Minutes 09/21/2011

New HampshireCity and Town Clerk’s Association

Executive Board Minutes

September 21, 2011

PRESENT: Sue McKinnon,Linda Hardy, Diane Trippett, Patricia Waterman, Debra Cornett, Jean Oleson, Kimberly Johnson, Wendy Drouin, Marjorie Roy, Kathleen Valliere, Jeanette Vinton,Debra Clark,Lori Holmes, Tricia Piecuch, Stephanie Glidden and Sandra Allard

ABSENT: Phyllis Thompson and Rita Friedman

GUESTS: Lori Radke and Becki Benvenuti

President McKinnon called the meeting to order at 9:35 AM.

Secretary’s Report: It was moved and seconded to accept the Minutes from the August 17, 2011, Executive Board meeting, with minor corrections. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: The report for 8/17/2011 through 9/20/2011 was presented on Ms. Friedman’s behalf. It was moved and seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report. The motion passed unanimously.

Scholarships were offered through the Association for attendance at the Annual Conference to be held in October. There were no new applications. President McKinnon asked the Regional co-chairs to reach out to clerks in their region and follow up with her in a week.

The Board met with State Senators Russell Prescott and Jeb Bradley regarding the Voter ID issue. The Governor vetoed the bill for the previous session, but a vote was called to override the veto. We discussed the logistics and costs for scenarios which may be introduced in the upcoming sessions.

Secretary of State Bill Gardner and Deputy Secretary of State Dave Scanlan were also present for a portion of the discussion. They are in favor of an oversight committee with election officials for any voter id initiative. They would want to see what any option looks like at an actual election.

A Voter ID bill will most likely be filed in mid-October – mid-November, and the Senators will visit the Board in November or December with the first draft of the bill.

Steve Wurtz, Director of the Division of Vital Records, was next to meet with the Board. He told us about 2 bills that were held over from the first session of the legislature which would affect Vital Records – HB 437, the definition of marriage, and HB 443, marriage between one man and one woman to be the only one recognized by the State. Other bills will most likely be proposed by the Legislature in the coming month.

A vendor kickoff meeting was held for the new Vital Records software, after the contract was signed on August 25. The software is not custom; 11 other states use the same software. The new software will be rolled out in 2 phases – Births, Deaths and Financials will be in the first phase. The first ones to be trained in this phase will be the 25 hospitals, 99 funeral directors, and the town clerks in the hospital towns. It will be necessary to run 2 systems at once for a period of time. All clerks will be trained after the rollout of Phase 2.

Jeanette Vinton will attend a meeting at DMV on Friday, September 23, 2011, and report to the Board at the October meeting.

A Thank You note was received from Paul Bergeron for the money sent to him for his attendance at IIMC.

It was discussed, and approved, allowing job postings relating to the Town Clerks offices on the NHCTCA website.

Ms. Roy agreed to assist in setting up a joint booth with the Tax Collectors’ Association at the LGC Conference to be held in November.

Regional co-chairs are reminded that each region needs to provide a basket for the raffle. Also, 275 Regional meeting reports need to be provided for Tuesday evening to be included in the packets.

“My Ride” pictures need to be sent in as soon as possible.

The next meeting of the NHCTCA Executive Board will be held October 19, 2011, at 11:00 AM at the Annual Conference. The date and time for the November Board meeting is to be determined at a later date.

There being no further business, Jeanette Vinton made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Kim Johnson, and the motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 12:33 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda M. Hardy
