15th JANUARY 2018


1. What’s Changing?

Access into the Borough’s HRCs using vans and larger trailers (larger than single axle) will no longer be allowed without presenting an Access Permit.

2. Why is This Change Being Introduced?

Although the Council introduced new rules last summer in a bid to ensure that free use of our HRCs was restricted to householders from the Borough for disposing of and recycling household waste items, more effective measures are required to enforce these rules at the HRC sites. Householders are continuing to bear the financial burden of business/commercial waste being brought into our HRCs in breach of the rules, and it is estimated that this is continuing to cost an extra £0.5 million per year.

3. Who Is Affected?

Only a person trying to access the Borough’s HRCs in a van or towing a trailer (larger than single axle) will require a HRC Access Permit. Householders entering HRCs in a car or car towing a single axle trailer do not require a permit.

Permits will only be issued to householders in the Borough seeking to use a van or larger trailer to bring household waste items from their home to a HRC for disposal/recycling.

4. Is There a Charge for a Permit?

No; HRC Access Permits are free of charge.

5. What Type of Permits Are Issued?

There are two types of HRC Access Permit issued:

  1. A Multi-Use Access Permit. This willonly be issued for the transport of compostable garden waste into a HRC using an open larger trailer (larger than single axle). It cannot be used in any other circumstances. A Multi-Use Access Permit will be valid for unlimited multi-use access to the designated HRC with household compostable garden waste, over a 12-month period from the date of issue (after which a new permit must be applied for).
  2. A Single-Use Access Permit. This will be issued in all other circumstances for householder access to a HRC using a van or larger trailer. A Single Use Access Permit can only be used on one occasion, on the date requested on the application form.

6. How Do I Get A HRC Access Permit

  • You must apply at least 3 working days before the date on which you intend to visit the HRC.
  • The application form is available on the Council’s web site or at either of the following two locations (opening hours Mon – Thur, 9am to 4pm & Fri, 9am – 3pm):
  • Environmental Resource Centre, 15A Balloo Drive, Bangor BT19 7QY
  • North Road Depot, Quarry Heights, North Road, Newtownards BT23 7SZ
  • The householder requesting a permit must complete and sign the declaration on the application form and return it along with an original document showing proof of residential status within the Ards and North Down Borough (see attached list of acceptable documents).
  • The application form and Address ID can be submitted in either of two ways:
  • Posted to: The Environmental Resource Centre, 15A Balloo Drive, Bangor BT19 7QY (remember that your application must be received at least 3 working days before you intend to visit the HRC). Your Access Permit and Address ID document will be posted back to your residential address.
  • Handed in person to: The Environmental Resource Centre, 15A Balloo Drive, Bangor BT19 7QY OR North Road Depot, Quarry Heights, North Road, Newtownards BT23 7SZ. Your Access Permit will be issued there and then but will only be issued for dates 3 working days after application.

7. How Many Permits Can I Get?

  • Up to six HRC Single Access Permits will be issued in respect of any individual residential address in the Borough during any 12-month period. Each permit will only be valid for a single entry using a van or larger trailer; where disposal of household waste items requires more than one visit, then additional Single Access Permits must be applied for and each one will count towards the total 12-month allowance of 6 permits for that address.
  • Only one HRC Multi-Access Permit per site (only for access with compostable garden waste in an open larger trailer), will be issued for any residential address in the Borough; this will last for 12 months from the date of issue, after which a new permit must be applied for. If you use more than one site, a permit is required for each site.

8. How Do I Use a HRC Single Use Access Permit?

  • The permit must be presented to the site attendant at the entrance to the HRC and on the date that is specified on the permit (the HRC location and date will be those which you have requested on your application form).
  • The site attendant will verify the details on the permit (specified HRC location, date of permitted entry and vehicle registration/description) and take the permit from you for our records, before allowing entry to dispose of/recycle your household waste items.
  • The site staff will check that the items you offload on site match those specified on your permit and that you are placing these in the correct skips for recycling where possible (the method of disposal will be listed on your permit, i.e. landfill skips or recycling skips). Over 80% of all household waste coming into our Household Recycling Centres is recyclable if placed in the correct skip container; you should therefore prepare to recyclethe majority of items you bring.

9. How Do I Use a HRC Multi-Use Access Permit?

  • The permit must be presented on every visit occasion to the site attendant at the entrance to the HRC that is specified on the permit.
  • The site attendant will verify the details on the permit (specified HRC location and vehicle registration/description). The permit will be handed back to you for safe retention and re-presentation on the occasion of each visit.
  • The site attendant will check that you are only transporting compostable garden waste into the HRC in an open trailer and no other waste type. If a van is being used to tow the trailer, he will check that you do not under any circumstances open the van whilst on site or unload any other waste from the van itself. (If you wish to transport any waste into a HRC in a van, you must apply for a HRC Single Use Access Permit to do so).

10. Can Someone Else Use My HRC Access Permit?

  • You can give your HRC Access Permit to someone else to access a HRC to dispose of your household waste items.
  • However, you should exercise extreme care if you are planning to do this as it is your responsibility to ensure that another person is handling and disposing of your household waste in accordance with legal requirements, and in compliance with the Council’s rules on use of HRC Access Permits.
  • Breach of waste disposal law or misuse of a HRC Access Permit that has been issued to you, could lead to you being prosecuted and/or being prohibited from future access to Council’s HRCs.
  • Remember that the Council offers a collection service for bulky household waste items, at a very modest cost of £15 for up to 6 items (see below on how to find out more).

11. I use a commercial gardener, who applies for the permit?

As long as your gardener is resident in the Borough it is the gardener that applies for the multi-use permit. The organic waste can only be brought to the sites in a trailer. If the gardener uses more than one site, a permit is required for each site.

12. What Happens If I Break the Rules On Use of an HRC Access Permit?

If you break the rules around the use of a HRC Access Permit your future entry to the Council’s HRCs may be prohibited.

13. What type of Proof of Address documents are accepted?

All documents must be originals, photocopies will not be accepted.

  • Household utility bill (eg gas, electric, water or fixed line telephone but not a mobile phone bill). It must be no more than three months old and show your name and current address
  • Utility bill from an EEA-based utility provider (less than 3 months old)
  • Current UK driving license (but only if not used for the name evidence)
  • Old style driving licence. Provisional licences are not acceptable as proof of address
  • Bank, building society or credit card statement. It must be no more than three months old and show your name and current address
  • Statement from an EEA-based bank (less than 3 months old)
  • Rates bill valid for the current year
  • Rent book
  • Original mortgage statement from a recognised lender issued for the last full year
  • Solicitor’s letter confirming recent house purchase or land registry confirmation (in this case, proof of previous address will also be needed)
  • HM Revenue & Customs (Inland Revenue) tax document e.g. tax assessment, statement of account, notice of coding. It must contain your full name and current address. P45s and P60s are not acceptable
  • Original notification letter from the relevant benefits agency confirming the right to benefits or state pension
  • Northern Ireland Voter’s Card showing your current address
  • Electoral Register entry

14. How can I get more information or advice?

You can do so by one of the following means:

  • Visit the Council webpage:
  • Email us at:
  • Call us on 03000133333 – select option 3 ‘recycling.’

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