Name of Organization:
Contact Person:
City: State: Zip:
Phone: ( ) - Email:
Grant ID #: Region (if known): UpperValley
Date Awarded: Amount Granted: Report Date:
You can find your grant number, region, date, and amount granted on the grant award letter, which the foundation mailed to you when the grant was made.
Your grant report should be based on the plans described in your original proposal narrative. Clearly, we want to know the “quantitative” results of your Wellborn-funded work, yet we are equally curious about what you learned about the process of implementing your project or program. We encourage you to be honest and frank with us about your work. The feedback you provideabout your on-the-ground experience—the successes, the failures, the unexpected revelations—will help you, us, AND your colleagues to do a better job. In a sense, we are less concerned with having you prove to us the success of your project than in learning about the most effective systems for delivering environmental, ecology and place-based education in the UpperValley. Please keep this in mind as you implement your project, and as you answer the questions below.
When to Submit Grant Reportsand Which Type of Report to Submit
Recipients of grant support from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation and affiliated trusts must submit a final grant report upon completion of the grant period, typically 12 months after the grant award. Recipients of multiyear grants must submit an annual interim grant report before the next year’s funds are released.Please note that interim or final reports are required for any prior grants before submitting a new grant application to the Foundation. If your new grant request precedes the due date for an interim or final report, you should submit a modified interim report covering only the period completed. Check the appropriate box below:
Final Grant Report
Interim Grant Report (for multi-year awards)
Modified Interim Grant Report (prior to submitting a new grant application)
How to Submit Grant Reports
We strongly encourage you to submit grant reports by email. Completed reports should be emailed to . Please use “Wellborn Grant Report” in the subject section of the email. You may mail the report to the Wellborn Grant Reports, New Hampshire Charitable Foundation—Upper Valley Region, 16 Buck Road, Hanover, NH 03755.
Please respond to the following questions using up to three pages total, not including the cover page. You may cut and paste into this form.
Your responses should focus specifically on the funded project or program, if applicable, or in the case of general operating grants, on your entire organization.
- What happened--
Referring to your original grant request (or any revisions approved since then), what were your major accomplishments? What impact did this grant have in your community? What is the one most significant story you can tell about the work funded by this grant?
- What did you learn--
What did you learn as a result of this grant? What were the unexpected obstacles or results, either positive or negative? What would you have done differently?
- Impact/Data Collection--
How was the impact of the project measured? Please provide both quantitative information (# of participants, workshops, contact hours, etc.) and qualitative information (results of surveys, interviews, attitude changes, new partnerships, better community relations, etc.)
- What happens next--
What are your future plans for sustaining this program or project?Did your work spawn any new projects, programs, or related initiatives?
For interim grant reports only—based on your accomplishments and lessons learned so far, how is your work plan changed going forward?
- Accounting--
Your report must also include a budget for the grant period which compares your actual revenue and expenses with what you proposed in your original application. Please include this budget with your email to us (it may be sent as a separate attachment).
- Feedback –
Do you have any suggestions about how our grant process could better serve you?
Rev. 11/09
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