
An “Agro-Ecological” approach for the future of farming

by re-establishing pristine life in the soils


FLOURISH! is a nitrogen fixing, microbial formulation combined with natural enzymes, polysaccharides and polypeptides. Its intended use is to assist in the growth of nitrogen fixing microorganisms and beneficial "native soil microorganisms," to enhance and optimize the decomposition and building process of animal and plant residues and organic matter in the soil. It is totally natural, safe and non-toxic. FLOURISH! is not a fertilizer or a replacement for a fertilizer or any soil element, macronutrient or micronutrient. It is a microbial, non-plant food product, and is extremely effective when used with small amounts of organic and/or inorganic fertilizers in a soil with adequate amounts of macronutrients and micronutrients.


Increased quality and quantity of yield – up to 30%

Accelerated blooming – maturation

50% to 75% reduction in the use of chemical fertilizers

Increased organic matter

Helps to balance the pH factor of the soil

 Optimizes maturation

 Reduces chemical fertilizer costs 25% to 50%


The name "FLOURISH!" denotes exactly what FLOURISH! is and does. FLOURISH! is simply a formulation of microorganisms beneficial to the soil. FLOURISH! is formulated to work on the soil by helping to decompose plant and animal wastes, fix nitrogen and help build organic matter. The most commonly asked question is whether or not FLOURISH! will work on a certain crop (i.e. beans, tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco, cotton, fruit trees, etc.). The answer is quite simple. FLOURISH! works in and on the soil, and as a result, it indirectly works on all plants and crops. The soil microorganisms act like catalysts by changing organic material into inorganic substances, thereby, making nutrients more available for plant use and increasing decomposition. Well-known universities and prominent agricultural agencies around the world have tested FLOURISH! on a wide variety of crops and with very positive results. You see, it doesn't matter what part of the world you are in or what crop is planted, FLOURISH! works on all types of soil in an environment in which there are adequate amounts of macronutrients and micronutrients. Remember, that plants like human beings, need a balanced diet in order to be healthy and productive, and this is determined by the condition of the soil. This fact remains true throughout the world. If the soil is healthy, the crops will be healthy and nutritious. If the soil conditions are poor, the crops will also be poor.


Yes! One of the greatest by-products of using FLOURISH! is that it benefits the entire ecosystem and environment. The use of FLOURISH! helps to build a dynamic soil system which does not contaminate our natural resources such as the air, water and soil, as do the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Remember, FLOURISH! is 100% natural. It is completely safe and poses absolutely no danger to the farmer or his family, pets, wildlife or the environment.

New Improved Flourish!

A Natural Concentrate of Beneficial Soil Microorganisms

FLOURISH! is a nitrogen fixing, microbial formula combined with natural enzymes, polysaccharides and polypeptides. Its intended use is to assist the growth of nitrogen fixing microorganisms and beneficial "native soil microorganisms," to enhance and optimize the decomposition process of animal and plant residues and aid in the building process of organic matter in the soil. It is totally natural, safe and nontoxic.

IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: If organic matter in the soil is less than 2%, add a small amount of Nitrogen, approximately 25% of what would normally be used) mixing it in with the FLOURISH! dilution. Soil pH should ideally be between 5.5 to 7.5.

For best results always apply under damp or wet conditions (early morning or evening). Avoid applying during the heat of the day or when the night time temperatures are below 40oF. FLOURISH!can be mixed and applied with fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. DO NOT USE WITH FORMALDEHYDE PRODUCTS as they will retard the effectiveness of FLOURISH!.

SUSTAINABLE FARMING: For best results, thoroughly stir FLOURISH! concentrate, then dilute by adding 100 parts of water to 1 part FLOURISH! concentrate. Mix again thoroughly before spraying 10 gallons of dilution per acre. Note: Make sure ground is wet prior to application. If using flood irrigation or underground sprinkling systems, apply 20 gallons of dilution per acre. Apply to soil 2-3 weeks prior to planting whenever possible. Before FLOURISH!, fertilizers or soil amendments are applied, a soil analysis should precede application to ensure that proper amounts are used for each specific soil.

TURF/LAWNS/GRASSES: For best results, thoroughly stir FLOURISH! concentrate then dilute by adding 100 parts of water to 1 part FLOURISH! concentrate. Mix thoroughly before applying 20 gallons of dilution per acre then sprinkle/water thoroughly. If using irrigation or drip irrigation, apply 20 gallons of dilution per acre. For best results, apply as early in the season as possible. Mow and water grass before using, and water again after application.

FLOWERS/PLANTS/GARDENS: For best results, stir FLOURISH!concentrate thoroughly then dilute by adding 50 parts water to 1 part FLOURISH!. Mix again thoroughly before applying 20-25 gallons of dilution per acre (2 quarts of dilution per 1000 square feet), keeping in mind the pH and percentage of organic matter as noted above.

TREES: For best results, thoroughly stir FLOURISH! concentrate then dilute (50 parts of water to 1 part FLOURISH! concentrate). Mix thoroughly before using. Use approximately 1 quart of dilution per 6 feet of tree height (i.e. 2 quarts if tree height is 12 feet). Injection into roots is best, however, soaking into root structure with water is also very effective.

COMPOST HEAPS: FLOURISH! is the perfect microbial accelerator for stimulating the decomposition process within compost heaps. Dilute by adding 20 parts of water to 1 part FLOURISH! concentrate. Use at the minimum rate of one quart per each cubic yard of compost.

NOTE: FLOURISH! is intended to promote an increased population of beneficial soil microorganisms, thus helping to build a higher level of organic matter in the soil. Because microorganisms are subject to degradation upon exposure to high temperatures, ultra violet light or long storage periods, we recommend applying FLOURISH! as soon as possible. Do not freeze or expose to temperatures over 120O F. IMPORTANT: ALWAYS REMEMBER TO COMPOSTASFLOURISH!'S PRIMARY SOURCE OF FOOD, WHETHER IN YOUR GARDEN OR ON YOUR FARM, IS PLANT AND CROP RESIDUES.

Ingredients: By weight: 93.7% H20 solution with a proprietary blend of enzymes, 6.3% non-pathogenic soil microorganisms including Azotobacter and Clostridium and a proprietary blend of organic minerals, vitamins and natural polysaccharides and polypeptides.


931C Conklin St. Farmingdale, New York11735 tel. 888.338.3305 fax. 516.977.2760