English 11Honors Syllabus

Mrs. Corallo


Email: Phone: (973) 697-3535Room: D3


Extra help: Thursday 2:30p.m.-3:30p.m. and by appt.

**Please tell me in advance if you plan to stay after school**

Course Description:

Prerequisite: Teacher recommendation

5 Credits

English 11 Honors students are expected to write and speak critically on every level for each and every assignment. A research project is a requirement of the course. In addition, lessons as well as both reading and writing activities throughout the year will also permit the students to exercise skills that will prepare them for their New Jersey state assessments that are a requirement for graduation. Works to be studied in this course include: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Beowulf, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, 1984by George Orwell, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest and “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift, as well as an assortment of poetry, short stories and film.

Required Texts and Materials:

The Language of Literature: British Literature. Ed. Arthur N. Applebee, et al. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell Inc., 2002.

The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Eighth Edition. Ed. Stephen Greenblatt, et al. New York: W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 2006.

Supplemental Novels –Provided when needed

3-ring binder

Loose Leaf Paper

Section Dividers

Pens (Blue or Black ONLY)


Agenda to record assignments and due dates

Student Notebooks:

Each student will be required to keep and maintain a class notebook. This notebook will be the successful student’s method of organization as well as the means for monitoring his or her grades. A 3-ring binder, section dividers and loose-leaf paper are recommended to assist students with maintaining their organized collection of handouts, notes and assessments.

Each notebook will be divided into the following four (4) sections:

  1. Do Nows
  2. Literature
  3. Writing
  4. Graded Work

Evaluation/Grading Criteria:

Tests/Projects/Essays = 50%

Quizzes = 30%

Homework = 10%

Class work = 10%

Grading Scale:

A (94-100)


B+ (87-89)

B (84-86)

B- (80-83)

C+ (77-79)

C (74-76)

C- (70-73)

D (65-69)

F (below 65)

W/P – Withdrawn Passing P – Effort Passing

W/F – Withdrawn Failing I – Incomplete

Attendance & Tardy Policy:

It is extremely important that you make every effort to be in class regularly. Tests and quizzes may contain material that is discussed in class, so if you are absent frequently, you will be at an extreme disadvantage. **Students with more than sixteen (16) absences will NOT be given credit for the class.**

Late policy: 3 lates = 1 unexcused absence and teacher detention
Late Work Policy:

No late work will be accepted. Please see me if there are extreme circumstances.

Make-Up Assignments:

Students will be given two (2) days to make up any work that was missed for each day absent.

(Ex. If a student is absent for 2 days, he or she will be given 4 days to produce missing work.)

** The exception to this policy is if a student is absent on the day a longer assignment is due. The assignment will be due the day the student returns.

***It is the STUDENT’S responsibility to obtain and complete all make-up work***

Cheating and Plagiarism:

Any student caught cheating on a test, quiz or other assignment will receive a zero. Any student that turns in work that is not his or hers will receive a zero.

Definition of plagiarism: the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work

"plagiarism." Dictionary.com Unabridged. Random House, Inc. 27 Jul. 2010. <Dictionary.com /plagiarism>.

**This means, if you did not come up with the thought or expression on your own, you must cite your source!!!! If you’re not sure, cite to be safe!

In addition, students are expected to follow the Jefferson Township Public Schools Acceptable Use Policy for ANY online activity related to this course.

Food and Drink:

Please do not bring any food and/or drinks into the classroom. Water is permitted, if it is in a sealed, plastic bottle or container.

Electronic Devices:

NO cell phones, Ipods, MP3 players, CD players or any other electronic devices are permitted at ANY time in the classroom. If you have one of these items with you at school, they must remain OFF and OUT OF SIGHT. All items collected, will be turned in to the main office in accordance with JeffersonTownshipHigh School policy.

Class Expectations

  • Use good manners
  • NO touching others
  • Raise your hand to be called on
  • DO NOT disrupt class
  • Stay on task
  • Complete all assignments
  • Remain orderly and quiet in the classroom
  • Clean up after yourself


  • You achieve internal satisfaction for a job well done
  • You will learn
  • You will be a respectable and responsible contributing member of our class
  • You will be eligible for external rewards (extra credit, choice of assignments, etc.)
  • Verbal warning
  • Contact parent/guardian
  • Teacher detention
  • Referral to administration

Note: Severe infractions may result in more severe negative consequences. (Please see Student Handbook)