Approved 11/4/2014

New Hartford Public Schools

Regular Meeting Board of Education Meeting Minutes

Ann Antolini School

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Members: Josh Adams, Martha Busemeyer, Mike Linnetz, Sue Lundin, Penny Miller, Pat Spaziani, Kate Rieger, Melissa Giaconia and Jen Zenuh

Administrators: Dr. Paul Smotas, Amanda Shaw, Paula Gladu-Morabito, Dr. Roxanne Pangallo, and Erika Sacharko

Guests: Maria Moore, Laura Polakow, Erica Mumm

A. Chair to Open Meeting

Chairman Adams opened the meeting at 7:03 p.m.

B. Chair to Select Order of Business

Chairman Adams called for a motion to add “Opportunity for Public Comment” before the Superintendent’s Report. Pat Spaziani accepted the motion with a second by Penny Miller. Unanimous

C. Opportunity for Public Comment


D. Superintendent Report

1. Oil Tank Insurance – CIRMA has notified Dr. Smotas that recent legislation requires schools and municipalities to obtain separate rider liability insurance for oil tanks in case of a catastrophic event. All four tanks have been inspected and the tank at New Hartford Elementary needs to have a gauge replaced before this policy can be obtained. Dr. Smotas is working to resolve this issue.

2. Enrichment/After School Programs (Paula Gladu-Morabito) – Paula Morabito and the Administrators met with Christy Tellier, the Recreation Director for the town of New Hartford to discuss the collaboration between the Board of Education and the New Hartford Parks and Recreation to offer more After School Enrichment Programs.

3. Library Media Position Replacements – Dr. Smotas announced that two long term substitutes, Christine Merritt and Kathy Noble-Kline, have been hired to fill the Library and Media Specialist position left by the resignation of Lori Andrada. Both these individuals have previously served in our libraries.

4. Superintendent Search Process – Dr. Smotas announced that the vacancy announcement has been posted on the CTREAP and the CAPSS websites. Dr. Smotas asked that two Board members consider serving on the screening committee which will interview the semi-finalists for the position. Tentative dates for interviews are November 15, 2014 and November 22, 2014.

5. Information Sessions on Roof/Windows/ADA Project at Antolini School – Dr. Smotas stated that we are moving forward with the Roof/Windows/ADA Project as Ann Antolini School. Information sessions will be held on October 16 and October 23, 2014. Kate Rieger asked that Board members put these dates on their calendars.

6. White Memorial Field Trip Update (Amanda Shaw) – The sixth grade teachers and Principal Amanda Shaw met with Dr. Smotas to discuss the reasons for shortening the White Memorial Field Trip from three days to two. The lack of overnight male chaperones, nurses not available on site, and conflicting obligations with students lead to valid concerns amongst the sixth grade team regarding the health, safety, and educational experiences of the students. The administration was able to address these concerns and the field trip has returned to the three days/two nights. However, Dr. Smotas stressed that if we cannot secure a nurse or overnight male chaperones, the field trip will be modified. Kate Rieger commended the sixth grade teachers, and stated that they go above and beyond for this field trip.

E. Building Report


F. Consent Agenda

1. Approval of Minutes—September 16, 2014, September 30, 2014 Special Joint Meeting

2. Personnel Report

3. 2014-2015 Connecticut Student Assessment Calendar

4. 2015 BOE Meeting Calendar

Sue Lundin made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of the September 16, 2014 minutes. Martha Busemeyer seconded the motion. Unanimous. Penny Miller made a motion to approve the minutes of September 16, 2014 as amended. Jen Zenuh seconded the motion. All in favor except Melissa Giaconia who abstained.

G. Curriculum

1. Curriculum Update (Erika Sacharko) – Erika Sacharko informed the Board that consultants from the Teacher’s College Reading and Writing Project are scheduled to provide professional development focused on writing instruction for all grade levels K-6 throughout the 2014-2015 school year. Dr. Christine Moynihan is the educational consultant who will provide professional development on the Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice throughout the 2014-2015 school year.

H.New Business

1. BOE and Superintendent Endorsement of Paving Project at Antolini School – Kate Rieger made a motion to authorize the Board Chair and the Superintendent to sign the “Paving Project” resolution as presented. Martha Busemeyer seconded the motion. Unanimous.

2. Proposed Contract Agreement with CompuClaim (Paula Gladu-Morabito) – Paula Morabito updated the Board on the benefits of contracting our Medicaid reimbursement program with this company. Kate Rieger made a motion to authorize the Superintendent to negotiate and sign a contract with CompuClaim to handle our Medicaid reimbursement claims. Motion seconded by Sue Lundin. Unanimous.

3. Proposed Endorsement of Roof/Window/ADA Project at Ann Antolini School - Pat Spaziani made a motion to approve the resolution for the Roof/Window/ADA Compliance Project at Ann Antolini school as presented. Motion seconded by Martha Busemeyer. Unanimous.

I. Reports


J. Old Business

1.  Policies – 2nd Reading

Spending Public Funds for Advocacy (Policy 3152)

Line Item Transfers (Policy 3160)

System of Accounts (Policy 3410)

Budget & Expense Report/Annual Financial Statements (Policy 3432/3433)

Hazardous Materials in Schools (Policy 3524.2)

School Transportation (Policy 3591)

Personal Leaves (Policy 4152.6/4252.6)

Discipline (Policy 5144.4)

Jen Zenuh asked the Policy Subcommittee to look at the wording on the Bulling Form and review the policy. Penny Miller then made a motion to approve the policies as presented. Jen Zenuh seconded the motion. Unanimous.

K. Executive Session (Discussion of Personnel Issues and Negotiations)

Mike Linnetz made a motion at 8:34 p.m. to go into Executive Session, to include the Superintendent, for the purpose of discussing personnel issues and negotiations. Martha Busemeyer seconded the motion. Unanimous.

Mike Linnetz made a motion at 8:56 p.m. to come out of Executive Session. Martha Busemeyer seconded the motion. Unanimous.

Jen Zenuh made a motion to authorize the Superintendent of Schools and the Board Chair to sign and approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the New Hartford Teachers’ Association as presented, second by Penny Miller. Unanimous

Penny Miller made motion to authorize the Superintendent of Schools and Board Chair to sign and approve the Memorandum of Understanding as amended, with the New Hartford Administrators Association, second by Martha Busemeyer. Unanimous.

L. Adjournment

Penny Miller made a motion to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Second by Jen Zenuh. Unanimous.

Respectfully submitted by Janet A. Terenzi, Recording Secretary