For procedures not routinely funded by the NHS (IFR) funding requests to be raised by Practice via
For procedures funded by the NHS if a specific set of clinical circumstances are met (VBCCP) generate Prior Approval Ticket (PAT)via
Value Based Clinical Commissioning Policies (VBCCP)Procedure / Speciality / IFR/VBCCP
Abdominoplasty or Apronectomy / Plastics / IFR
Autologous Cartilage Transplantation / Orthopaedics / IFR
Autologous Serum Eye Drops / Ophthalmology / VBCCP
Back pain - Facet Joint Injections / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Back Pain - Elective Discectomy for Lumbar Spine Prolapse / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Back Pain - Initiation of Injections for Radicular Leg Pain / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Back Pain - Ongoing Injections for Radicular Leg Pain / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Blepharoplasty / Plastics / VBCCP
Bone Morphogenetic Proteins / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Breast - Asymmetry / Breast / IFR
Breast Augmentation / Breast / IFR
Breast - Inverted Nipple Correction / Breast / IFR
Breast - Mastopexy / Breast / IFR
Breast Prosthesis Removal / Breast / VBCCP
Breast Reduction / Breast / VBCCP
Brow Lift / Plastics / VBCCP
Bunions / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome – Shared Decision Making Tool / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Cervical Spinal Disc Prosthesis / Orthopaedics / IFR
Cholecystectomy for Asymptomatic Gallstones / Gastro / VBCCP
Circumcision / Urology / VBCCP
Dupuytren's Contracture - Collagenase Injections / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Dupuytren's Contracture - Surgery / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Excimer Laser for Cases with Poor Refraction After Corneal Transplant or Cataract Surgery / Ophthalmology / VBCCP
Exogen Ultrasound Bone Healing / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis / Orthopaedics / IFR
Face Lift / Plastics / VBCCP
Fertility preservation for cancer patients - female / Fertility / VBCCP
Fertility preservation for cancer patients - male / Fertility / VBCCP
Ganglia / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Groin Hernia – Shared Decision Making Tool / General Surgery / VBCCP
Grommets in Children - Insertion of Ventilation Tube – Shared Decision Making Tool / ENT / VBCCP
Grommets in Children - Referral for Specialist Opinion / ENT / VBCCP
Gynaecomastia / Plastics / IFR
Hair Grafting / Plastics / IFR
Hip Prostheses and Resurfacing / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Hip Replacement – Shared Decision Making Tool / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Hirsutism - Hair Depilation / Plastics / VBCCP
Hyperhidrosis Treatment with Botulinum Toxin / Dermatology / VBCCP
Hysterectomy for Heavy Menstrual Bleeding – Shared Decision Making Tool / Gynaecology / VBCCP
IVF / ICSI 43+ years of age / Fertility / IFR
IVF / ICSI under 40 years of age / Fertility / VBCCP
IVF/ICSI 40-42 years of age / Fertility / VBCCP
Knee Arthroscopy / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Knee Replacement Surgery – Shared Decision Making Tool / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Liposuction / Plastics / IFR
Pinnaplasty / Plastics / IFR
Removal of Benign Eyelid Lesions / Dermatology / VBCCP
Removal of Tattoos / Plastics / IFR
Repair of Lobe of External Ear / Plastics / VBCCP
Resurfacing Procedures: Dermabrasion, chemical peels and laser treatment / Plastics / IFR
Reversal of Female Sterilisation / Gynaecology / IFR
Reversal of Male Sterilisation / Urology / IFR
Rhinoplasty / ENT / VBCCP
Thigh Lift, Buttock Lift, Arm Lift, Excision of Redundant Skin or Fat / Plastics / IFR
Tonsillectomy for Recurrent Sore Throat / ENT / VBCCP
Trigger Finger / Orthopaedics / VBCCP
Vaginoplasty, Labial Vulvoplasty, Vulvar Lipoplasty / Plastics / IFR
Varicose Veins in Legs (Referral) / Vascular / VBCCP
Varicose Veins in Legs (Surgery - Ligation and Stripping) / Vascular / VBCCP
Please note: When a GP makes a referral to secondary care and the procedure is known at the point of referral (and that procedure is part of the VBCCP process) e.g. tonsillectomy then the PAT should be attached to the referral.
Please Note: GP Practices will need to consider how they will manage clinical oversight to ensure the patients meets the VBBC criteria based on GP's clinical assessment of the patient’s condition.
Some VBCC criteria for individual procedures may include use of a Shared Decision Making Tool.
VBCC will be reviewed and updated on a bi-annual basis, or upon receipt of new national or local guidance.
Below you will see an example of questions from the checklist, these will vary depending on the type of procedure.
Below you will see an example of a Prior Approval Ticket (PAT)that should be attached to a referral.
May 2017