New Haven Public School Foundation, Inc.
Mini-Grants Awards 2009-2010
$1393.00 – Barnard Environmental Studies Magnet School: K’necting Students: A Hands-On Technology Part of this curriculum will include hands-on opportunities for the students to design and build machines. These building kits will encourage students to become engineers, mechanics, designers, architects, scientists, GREEN-collar workers, and countless other valuable careers.
$1,500.00 – Conte West Hills Magnet School – 2nd Yr. Funding -B.E.A.R. (“Be Enthusiastic About Reading”) The goals of this project are to develop stronger ties between home and school and to increase the amount of time our students spend reading independently and with their parents.
$1,450.00 – Davis Street Arts & Academics Interdistrict Magnet School -Academically empowering all students and enhancing student literacy/language arts and logical thinking skills while laying the foundation for our students to respect, value, and interact effectively with all people in our diverse school community.
$1,035.00 – East Rock Global Magnet School- Lights Camera Action – Learning Ought to Be in Pictures Web based technologies and multimedia presentations provide an opportunity for the students to construct their own knowledge with learning activity that increase use of “learning by doing”.
$948.00 – Fair Haven School -Greenhouse Materials and Equipment/Earth Box Project
Students will maintain the Greenhouse and actively participate in the research and decision making procedures involved in such an innovative urban school project.
$1,500.00 – High School in the Community -HSC Sustainable Organic Garden
Students will be planting and maintaining a garden on campus that will provide fresh healthy food that will be consumed by students in the cafeteria and taken home to their families.
$1,400.00 – Hill Regional Career High School - Getting Ready for College...Really
We have discipline-centered preparation classes in place, but lack the peer, parental and faculty support structure that we believe will be created by addressing a cohort of students and parents in a yearlong process.
$1,500.00 – King/Robinson Inter-District Magnet School – 2nd Yr. Funding -Building Kids with Music Studies have proven that the study of music aids in the development of students’ social skills for success in school and life. An inventory of more good playing instruments would result in 85 students participating in the band next year, a 34% increase in enrollment.
$1,396.00 – Augusta Lewis Troup School -People Can Make a Difference
This project is innovative because it uses the technology rich environment created by the mayor’s building program in New Haven and integrates it with the curriculum that all New Haven schools follow.
$1,500.00 – Mauro-Sheridan Science Magnet School - CMTs for Fun!
The program we are proposing is simply to sign our students up on an ingenious game website making use of the ‘Nintendo mindset’. Students can earn double points for playing games a grade level higher, allowing everyone to play and learn at their own pace.
$887.00 – Mauro/Sheridan: Publishing Mauro-Sheridan Publishing will be a student-run press that publishes the best student work from Pre-k to Grade 8 in a variety of genres. The editors will be 7th and 8th grade students trained in the latest lay-out and design programs.
$1,496.00 – Betsy Ross Arts Magnet School -Stained Glass – An Installation of Color
This project will utilize stained glass, which is innovative, exciting, challenging and fun. It will be meaningful because it will enable students to feel they are part of a team that will beautify the front of our building.
$1,400.00 – Social Development/Drop Out Truancy Department -Young Parent Peer Education Program Teens educating other teens about the consequences of early sexual activity, unwanted pregnancy and disease. Providing a comprehensive instructional and support program designated to meet the social, emotional, health and academic needs of pregnant and parenting teens will promote school success through graduation and beyond.
$1,200.00 – Sound School- The Freshmen Seminar: A Smooth Transition!
The District’s Bold Goals will be addressed by ensuring a smooth transition into The Sound School for our freshmen and new upper classmen. It will help to build relationships and provide background knowledge as the staff works to prepare students for the CAPT exams in Math, Reading, Writing and Science.
$995.00 – Wilbur Cross High School -Geometry in Architecture - This project will help students achieve math standards by providing opportunities to see how things they learn in the classroom apply in architecture.
$1,500.00 – Clarence Rogers/Katherine Brennan Schools - Multicultural Author Study
Authors will be selected centered on but not limited to the ethnic background of our student body. Each month there will be an author themed celebration with a story and craft based on that author’s works.
$848.00 – Truman School -Clifford Comes to Truman -“Clifford Comes to Truman” will be a comprehensive year-long program which is designed to foster a love of reading, and therefore better readers, in students and families of our Kindergarten classroom.