New Perspectives Word 2010
Tutorial 1: Creating a Document
Key Terms
aligned Term that refers to the way text or graphics lines up horizontally between page margins. (WD 26)
AutoComplete A Word feature that automatically inserts dates and other regularly used items as you type. (WD 6)
AutoCorrect A Word feature that automatically corrects common typing errors, such as typing “adn” for “and.” (WD 11)
Border button Button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab used to apply an outline to paragraphs. (WD 27)
center alignment A form of alignment in which text is centered between the left and right margins and is ragged along both the left and right margins. (WD 36)
contextual spelling error A word that is spelled correctly but used incorrectly (for example, “you’re” instead of “your”); underlined with a wavy blue line by the Spelling and Grammar Checker in Word. (WD 11)
double spacing 2.0 line spacing; allows for twice the space of 1.0, or single spacing. (WD 15)
font A set of characters with the same typeface. (WD 26)
formatting Term used to refer to the appearance of all or part of a document. (WD 15)
grammar checker The part of Word’s Spelling and Grammar checker that marks grammatical errors with wavy green underlines. (WD 11)
insertion point The blinking cursor that indicates where characters will appear when you start typing. (WD 2)
justified alignment A type of alignment in which lines of text are evenly spaced between both the left and the right margins, and the text is not ragged. (WD 36)
landscape orientation A page layout in which the document is wider than it is tall. (WD 27)
left alignment A type of alignment in which text is aligned along the left margin, with the text along the right margin ragged, or uneven. (WD 36)
line spacing The amount of space that appears between lines of text within a paragraph. (WD 15)
margins The blank spaces around the edges of a page. (WD 2)
nonprinting characters Characters that appear on screen but not on the printed page. (WD 2)
paragraph border An outline that frames one or more paragraphs. (WD 38)
paragraph Anything preceding a nonprinting paragraph mark; can be a single word, multiple lines of text, or even a blank line, in which case you see a paragraph mark alone on a single line. (WD 15)
paragraph mark Nonprinting character that indicates the end of a paragraph. (WD 2)
paragraph spacing The space, measured in points, that appears directly above and below a paragraph. (WD 15)
point A unit of measurement for measuring fonts and graphics; equal to 1/72 of an inch. (WD 15)
Portrait orientation The default page layout for Word, with the page taller than it is wide. (WD 30)
Print Layout view The default Word view; most closely resembles how your document will look when printed. (WD 3)
ragged Term used to describe text that has an uneven appearance on the left or right side. (WD 36)
right alignment Type of alignment in which text is aligned along the right margin and is ragged along the left margin. (WD 36)
shading Background color applied to one or more paragraphs, an entire page, or cells in a table. (WD 38)
single spacing 1.0 line spacing between lines of text. (WD 15)
templates A Word file that contains formatting and generic, placeholder text useful for a specific type of document such as a resume or fax cover sheet. (WD 23)
text effects Visual enhancements such as outlines, shading, shadows, and reflections that you can add to text. (WD 33)