FEBRUARY 20-23, 2017
These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Task Group in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Task Group and shall not be considered as such by any agency.
1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check
The Nonconventional Machining & Surface Enhancement Task Group (NMSE) was called to order at 8:00 a.m., 20-Feb-2017.
A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:
Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAME* / Zeljko / Calija / UTC Aerospace (Goodrich) / Vice Chairperson
* / Craig / Clasper / Spirit AeroSystems
Arielle / Corne / Spirit AeroSystems
* / Vincenzo / DeRosa / Leonardo Aircraft Division
* / Jocelyn / Fortin / Safran Group
* / Glen / Heide / The Boeing Company
Nick / Heiing / Heroux-Deutek
* / Rodney / Holt / Triumph Group
* / Joakim / Idetjarn / GKN Aerospace Sweden AB
* / Akiko / Inoue / Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
* / Serge / Labbe / Heroux-Devtek
* / Marc-Andre / Lefebvre / Heroux-Devtek
* / Simon / Long / Airbus
Tom / Lowther / Honeywell Aerospace
* / David / McCallister / Pratt & Whitney / Secretary
* / Jeffery / Robb / Textron Aviation
* / Mike / Schmidt / GE Aviation / Chairperson
* / Michael / Steele / The Boeing Company
* / Greg / Syvertson / Bell Helicopter
* / Nouman / Usmani / GE Aviation
Kara / Warrensford / Honeywell Aerospace
* / Paul / Woolley / Rolls-Royce
Other Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)
NAME / COMPANY NAMEAysin / Aras / TUSAS Engine Industries Inc
Sandra / Asset / Asco Aerospace USA
Phillip / Brockman / Techmetals
Steve / Connally / Curtiss-Wright
Sean / Crossley / MIL Inc
Sheldon / Emmanuel / DCI Aerotech
Rick / Ingram / Skills Inc
Dave / Ironside / Dynamic Aerospace and Defense
* / Kevin / Klingelhafer / Meyer Tool, Inc
* / Shelly / Lawless / Meyer Tool, Inc
* / Dean / Pitts / SA Thermal Engineering LTD
* / Stan / Revers / Senior Aerospace-Thermal Engineering
Yasemin / Seref Cizioglu / TUSAS Engine Industries
* / Yoshiomi / Sukesada / Asahi Kinzoku Kogyo Inc
* / David / Thompson / DCI Aerotech
Jose / Urvieta / Dynamic Aerospace & Defense
PRI Staff Present
Mark / HunkeleChristine / Nesbitt
1.2 Safety Information – OPEN
Mike Schmidt highlighted the safety information.
1.3 Review Code of Ethics and Meeting Conduct – OPEN
Mark Hunkele reviewed information on this topic. (Ref: The Nadcap Attendees Guide)
1.4 Antitrust Video – OPEN
The Task Group reviewed the Antitrust video from Joe Pinto.
1.5 Review Agenda – OPEN
Mike Schmidt reviewed the Agenda for the meeting.
1.6 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes – OPEN
The minutes from October 2016 were approved with one change to deleting the removal of Marc Montreuill from Heroux Devtek in Section 36.1.
2.0 resolve task group ballOt comments from ac7117 – OPEN
There were no ballot comments for AC7117. The document is approved for NMC ballot.
ACTION ITEM: Staff Engineer to ballot AC7117 to the NMC for an Affirmation ballot. (Due Date: 30-Mar-2017)
3.0 audit Length Based on Number of machines – OPEN
Mark Hunkele presented the Pareto chart prepared by the Staff Engineer. There was a separate chart for each slash sheet, showing how many machines each supplier has. A brief discussion ensued, and it was concluded that it would be beneficial to see one chart, showing total number of machines for each supplier, in Pareto fashion. This information, along with the total number of slash sheets, should be considered when assigning the length of the audit. A sub-team composed of Mike Schmidt of GE, Glen Heide of Boeing, Simon Long of Airbus, Ken Johnson a PRI Auditor, and Steve Connally of Curtiss Wright will review such data, and make a recommendation at the June 2017 meeting.
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele to tabulate the total number of machines per checklist per supplier and present to sub team. (Due Date: 22-Mar-2017)
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele will schedule conference calls for the Surface Enhancement (SE) Audit Length Sub-team. (Due Date: 15-Apr-2017)
4.0 Resolve NMC Ballot Comments from AC7117/2 – OPEN
There were no ballot comments for AC7117/2. The document is approved for implementation.
ACTION ITEM: Staff Engineer to coordinate issuance of AC7117/2. (Due Date: 30-Mar-2017)
5.0 se audit handbook subteam report out – OPEN
The Task Group reviewed the work presented by the sub-team, which held 4 meetings since October 2016 meeting.
6.0 se audit handbook working session – OPEN
Further review was conducted and completed for AC7117 and for part of AC7117/1 portions of the SE Audit Handbook. Numerous questions were discussed and resolved.
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele will schedule conference calls for the SE Audit Handbook sub-team, to continue working on Handbook revision. (Due Date: 22-Mar-2017)
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele will send out an Auditor Advisory concerning generation of saturation curves for each slash sheet that is in the scope of the audit. (Due Date: 30-Mar-2017)
7.0 review op 1114 appendix se – OPEN
The Task Group reviewed the SE Appendix for additional requirements. Several technical changes were made.
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele will send OP 1114 Appendix SE to the Task Group for affirmation ballot. (Due Date: 20-Apr-2017)
8.0 review op 1116 appendix se – OPEN
The Task Group reviewed the SE Appendix for additional requirements. Several technical changes were made.
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele will send to OP 1116 Appendix SE to the Task Group for affirmation ballot. (Due Date: 20-Apr-2017)
9.0 report out ge aviation, airbus, and utc aerospace subscriber requirements matrix – OPEN
Mike Schmidt reported on the progress of GE Aviation requirements verses the Checklist questions. The Airbus and UTC Aerospace reviews are still in progress. Once this is completed, the plan is to post the Subscriber Requirements Matrix to eAuditnet and notify the auditors that it is available for their use.
ACTION ITEM: GE, Airbus, and UTC Aerospace to continue reviewing their specifications verses the Checklist questions, and updating the Subscriber requirements matrix. (Due Date: 31-May-2017)
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele to post the Subscriber requirements matrix to eAuditNet once complete, and then notify auditors that it is available for use. (Due Date: 01-Jun-2017)
10.0 discuss top se ncrs – OPEN
Mark Hunkele discussed the Top NCRs for SE from the AC7117 checklists.
11.0 new business – SE – OPEN
Mark Hunkele mentioned that New Auditor interviews have been rescheduled due to low attendance. Subscribers were requested to volunteer for the interviews. It was suggested that the Task Group consider having auditor interviews conducted during the Nadcap Task Group meetings.
Mike Schmidt brought up a concern, relative to option for “N/A” on checklist questions for suppliers that have no Subscriber orders/qualifications. The Task Group discussed and decided that the audit should be conducted to AMS specs if no Subscriber specifications are flowed down.
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele to scrub the SE checklists for N/A responses listed for no Customer requirements. (Due Date: 01-Jun-2017)
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele to put the AC7117 checklist review of questions with NA’s for no Customer requirements (identified by the Staff Engineer) on June 2017 agenda. (Due Date: 30-Mar-2017)
NMC requested a poll on which Subscribers and Suppliers were planning to attend the 2020 meeting in Shanghai. 10 stated they planned to attend. Others need to check with management.
Metal Improvement Presentation – Steve Connolly gave a lengthy presentation to the Task Group, and requested a clarification of requirements. One of the Curtiss Wright locations was given two NCRs, dealing with completion of the self-audit checklist, and sieve verification certifications. After some discussion, the Task Group decided to add this discussion to New Business / Closed Session (see item 22.0).
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele to send out an email to all NM and SE voting members on whether they will be able to participate in a Task Group meeting in Beijing or Shanghai in 2020. (Due Date: 01-Apr-2017)
12.0 review delegation status – closed
Delegation data was reviewed.
Brian Manty performed 42 audit reviews in the latest period, and the Task Group monitored 93% of the NCRs in the period with 100% concurrence. Delegation maintained.
Mark Hunkele performed 130 audit reviews in the latest period, and the Task Group monitored 89% of the NCRs in the period with 99.2% concurrence. Delegation maintained.
Christine Nesbitt performed 2 audit reviews. She has done some training on NM and SE, and is under the tutelage of Mark Hunkele.
13.0 initial auditor training – report out – closed
Mark Hunkele gave a presentation on the work he has done with Initial Auditor training. Christine Nesbitt and two prospective auditors have taken the exam. Suggestions for improvement are being implemented.
The exam will be given to new auditors prior to the initial interview with the Staff Engineer (SE). Mark Hunkele proposed a grading plan: >80% : Green; candidate moves forward to SE interview. >65-80% : Yellow. SE reviews the results, and SE uses discretion on whether candidate moves forward. </=65% : Red, candidate is denied.
Further, Mark Hunkele categorized each question by method. The number of questions answered correctly/incorrectly by category can be used as a training aid for the auditors that move forward.
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele to distribute the test results of candidates to the Task Group members participating on the two upcoming interviews. (Due Date: 10-Apr-2017)
14.0 auditor frEquently asked questions (faqs) – closed
Mark Hunkele presented questions posed by auditors in the last period. The Task Group considered the questions and took action.
One question related to Laser Part Marking (AC7116/5) was denied. The Task Group does not feel the extra parameters are needed in the Checklist. None of these are called out by the Subscribers, and the suggested parameters might vary by machine manufacturer.
Other questions were accepted, and Mark Hunkele captured the suggestions in a draft for the future AC7116/6 checklist.
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele to contact Ken Johnson with answers from the Task Group on his questions about checklist AC7116/5 and AC7116/6. (Due Date: 10-Apr-2017)
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele to contact Mike Ditoro with answers from the Task Group on his questions about checklist AC7116 and AC7116/4. (Due Date: 10-Apr-2017)
15.0 auditor consistency – CLOSED
Mark Hunkele presented the new spreadsheets for the last 2 periods and trends were compared. Favorable feedback was received from the Task Group. The Task Group agreed to continue monitoring these spreadsheets in future meetings. No action is being taken regarding the auditors for SE.
For Nonconventional Machining (NM), 2 auditors at the bottom of the consistency spreadsheet were discussed. They have been identified for performance issues to affect their next observation period.
The Task Group feels the spreadsheets developed are best in class. The Task Group agreed to share the concept and template of this Auditor Consistency spreadsheet with other Task Groups if they request it.
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele to provide a clean version of the (ACWM) to the Conventional Machining as a Special Process (CMSP) Task Group. (Due Date: 10-Apr-2017)
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele to provide the ACWM to Glenn Shultz in metrics. (Due Date: 10-Apr-2017)
16.0 observation audits – closed
No Observation Audits were conducted this period for NM.
One SE Observation Audit was conducted in the last period.
Michael Crozier by Airbus’s Simon Long – 174031.
No major concerns were raised.
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele to send out the upcoming schedule of audits, with priority Auditors listed, tailored to region (e.g. US, Europe, Asia). (Due Date: 22-Mar-2017)
17.0 october 2017 auditor conference planning – CLOSED
Mark Hunkele led the Task Group to draft the agenda for the 2017 Auditor Conference.
There was no feedback from the auditors on the auditor advisories sent out after the October 2016 meeting.
18.0 review membership status – CLOSED
Vincenzo DeRosa of Leonardo S.p.A. Division Velivoli has not voted on last 4 NM ballots. He has not voted because his company is deciding on whether to drop NM. He will reach out to the Staff Engineer when he has a final decision on Leonardo’s intent.
Tim Scarlett of Danville Metals has not attended the last 3 meetings nor voted on last 4 NM ballots.
Kelly McClurg of Avion Solutions has not attended the last 3 meetings nor voted on last 4 SE ballots.
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele will contact Tim Scarlett and Kelly McClurg to determine their intentions. (Due Date: 10-Apr-2017)
19.0 succession planning – CLOSED
NMC is requesting the inclusion of a member from a non-English speaking company or country in Task Group Succession Planning. Several individuals expressed an interest, but wanted to discuss with their management. They were instructed to send an email to Mark Hunkele if they are able to pursue the chair position. The topic will be discussed further at the June Nadcap meeting.
20.0 report out on asian auditor capacity – closed
Mark Hunkele reported out on Asian auditor capacity. For NM, most of the Asian audits are non-ITAR. But there are only 33 audits and Mark Hunkele concludes that no other auditors are required.
For SE, most audits are also non-ITAR, but there is a heavier volume. Since there are only 3 current auditors, Mark Hunkele would like to hire an additional auditor. This is a difficult task. Mike Schmidt suggested Mark Hunkele ask other Staff Engineers if they know of any current auditors that would be interested in performing audits for SE.
ACTION ITEM: Mark Hunkele will contact other Staff Engineers and the PRI Registrar to see if they know of any interested auditors for Asia. (Due Date: 15-May-2017)
21.0 task group metric review – closed
Mark Hunkele presented the current metrics. (certificates issued, on-time certs, Supplier merit, cycle time, Auditor capacity)
Cessna Aircraft and Beechcraft are part of Textron Aviation. This should be reflected in the Prime Balloting chart.