Volunteer Role Description
Social Care Support Volunteer
Location: Jubilee Lodge, Chigwell
Manager: Marzena Cymler
Duration: Minimum 2 weeks residential
Purpose of role:
Social Care Support volunteers provide essential social contact for our guests and may assist with some of the following tasks:
Task description:
Social Support
- The basic care of skin, hair and nails (with the exception of nail care provided by a chiropodist or podiatrist)
- Applying/removing make up, jewellery etc.
- Assisting with outer clothes – socks, shoes, jackets etc.
- Assisting guests to clean own teeth
- Assisting with eating and drinking, except for guests with complex needs (see Level 3)
- Washing hands/face
- Applying basic creams/lotions to non-intimate areas – face, hands etc.
- Assisting with mobility (pushing wheelchairs etc.) within the centre or on excursions.
- Provision of social support – companionship, assisting with activities etc.
- Providing support/reassurance while care is given by others
- Shaving using electric razor
- Informing staff of any requests for support
Care Support
- Assisting with hygiene needs – washing, bathing, showering etc.
- Assisting with dressing/undressing, including underwear
- Assisting with elimination needs – including in relation to the process of menstruation) transferring on/off toilet, bottom wiping, pad changing, emptying standard urine bags
- Cleaning teeth for guests unable to do so
- Wet shaving
- Assisting with basic manual handling, bed-chair, chair to toilet, chair-chair etc.
- Supporting/assisting guests to be self-managing with stoma/catheter support
The prompting, together with supervision, of a person, in relation to the performance of any other activities listed above, where that person is unable to make a decision for themselves in relation to performing such an activity without such prompting and supervision
Please notify staff of any tasks that you are not comfortable taking on.
Skills needed:
- To be able to communicate in English to a reasonable level
- To be open to new and interesting experiences
Training and support offered:
All volunteers receive extensive training on arrival. This includes:
- A tour of the centre
- Nurses Induction
- Drivers induction
Topics covered include: fire meeting points, how to respond to buzzers, helping with meal times, moving and handling, wheelchair handling amongst many others.
Support is available from all staff as well as our long term volunteers.
All volunteers have a named supervisor
Benefits to Volunteer:
Volunteers gain a great number of skills whilst volunteering within our centres. There are general skills such as:
- Communication skills
- Increased confidence
- Understanding needs of disabled people
Also volunteers get skills and experience in a range of practical areas including:
- Wheelchair handling
- Moving and Handling
A unique experience
Great fun
Revitalise provides all meals and accommodation. In addition we will cover out of pocket expenses, including travel to the centre up to the value of £50, with receipts.