A Rigorous International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme for 6th through 10th Grades

Dear Paisley Students,

Welcome to Paisley IB Magnet School for 2010-2011. We’re glad you’re here! Paisley has a tradition of academic excellence and integrity. As a faculty and staff, we’re committed to providing you with the knowledge and skills you need to be successful – not just in school, but in life as well.

The most important relationship in a school is the one between a student and his or her teacher. Strive to demonstrate to your teacher that you are committed to doing your best every single day in class and at home. Come to school prepared, bringing your materials, your homework, and a positive attitude. When you need help, be sure to let your teacher know. Also, get to know your guidance counselor and other adults in the building. They want to help, too.

It’s also very important that you include your parents in what’s happening at school. Let them know about the projects you have to complete. Get them to help you study for quizzes and exams. Just as important, make sure they know dates when assignments are due. You need to complete your agenda every single day – recording all assignments, so your parents can help you. Of course, teachers will be posting assignments on-line as well.

As you start the school year, you may have friends you’ve known from previous years and you’ll also make new ones. Try to reinforce each other’s good habits. That will help you have a happier and more productive school year.

Also, besides working hard and developing positive relationships, it’s important that you GET INVOLVED! Whether its chess club or debate, art club or student council, Science Olympiad or athletics, students who get involved at school do better academically and generally feel better about being in school. The more you give of yourself to organizations and groups in the school, the more you will get from your school experience!

Finally, work on committing the Paisley Promise to your actions and words. At Paisley we will strive towards the following: “Be in the right place, doing the right thing, at the right time, with the right people!”

Best wishes for a successful year.


Gary Cone, Ed.D.



In the Right Place

Doing the Right Thing

At the Right Time

With the Right People


At Paisley, it is our mission to educate all students for academic success, global learning and character development.


All students at Paisley will conduct themselves in an honorable manner. Students will maintain the highest level of academic and personal integrity and honesty at all times.


Human Ingenuity


Approaches to Learning

Community & Service

Health & Social


Hunter Green, Yellow & White




Main Office 727-2775


Dr. Gary Cone

Assistant Principals

Mr. Nathan Burton

Mrs. Lisa Bodenheimer

IB Coordinator 727-2775
Mr. Don Lail

Secretaries 727-2775
Mrs. Cynthia Cheek

Mrs. Tenia Creson

Guidance Counselors 727-2235
Mrs. Cathy Snyder

Ms. Judith Noll

Guidance Clerk 727-2235
Mr. Chris Willis

NC WISE Data Manager 727-2775
Ms. Delores Vogt

Curriculum Coordinator 727-2775

Ms. Amber Day

EC Case Manager 727-2235
Mrs. Victoria Friend

Cafeteria Manager 727-2340
Ms. Candace Loyd


6:30 a.m. Magnet Express Students

7:35 a.m. Car riders, Bus riders, and

Walkers Enter Building

7:35 – 7:50 Breakfast

7:55 a.m. Students in Homebase

8:00 a.m. First Period

2:40 p.m. School Day Ends



All Grade Levels 6th – 10th

7:55 – 8:00 Homebase

8:00 – 8:51 1st Period

8:54 – 9:42 2nd Period

9:45 – 10:33 3rd Period

10:36 – 12:04 4th Period

12:07 – 12:55 5th Period

12:58 – 1:46 6th Period

1:49 – 2:40 7th Period

A Rigorous International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme for 6th through 10th Grades


In order to meet the needs of our students as fully as possible, it is essential that the home and the school make every effort to communicate openly and frequently. At the school, we shall endeavor to meet this need through our reporting procedures and formal parent teacher communication.

Each Wednesday students will take home a packet with team or school information, graded tests, graded quizzes, and graded reports for parents to review and sign. Progress reports are sent home every three weeks. Teachers may request that parents sign and return classroom materials. The signed information coming back to the school should be returned on Thursday inside the packet.

parent assistant

Parent Assistant is a user-friendly Web application to help parents and families become more involved in education. Parents can check their child’s homework assignments, attendance reports and grades from any computer, any time. Parent Assistant is a computer-access program that helps parents track their children’s progress in school. The program allows for easy communication between parents and teachers. It also allows parents to update their child’s personal information and family contacts.


All students must purchase as part of their school supplies an Agenda Book. Students will be required to write homework assignments for each class each day in the Agenda Book. In the sixth grade, teachers will check to see that assignments have been written correctly. We do this to help students keep track of homework.


Homework is a requirement of the IB Program. The time and amount of homework should increase with the student's grade level.

Homework serves to:

• Reinforce the present day's lesson

• Prepare for next day's lesson

• Reinforce acquired skills and develops study habits

• Help develop a sense of responsibility

• Prepare students to face the demands presented through life

• Teach students independent learning

• Incorporate available materials and media in the home: books, magazines, newspapers, television.


The Homework Website is for students and parents to check homework assignments in case they forget to take home their agenda book. It will also help parents check to make sure that all work assigned has been completed. Teachers will be sending home information about their web sites at the beginning of the school year. To access the school website go to paisleyms.org .


For promotion from grades 6, 7 and 8 students must pass three (3) of the four (4) core subjects each year: Language A, Math, Science, and Humanities. Students must pass 75% of all their other courses.

In addition, students must meet the end-of-grade test requirements set by the State to be promoted. 8th grade students must meet State proficiency requirements to be promoted to the 9th grade. The student must score at Level III or Level IV on the End-of-Grade tests.

When students enter 6th grade the expectation will be that they remain in the program for five years. To do so, students will need to have successfully completed Algebra I and a minimum of two years of a foreign language. Students also need to be prepared to take honors level courses in 9th and 10th grade, and demonstrate the characteristics of the IB Learner Profile.


A student's grade will be determined by assessment rubrics, performance on tests, quizzes, projects, reports, class work, class participation and homework. In Physical Education a student's grade will be determined by participation, skills tests, research based projects, fitness tests, written tests and other assignments. A student's conduct CANNOT be a factor in determining a student's grade.

A student who receives an incomplete on the report card will have two weeks into the following quarter to make up the work.

Each quarter grade will count 25% of the final year grade. If the course is a semester course, the quarter grade will count 50% of the final grade.

For High School Students: The End-of-Course Tests (final exams) will count 25%. This includes EOC courses taken in Middle School (Algebra I, Geometry, Language B - grade 8, and Integrated I, II & III).

The following grade scale will be used to determine grades.

100 Point Scale

A 93-100

B 85-92

C 77-84

D 70-76

F 50-69

I Incomplete

The following point scale will determine semester and final grades.

4 Point Scale (Middle School Only)

A 3.5 - 4.0

B 2.5 - 3.4

C 1.5 - 2.4

D 0.5 - 1.4

F 0.0 - 0.4

Honor roll

Students with an overall quarterly average GPA of 3.0 (with no Ds or Fs) will earn Honor Roll recognition. Student who earn Honor Roll status are recognized quarterly.


Make-up work will be completed promptly. It is the student's responsibility to meet with teachers regarding make-up work. Students will have one (1) day to complete make-up work for each day's absence. Failure of a student to satisfy make-up requirements can be the basis for denying credit for a specific course.


All teachers expect students to complete assignments on time. Grades will be reduced by one letter grade if turned in late unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher. Failure to complete assignments will result in a grade of zero.

Student Services

School Counselors provide programs and one-on-one help in areas related to academics, personal and social growth, and career exploration for all IB Middle Years students. Programs are planned for classes, small groups and individuals.

Crosby Scholars, PSATs, WFU Project Launch, Duke TIP Program, and course registration are just a few of the programs coordinated through Student Services. Other services include providing transcripts, recommendation letters, and driver’s education certificates.

Student Services is open from 7:30-4:00 PM. Students can drop by with permission from their teacher or make an appointment.


Lockers are provided for students to store their books and coats during school hours. Lockers are property of Paisley IB Magnet School and are subject to search at any time by school officials.


If a student has an appointment and needs to leave school early, the student should remain in class until the parent arrives in the Main Office to sign the student out. The student will then be called to the office to leave.


Itemized List

Combination Lock (Rental) $ .50

Physical Education $ 3.50

Agenda Book $ 5.00

Lost Lock Fee $ 4.50

*Note: All students pay the above fees during the first week of school.

Purchase Paisley Uniform $15.00

(This is optional collected by PE teacher)

Student Parking Fee $100.00

Lunch Charges

Breakfast $ 2.00 MS

$ 2.10 HS

Student Lunch $ 2.45 MS

$ 2.55 HS

Reduced Price Breakfast $ .30

Reduced Price Lunch $ .40



If students get sick or hurt during the school day, they should tell their teacher immediately. The teacher will give the student a pass to Student Services, and the staff there will assist the student in calling parents as needed.

All medications taken during school hours must be administered under the supervision of school personnel. All medications must be labeled with the student’s name and dosage. This includes over the counter medications such as Tylenol.


Students are not allowed to accept calls during school hours. Students are not allowed to use the telephones in the main office. Students are not allowed to call a parent to bring work/projects left at home. Parents and students should make arrangements for afternoon pick-up before they leave home.


Students are permitted to use cell phone before and after school outside of the building only. Cell phones should not be visible between the hours of 7:55 AM and 2:40 PM and should either be in silent mode or powered off. If a staff member sees a student texting or hears a cell phone during school hours, it will be confiscated and taken to the main office. Students are discouraged from bringing electronics devices to school. Only a parent or guardian will be allowed to pick-up the phone from the main office. The school accepts NO responsibility for any lost or stolen electronic devices.


No book bags, large purses or tote bags are permitted in classes. Rolling book bags are not permitted without approval from the principal. Draw string bags are permitted.


Students are required to be at school and in class on time. Students must be in their classroom and in their assigned seat when Homebase and class begin. School begins for students at 7:55 AM. They should arrive at school by 7:35 to allow time to go to lockers and prepare for the day. Homebase teachers will mark students tardy if they are not in their seat when the bell rings at 7:55.

Excessive Tardies

An accumulation of 10 unexcused tardies, as defined by school board policy, shall be equal to one unexcused absence for the purpose of enforcing the compulsory attendance law.

Classroom Tardies

In the classroom, a student must be in his/her assigned seat when the late bell rings or the teacher will record a tardy. If a student receives three unexcused tardies in a given class, the teacher of that class will notify the student and parent that the student has been assigned detention (either before or after school).

If a student has more than three tardies for more than one teacher, the student will be referred to an administrator.


Students are required by law to be in school every day unless they have a valid reason for being absent. Valid reasons for being absent include:

1. Illness or injury

2. Quarantine

3. Death in the immediate family

4. Medical or dental appointments

5. Court or administrative proceedings

6. Religious observances

7. Educational opportunity and other absences that have prior approval of the principal

When students are absent from school, they must bring a note from home or from the doctor if they have been under a doctor's care. Students have three days to bring a note before their absence turns to an unexcused absence. Absence notes should be given to the homebase teacher.


The Winston Salem/Forsyth County Schools have adopted a system-wide dress code. Students at Paisley are expected to adhere to this code. Parents are asked to familiarize themselves with the dress code as well. Students who come to school and are inappropriately dressed the first time will have to call a parent and have appropriate clothing brought to them. Additional violations of the Dress Code will result in administrative action.