.m.
Requirements: If selected to be a member of the competition chess team, students will be expected to meet the following requirements:
· Adhere to the Madison City Chess League and LMS Chess Team Code of Conduct at all times.
· Attend team practices on Monday’s beginning at 3:30 p.m., unless a schedule conflict is approved by the coach. Practice schedules will be available at the tryout.
· Complete independent assignments assigned by the coaches in between practices utilizing the chesskid.com program such as watching videos, solving puzzles, or playing chess online.
· Compete at Summer Knights on Aug. 26th at Rainbow and/or the TN or AL State Chess Championship over Labor Day weekend.
· Compete at the MCCL Team Cup Championship during Queen’s Quest on Nov. 18th (weekend before Thanksgiving Break)
· Optional: Compete at the National K12 Championship at Disney World Dec. 8-10th.
· Compete at the State Scholastic Chess Championship scheduled for March 24-25thin Mobile.
There will be numerous opportunities to compete at local tournaments, but the major ones are listed above and require a commitment to attend in order to be part of our training program. A complete tournament schedule will be available at tryouts.
Criteria for selection: A student does not have to have a high USCF rating to make the competition chess team, as many tournaments contain various “under” sections to compete. The student does need to respect the coaching staff, adhere to instructions, and show good sportsmanship at all times. We are looking for students who are coachable and want to improve their skills.
During the Simul, we will look at the quality of the games being played and ability of students to focus on the task at hand. Players will be required to record moves during the Simul.If you have difficulty sitting quietly and thinking until it is your turn to move during the Simul, competition chess team may not be for you.
Decisions on the composition of the competition chess team are made by the coaching staff and are final.
*Please contact Ms. Avans if you have any questions: .
LMS Application to Try Out for Competition Chess Team
Student’s Name: _____________________________________Grade Level: ___________
USCF Membership #: _________________________________________
USCF Rating as of Aug. 1st: _________________
Chesskid.com Username/Level: ________________________________________________ (ex. HorizonJohn /King 9)
Student cell phone number: _____________________________________________________
Student email address: _________________________________________________________
Parent(s) Name: _______________________________________________________________
Parent(s) home/cell phone numbers: _____________________________________________
Parent(s) email addresses: ______________________________________________________
Note: To compete, students must be a member of the United States Chess Federation (www.uschess.org) and Madison City Chess League (www.madisonchess.com). Individual tournament fees are paid throughout the year when registration is submitted.
____ I have attached and signed the MCCL & Middle School Chess Team Code of Conduct.
Chess Team Shirt Information
Polo shirt size (adult): XS S M L XL XXL (circle one)
T-shirt size (adult): XS S M L XL XXL (circle one)
CHECK ONE FEE BOX BELOW (if your team polo from last year fits, choose $30 option below; if both team polo and t-shirt fits, choose $10 option below):
______ $10 fee OR
______ $30 fee (covers team t-shirt and supplies) OR
______ $50 fee (covers team polo shirt & t-shirt and supplies).
Make checks payable to Liberty Middle School. Do not send in payment until you have been notified that you have been selected for the chess team. Payment due at first team practice on Monday, Sept. 18th.
Photo Release
I, __________________________________________________________, [give/do not give] permission for Liberty to submit my child’s name, picture and/or chess club related information to the news and social media. I understand that the articles/pictures will include information about Liberty’s chess club activities and tournaments. I also understand that this permission slip will be valid for the entire 2017-2018 school year.
_______________________________________ ________________________________
Print Student’s Name Parent’s Signature