Biology Board of Studies

Minutes of the meeting held onFriday 29 June 2012

Present: Dr D Barilla, Dr C Baumann, Dr G Blanco, Dr S Chawla, Dr S Chong, DrDCoverley, DrCDytham, DrJEdwards, Dr C Elliott, DrGEvans, DrJFerrari, Dr D Franks, Dr P Genever, DrTHelgason, ProfJHill, DrAHodge, Dr H Isaacs, Ms J Knox, Ms J Lord, Dr P Mayhew, Dr J Moir, DrAMountford, DrJPillmoor, DrJ Pitchford, Prof JPotts, Dr M E Pownall, ThomasSmallwood, Prof D Smith, Prof J Sparrow, Dr S Sweeney, DrMThom, Prof C Thomas, DrG Thomas, Dr DUngar, DrRWaites (Chair), MsJEWhite,MrMWilkinson, Katie Wilson, DrJWood, Dr M van der Woude, Prof P Young.

Apologies for absence: Tom Brabbs, Dr Leo Caves, Ms N Charlton, Dr J Chong, DrFFrame, Dr A Harrison, Ms S Hazel-Gant, ProfMHofreiter, ProfPIneson, DrLJones, Ms E Rand.

12/014Minutes of Board of Studies meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2012wereapproved.

12/015Matters arising from previous Board of Studies meetings

a)Alumni profiles for careers information (arising from BoS 12/002a)

Dr Ungar reported that the scheme to match student careers interests with profiles of alumni was in operation, and encouraged more participation from staff in touch with recent alumni.

b)Teaching in the post examination period (arising from BoS 11/072)

Dr Waites clarified the purpose of term 6 research skills tutorials, which were part of the 20 credit skills module, and asked the module organiser for clearer instructions to staff and guidance on marking (which should be complete before progression at the end of the summer term). It was noted that it would not be possible to arrange groups to match project topics as project directors took different numbers of project students.

c) Stage 2 open assessments (arising from BoS 11/065)

The Board noted that Dr Isaacs and Dr Evans were taking this forward.

d) Role of the external examiners (arising from BoS 11/041a)

The Board noted that Exams Committee had provided guidance for external examiners.

e) Project director input to project write-up (arising from BoS 11/041a)

The Chair asked Dr Dytham to clarify guidance to project directors.

f) Arrangements for “journal clubs” for students with non-standard project directors (arising from BoS 11/062cv)

The Chair asked Jenny White to take this forward.

g) Annual Plan 2012/13 (arising from BoS 12/04)

  • Stage 2 Module BIO00009I Neuroscience: The Board accepted the revisedsynopsis for the module, organised by Dr Evans.
  • Stage 3 Module BIO00011H The Dynamic Genome: The Board noted that Dr James Chong, who was due to teach on this module, would be on sabbatical in the autumn term 2012 and no suitable replacement had been identified. Only 12 students had chosen this module; they had been consulted and had no objection to its cancellation. The Board agreed that this module should be cancelled and students asked to make alternative module choices.

h) Programme specifications (arising from BoS 12/002c)

The Board noted that documents for 2012/13 would be updated over the summer vacation, and available for the Board to view on the web, before submission in September 2012.

i) Key Information Set (KIS) (arising from BoS 12/006)

The Boar noted that the data would be completed for approval by Chairs of Board of Studies and BUSB at the end of July.

12/016Minutes of Biology Graduate School Board

The minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2012 werenoted, with the following matters arising:

a)Student progression and review of TAP forms (arising from BGSB 12/03)

The Board notedthat in line with University requirements for confirmation at 18 months, reports would be requested at 3, 6, 12 and 18 months. The Board noted the form for use at 18 months (attachment to BGSB minutes), and the requirement that students make a presentation.

b) Interviewing of PhD applicants (arising from BGSB 12/10)

The Board noted new procedures (attachment to BGSB minutes) to ensure all candidates were treated equally, with arrangements co-ordinated by Monica Bandeira.

c) Monitoring of Tier 4 visa holders (arising from BGSB 12/12)

The Board noted the policy (attachment to BGSB minutes) to monitor Tier 4 visa holding postgraduate research students. To illustrate and confirm engagement, BGSB will use weekly meetings, bi-monthly meetings and TAP meetings in conjunction with signed statements from supervisors on a monthly basis.

d) Annual Graduate Symposium (arising from BGSB 12/03)

The Board noted that the event had gone well, and was timetabled for 20/21 May in 2013.

e) Report of Masters Administration Working Group (arising from BGSB 12/04)

The Board noted the proposals to streamline admissions, assessments and placement procedures, and align taught Undergraduate and Masters Boards. Comments from Strategy Group and PECs had already been considered and incorporated in the proposal. Board members had concerns over the range required in new jobs (admissions interviewing and placements). The Chemistry Department had asked for additional time to consider the proposals. It was agreed that Prof Smith would consult with colleagues in Chemistry to resolve any outstanding issues. The Board agreed that subject to further amendments, the terms of reference of Postgraduate Teaching Committees should be considered at the first meeting of Biology Masters Board in the autumn term 2012.

12/017Undergraduate Admissions for 2012 intake

Dr Helgason reported that firm acceptances from home students remain low, with overseas acceptances higher. There had been a drop in applications for Biology, and increase in applications for Genetics, MCB and BTM. Low numbers had applied for Ecology, but this may improve next year with a change to the entry requirement. The Board thanked the admissions team, including students, who had helped contribute to the process.

12/018Biology Undergraduate Studies Board

The Board noted the minutes of the meeting held on 15 June 2012, with the following matters arising:

a)Year away scheme (arising from BUSB 12/03)

Dr Moir drew the Board’s attention to the responsibility of supervisors whilst students are on year-away, with contact at the start and end of each term, and a visit approximately two months after the commencement of the placement, particularly since the supervisory visit plays an important part in supporting the Department’s relationship with the industry partner.

It was agreed that Dr Moir would formalise arrangements for students out of the UK, and that students on placement should be included with Stage Two students when careers information was circulated.

b)Workload for final year modules (arising from BUSB 12/04)

The Board agreed to the proposal from BUSB to standardise workload for final year modules, to eliminate perceived unevenness in material and reading lists:

  • No more than 12 hours of lecture-based material in Biology 10-credit final year modules.
  • 3-4 papers or equivalent additional reading per lecture/seminar (assuming 8 x 1.5 hr lectures). Lecturers may provide longer reading lists but should make it clear which papers are most relevant.

The Board noted that all Biology final year modules will have a presence on the VLE from 2012/13, and that Examinations Committee would provide guidance on setting questions relating to additional reading.

12/019Student items

Mr Smallwood reported that, for existing 20 credit modules, students would prefer modules to be split and assessed on a termly basis, and it was agreed that Dr Moir would refer this to course committees for consideration.

Mr Smallwood reported that some tutors were not aware of student deadlines for open assessments and hand-ins, and Dr Waites noted that BUSB had recommended that a Departmental timetable should display these dates; however, students should be able to negotiate deadlines for tutorial work to ensure there was more work at the start than at the end of terms.

Stage Two students reported dissatisfaction with allocation of skills tutorials in term 6 (students grouped by specialism rather than stating a preference for a member of staff) and Dr Waites agreed to look into this.

Dr Smallwood reported that the STYC scheme to link continuing with incoming students would continue in 2012/13.

The Board thanked student representatives for their input on SSLG and the Board of Studies over the academic year, particularly those leaving this year, and wished them well in their future careers.

12/020Final year project arrangements

The Board agreed to the proposal for assignment of an alternative project director in the event of project director absence, with the agreement of the student and new director.

12/021Report from Departmental Quality Officer

Dr Mountford reported that students’ scores for modules and for lecturers (anonymised) had been placed on the web. Students had been invited to comment on the course as a whole; final year students had praised the course overall, with projects and tutorials their highlights. Unevenness of project direction was noted and will be investigated by Dr Waites and Dr Mountford.

The Board noted that the response rate was low, and that Biology Undergraduate School Board would consider the timing and frequency of request for feedback at its joint meeting with Exams Committee at the end of the summer vacation.

12/022Information management system for taught programmes

Members of the Board were invited to comment, over the summer vacation, on areas where information management systems could be developed to support the administration of taught programmes.

12/023Monitoring of Tier 4 visa holders

The Board accepted the proposal that staff should record dates of supervisory meetings, tutorials and project supervision sessions for all students, using an online system. Combined with attendance at assessments, this should provide the essential ten occasions of contact for Tier 4 visa holding students, whilst retaining a light touch and not requiring excessive administration.

12/024Library matters

Mr Wilkinson reported on the changes to loans policy, which were detailed on the web at loans/ and has been circulated to student representatives. He also reported on a meeting with Prof Smith and Dr Elliott on improving student experience, suggestions from which would be discussed alongside those from other Departments. He had organised a session for Stage Two students to prepare for final year project work, which had no attendees, and it was agreed that Dr Waites and Dr Moir would arrange for this to be included in final year research skills teaching.

12/025Impact of new modular scheme on visiting student arrangements

The Board agreed to defer this item until the next meeting of the Board.

12/026Stage One textbooks

Members of the Board were invited to join a small working group to identify whether or not a single textbook is suitable for most Stage One modules (Biology and Biochemistry). It was agreed the group should comprise all Stage One module organisers plus Dr Moir and Prof Potts, with assistance from Mr Wilkinson and Dr Elliott, who would explore the availability of material electronically.

12/027Timing of Stage one, Stage two and final stage Biology and Biochemistry progression boards for 2013

The Board agreed to the proposal that Biology progression board for all years should be moved to the early part of week 10 of the summer term, with adjustments to post-assessment teaching to be arranged, and supervisory meetings to take place at the end of week 10. The Board asked Dr Thomas to co-ordinate with colleagues in Chemistry regarding dates for Biochemistry meetings.

12/028Dates for meeting of Board of Studies in the next academic year

The Board agreed to meet on dates as follows:

Wednesday Week 2 of autumn term, 17 October 2012;

Friday Week 10 of autumn term, 14 December 2012;

Friday Week 10 of spring term, 15 March 2013;

Wednesday Week 2 of spring term, 1 May 2013

(if it is necessary to hold a meeting at the start of the spring term);

and Friday Week 10 of summer term, 28 June 2013.


The Board congratulated Dr Mountford on his award as supervisor of the year, and thanked Prof Sparrow, at final Board of Studies meeting, for his many valuable contributions to teaching in the Department during his time in Biology.

12/030Biochemistry minutes

The Board noted minutes of meetings of the Biochemistry Executive Committee on 24 November 2011, Joint Board of Studies in Biochemistry on 2 December 2011, and Biochemistry Executive Committee on 19 June 2012, with the following matters arising:

a) Stage Two student meeting with project director (arising from BCH Exec 12/01)

The Board agreed that Biology and Biochemistry students should meet with their project director during the post-assessment period in the summer term of Stage Two.

b)Funding for final year projects (arising from BCH Exec 12/03)

Dr Waites agreed to raise the need for additional funding with Strategy Group.

c)Post-assessment period (arising from BCH Exec 12/04)

The Board noted that BCH considered moving some presentations to the end of the spring term, however, moving the timing of project choice later would not allow (a) above.

12/031Proposal for the posthumous award of an aegrotat MPhil

The Board considered the paper and accompanying appendices and agreed thatMs RadhikaSreedharbe recommended to Senate for the award of a posthumous aegrotat MPhil for the work she had completed at the time of her death.

12/032Student changes

The Board noted the student changes, including a large number of final year students taking leave of absence, and Dr Waites invited Board members to comment on the reason for this.



Action points arising from Biology Board of Studies, 29 June 2012

All staff

  • To encourage more alumni to provide profiles for introduction to employability on VLE (BoS 12/015a)
  • To note changes to arrangements for student progression and TAP forms (BoS 12/016a)
  • To note arrangements for interviewing of PhD applicants (BoS 12/016b)
  • To note arrangements for monitoring Tier 4 visa holders, for postgraduate research students (BoS 12/016c) and undergraduate (BoS 12/023)
  • To note date of Annual Graduate Symposium 2013 – 20-21 May (BoS 12/016d)
  • To note responsibilities of supervisors when students are on year away (BoS 12/018a)
  • To note workload and VLE presence for final year modules (BoS 12/018b)
  • To note new arrangement for assignment of alternative project director in the event of absence (BoS 12/020)
  • To comment (to Chair) on areas where information management systems could be developed to support administration of taught programmes (BoS 12/022)
  • To note progression boards move to early week 10 of summer term in 2013 (Bos 12/027)
  • To note dates for Board of Studies meeting 2012/13 (BoS 12/028)
  • To comment (to Chair) on reasons for large number of final year students taking LOA (BoS 12/032)

Chair/Secretary BoS

  • To make arrangements for “journal clubs” for students with non-standard project directors (BoS 12/015f and 11/062cv)
  • To produce programme specifications for 2012/13 (BoS 12/015h)
  • To produce annual Departmental timetable (BoS 12/019)
  • To make choice of term 6 skills tutorial easier (BoS 12/019)
  • To investigate unevenness of project direction (with Dr Mountford) (BoS 12/021)
  • To include library session in final year skills teaching (BoS 12/024)
  • To ensure students meet project director during post-assessment period, summer term Stage Two (BoS 12/030a)
  • To raise need for additional funding for final year projects with Strategy Group (BoS 12/030b)

Chair BUSB

  • To formalise arrangements for students on year away abroad, and ensure they are included when careers information is circulated (BoS 12/018a)
  • To raise possibility of splitting 20-credit modules with Course Committees (BoS 12/019)
  • To explore ways of improve student interaction with feedback requests, at joint meeting BUSB/Exams (BoS 12/021)
  • To convene group to consider Stage One textbook, with Prof Potts and module organisers (BoS 12/026)

Head of Department

  • To consult with Chemistry to resolve any outstanding issues regarding changes to Masters administration (BoS 12/016e)
  • To take proposal for posthumous award of an aegrotat MPhil to Senate (BoS 12/031)

Masters administration

  • To proceed with changes to Masters administration (12/016e)

Module Organiser, Stage 2 Scientific Skills

  • To provide clearer instructions to staff for term 6 research skills tutorials, and guidance on marking (12/015b)

Chair/Secretary Exams Committee

  • To prepare details on Stage 2 open assessments (BoS 12/015c)

Chair, Biochemistry Executive

  • To co-ordinate with colleagues in Chemistry re progression board early in week 10 (BoS 12/027)

Module Organiser, Final year project

  • To clarify guidance to project director on input to project write up (BoS 12/15e)

Undergraduate Office

  • To ask students registered on The Dynamic Genome to make an alternative choice of module (BoS 12/015g)

Bring forward for October meeting of the Board

  • Impact of new modular scheme on visiting student arrangements

Biology Board of Studies, 29 June 2012 Page 1