New Freedom Intergroup Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2017
Always to extend the hand and heart of OA to all who share my compulsion; for this I am responsible.
- Call to Orderat 10:03 a.m. –Cora W.
- Serenity Prayer - All
- Adoption of Agenda
- Motion to adopt with one modification. New Chair for Committees are in place. Wendy will be Young People’s Committee Chair and Martha will work with Kathy on PI/ PO Committee. Jack motioned. Michael seconded.
- Vote: Unanimous
- Resolution: Agenda accepted
- Approval of minutes from last meeting
- Motion to adopt: Jack/ Martha
- Vote: Unanimous
- Resolution: Minutes accepted.
- Read Long Version of Tradition from Big Book: Georgette
- Reports: *=open for nominations
- Chair – Cora W.: Interspersed to other board members
- Vice-Chair – Narvette K.: Will learn all she can about responsibilities to support the intergroup
- Treasurer – Judy K.
- Report shared.
- Breakdown provided in newsletter.
- Checks purchased for account.
- Motion to adopt: Jack/ Karen
- Vote: Unanimous
- Resolution: The Treasurers Report is accepted
- Secretary * –Vacant. Totals: 18 attended, incl. 3 board positions; Majority: 10
- Delegate– Georgette P.
- Sent our positions on issues/ feedback from last meeting to WSO
- Will be attending first SOAR 8 in March.
- Newsletter – Angela: (Absent) If anyone would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact Angela
- PI/PO –Martha: no report
- Twelfth Step Within –Karen J.: Let Karen know if anyone has idas for a workshop.
- Young Persons –Wendy: no report
- Website –Lori L.
- Updated the website by adding newsletter
- Currently working on the website, learning how to change slides
- Bylaws and Electronic Documents –Narvette; no report, just coming on board
- We Care List: - Jean: If there are any additions or corrections, please contact Jean.
- Unfinished Business:
- Nominations and voting for Secretary; Cora - We are in desperate need of a Secretary. Cora asked if anyone was willing. Qualifications read from Bylaws. Georgette urged everyone to take this to their groups. One year of abstinence required along with one year of service beyond the group level along with attendance of at least six Intergroup meetings. There were no nominations for Secretary. Jean S. expressed interest but needs to meet abstinence requirement.
- Update of status of March SOAR 8 Assembly & Recovery Convention
- Marie – People are stepping up. Things are going smoothly. Agenda is out. It was suggested that green be worn to SOAR 8. The SOAR 8 Board will come on Thursday. An OA meeting will be held for them. Intergroup invited to attend. There are still service positions available: Chair for the 10:20 meeting, Speaker or the Blessing of Integrity meeting, and a Spanish speaker needed to chair Spanish Speakers meeting. If meals are still needed, the deadline has been extended to Monday. Please let Marie or Carly know if a room is still needed.
- Barb – 40 Business Assembly attendees registered, 60 Recovery Convention attendees. Goal of 100 attendees met. There will be walk-ins on Saturday.
- Karen – Karen and Patty are doing the boutique. People can bring boutique items with them to the convention. If donating on Thursday, contact Karen to gain access to gated area of hotel, or, contact the hotel and give Karen’s full name to gain access. Nine parking spaces are reserved at the hotel on Thursday for this purpose. Trinity Rescue Mission is interested in any leftover items. Let Karen know if there is any other organization interested in leftovers. There are timeslots available for helping with the boutique.
- Florida State Convention Report: Barb
- There were 5 reps from NFI.
- Attendance approximately 150 people; Attendance down by 100 people.
- Met food and beverage quota.
- 20 room night unused which had to be paid for, approx. $2900 in cost.
- Planning committee unaware of a $6000 meeting space obligation. Group willing to accept ½ of obligation with only 150 attendees, only $1500 had to be paid along with attrition.
- No money made to share with Intergroups. The $800 projected in the NFI budget to come from the convention will not come. This will affect our budget.
- There is a reserve account available to prepare for next year. New theme, “Together We Can Fully Rely on God”, will allow us to reuse, save on some expenses
- New Business:
- Announce Openings for New Chairs for Committees and ask for volunteers who meet abstinence requirements: Young People, Public Information, and Professional Outreach – SEE “III. Adoption of Agenda”
- Annual By Laws Committee Meeting: Marie
- Marie took this on when she left the board.
- Changes include combining the Recording Secretary and Corresponding Secretary positions.
- Language about the Delegate position needs to be cleaned up.
- If there are requirements for board positions, or additional suggestions to changes in the Bylaws, please contact Marie.
- Narvette will assist with this.
VIII.Meeting concerns, Upcoming Events and positive pitches or announcements for good of fellowship
- SOAR 8 Assembly and Recovery Convention – March 17 – 19, 2017; ANNOUNCEMENT – please come to SOAR 8
- Marywood Retreat
- Karen – work is still being done on this
- Barb – SOAR 8 will be October 13th – 15th in Miami; requested that we not plan Marywood around these dates. Karen shared that traditionally, Marywood is scheduled the third weekend in September.
- Judy – requested that we avoid scheduling at the same time as Rosh Hashanah. Yom Kippur is September 30th.
- Traditions Meeting
- Marie – Traditions meeting typically third Sundays at 3:00 p.m. Tradition 3 meeting will be moved to March 26th at 3:00 p.m. due to SOAR 8 being on the 3rd Sunday. Judy gets the speakers.
- Meeting Concerns
- Lori – there are two meetings in our Intergroup that do not have representatives
- Cora – please look at the Meeting List to see if any information needs to be changed
- Karen – Lakewood meeting needs speakers to come and share; there is a core group attending each week
- Michael R. – Veterans group starting; not yet registered with World Service due to seeking a permanent meeting space. They are working with Memorial Hospital as a place to host the meeting
- Cora – The things being shared are “pearls” to add to the newsletter; Deadline for submission: before the 15th of each month would be ideal because newsletter goes to the printer two weeks ahead of time
- Martha – shared a Positive Pitch about the Florida State Convention
- Judy – has financials available for the convention
IX. Closed meeting at 11:06 a.m. with OA’s Fellowship Pledge followed by Serenity Prayer. Jack motioned to adjourn. Michael seconded. Unanimous vote.