New Mexico Community Survey Codebook
Local Data Collection: Fiscal Year 2014
This is the codebook that should be used when entering locally collected .NMCS data into Excel or SPSS data files

SITE ID: _____SITE (numbers before decimal)

SUBSITE ID: _____SUBSITE (numbers after decimal)

Location: ______LOCATION

Surveyor initials:______INITIALS

Respondent ID:______PID

  1. How easy do you think it is for teens in your community to get alcohol? Q01

1 Very easy 4 Very difficult

2 Somewhat easy999Don’t know

3 Somewhat difficult

  1. How easy do you think it is for teens in your community to get alcohol from stores and restaurants? Q02

1 Very easy 4Very difficult

2Somewhat easy999Don’t know

3Somewhat difficult

  1. In your opinion, how likely are police in your community to break up parties where teens are drinking?Q03

1 Very likely 4 Not at all likely

2 Somewhat likely999Don’t know

3 Not very likely

  1. How likely are police in your community to arrest an adult for giving alcohol to someone under 21?Q04

1 Very likely 4 Not at all likely

2 Somewhat likely999Don’t know

3 Not very likely

  1. In your opinion, if someone was caught selling alcohol to a drunk or intoxicated person in your community, how likely is it that he/she would be arrested?Q05

1 Very likely 4 Not at all likely

2 Somewhat likely999Don’t know

3 Not very likely

  1. In your opinion, if you were driving after you had too much to drink, how likely is it you would be stopped by police?Q06

1 Very likely 4 Not at all likely

2 Somewhat likely999Don’t know

3 Not very likely

  1. If you were driving after you had too much to drink and were stopped and charged with DWI, how likely is it you would be convicted?Q07

1 Very likely 4 Not at all likely

2 Somewhat likely999Don’t know

3 Not very likely

  1. How old are you? Q08

118 to 20 221 to 25

326 to 30 431 to 40

541 to 50 651 to 60

761 to 70 871 or older

  1. Are you: 0Male 1FemaleQ09
  2. What city or town or village do you live in?Q10


  1. What is your home zip code? ______Q11
  2. How long have you lived in New Mexico? Q12

1 Less than 1 year

2 1 – 5 years

3 More than 5 years

888 I don’t live in NM (skip to end of survey)

  1. Which one or more of the following would you say is your race or ethnicity? (Check all that apply.)

For each item enter 1 if selected. If not selected, leave it blank.

q13_1 White

q13_2 Hispanic or Latino

q13_3 Black or African American

q13_4 American Indian

q13_5 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

q13_6 Asian

q13_7 Alaska Native

q13_8 Other [Please write in your race/ethnicity]


  1. Are you on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, military Reserves, or National Guard? Active duty does not include training for the Reserves or National Guard.Q14

1 Yes 0 No

  1. Are you a veteran of the US armed forces? Q15

1 Yes 0 No

  1. What is the highest grade or year of school you completed to date?Q16

1Never attended school or only attendedkindergarten

2Grades 1 through 8 (Elementary)
3Grades 9 through 11 (Some high school)
4Grade 12 (High school graduate)

5GED (High school equivalency exam)

6Some college or technical school
7 College graduate

8Graduate or professional school graduate

  1. Do you identify as (LGBT) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender?Q17

1 Yes 0 No

  1. Do you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all? Q18

1 Every day

2 Some days

3 Not at all

  1. Do you currently use chewing tobacco or snuff, every day, some days, or not at all? Q19

1 Every day

2 Some days

3 Not at all

  1. Think specifically about the past 30 days. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you drink one or more drinks of an alcoholic beverage (if any)?Q20

0 None (skip to Question 25)

______Days in past 30 days (1-30) enter number

  1. Considering all types of alcoholic beverages, how many times during the past 30 days did you have 5 or more drinks on an occasion (if any)?Q21

______Times in past 30 days enter number

  1. During the past 30 days, how many times have you driven when you’ve had perhaps too much to drink? Q22 ______Times in past 30 days
  2. During the past 30 days, have you driven a vehicle after drinking 5 or more alcoholic beverages? Q23

1Yes 0No

  1. If you are 18 to 20 years old, please answer this question: During the past 30 days, how did you get your alcohol? (Check all that apply.)

For each item enter 1 if selected. If not selected, leave it blank.

q24_1I have not drunk alcohol in the past 30 days.

q24_2I bought it at a store, such as a liquor store, convenience store, or grocery store.

q24_3I bought it at a restaurant, bar or public place.

q24_4My parent or guardian gave it or bought it for me.

q24_5Another family member who is 21 or older gave it or bought it for me.

q24_6Someone not related to me who is 21 or older gave it or bought it for me.

q24_7Someone under age 21 bought or gave it to me.

q24_8I took it from my home or someone else’s home.

q24_9I took it from a store without paying for it.

q24_10I got it in Mexico.

q24_11I got it at a party.

q24_12I got it some other way. [Please describe]:q24other______

  1. In the past year, have you purchased or otherwise provided tobacco (cigarettes, chew, snuff) for someone under 18, even if it was for your own child? (not including tobacco used for religious purposes)Q25

1 Yes 0 No 999Don’t know

  1. In the past year, have you purchased or otherwise provided alcohol (beer, wine, liquor) for someone under 21, even if it was for your own child? (not including alcohol used for religious purposes)Q26

1 Yes 0 No 999Don’t know

  1. How much do you think people risk harming themselves (physically or in other ways) using prescription pain killers for a non-medical reason?Q27

1No risk

2Slight risk

3Moderate risk

4Great risk

  1. In the past year, were you prescribed painkillers by a medical professional (even if you did not take them)?Q28

1 Yes 0 No

  1. During the past 30 days, how many times did you use a pain killer to get high, like Vicodin, OxyContin (also called Oxy or OC), or Percocet (also called Percs)?Q29

10 times 410 to 19 times

21 or 2 times 520 to 39 times

33 to 9 times 640 or more times

  1. In the last 30 days, did you use prescription pain killers for any reason (even if you were not prescribed them)? Q30

1 Yes 0 Noskip to question # 34

  1. If you’ve taken prescription painkillers in the last 30 days, on how many days did you take them? Q31

____ days in the last 30 days (1-30)don’t allow “0”

  1. If you took painkillers in the last 30 days, why did you take them? (Check all that apply.)Q32

For each item enter 1 if selected. If not selected, leave it blank.

q32_1 To treat pain that my doctor or dentist identified (for example, injury, surgery, tooth extraction, illness)

q32_2 For pain not identified by my physician (e.g., minor injury)

q32_3 To have fun with a friend or friend(s) socially

q32_4 To help me sleep

q32_5 To get high, messed up or stoned

q32_6 To cope with anxiety or stress

q32_7 To substitute for other drugs or medications

q32_8 To affect the impact other drugs (for example, help me come down or to get me higher)

q32_9 To cope with social pressure

q32_10To avoid the bad feelings of withdrawal

q32_11Another reason [Please describe]:


  1. If you used painkillers in the last 30 daysfor any reason, where did you get them? (Check all that apply.)Q33

For each item enter 1 if selected. If not selected, leave it blank.

q33_1A doctor or doctors prescribed or gave them to me

q33_2A family member shared them

q33_3A friend shared them

q33_4They were bought from a dealer or other stranger

q33_5They were taken from a friend or relative without asking

q33_6They were bought on the internet

q33_7Purchased them in Mexico

q33_8Other place[Please describe]:


  1. In the past year, have you given or otherwise shared any prescription drugs with someone that was not prescribed them(even if that person was a close friend or family member)? Q34

1 Yes 0 No

  1. Do you currently keep all of your medications locked or otherwise safely stored away so that others cannot get them (including youth and family)? Q35

1 Yes 0 No

888 I do not have any medications

  1. During the past 4 weeks (28 days), how much of the time did you feel … (Circle the best response)

a) …so sad nothing could cheer you up? / 1
All of the time / 2
Most of the time / 3
Some of the time / 4
A little of the time / 5
None of the time
b) …nervous? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
c) …restless or fidgety? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
d) …hopeless? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
e) … that everything was an effort? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
f) …worthless? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
q36_7 g)…anxiety? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
  1. In the past year, was there any time when you thought you had a mental health, nervous, emotional, drug or alcohol problem? Q37

1 Yes 0 No

  1. At any time in the past 12 months, did you seriously think about trying to kill yourself? Q38

1 Yes 0 No

  1. In the past year, have you ever sought help from someone other than your friends or family for your emotions, nerves, mental health, or your use of alcohol or drugs? Q39

1Yes 0No – If you answer no, please skip to question 42.

  1. If you did receive help from someone other than your friends or family in the last year, where did you go? (Check all that apply.)

For each item enter 1 if selected. If not selected, leave it blank.

q40_1Primary care provider (family medical practitioner, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner)

q40_2Private therapist or counselor (such as a psychologist, psychotherapist, mental health nurse)

q40_3A community mental health or substance abuse program

q40_4 A peer specialist, sponsor, or recovery coach


q40_6Other healers like herbalist, acupuncturist, homeopath, chiropractor (for mental health or drug or alcohol problems)

q40_7Faith-based services

q40_8Spiritual healer (curandero/a, medicine man/woman)

q40_9Emergency room (only for mental health or drug or alcohol problems)

q40_10Inpatient behavioral health services or detox (where you stayed overnight)

q40_11While in jail or prison

q40_12Other health practitioner [Please describe]: q40other______

  1. If you did have problems with your mental health or with drugs or alcohol, and received help, what kind of help was it? (Check all that apply.)

For each item enter 1 if selected. If not selected, leave it blank.

q41_1One on one therapy or counseling

q41_2Group therapy or counseling

q41_3Self-help groups like 12- step, AA, NA, faith based groups

q41_4A minister, priest or other spiritual guide/healer

q41_5Inpatient (overnight)

q41_6Emergency care



q41_9Herbs, acupuncture or homeopathy

q41_10Something else [Please describe]:


  1. In the last year, how often were you able to get help for your mental health or substance abuse problems when you needed it?Q42

1 Always

2 Sometimes


4I didn’t need it

  1. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us or add about the issues we have asked about today? [Please write your comments in the box below.]Q43

Enter verbatim

New Mexico Community Survey Local Data Collection CODEBOOK 2014Page 1 of 6