AllenTrack New Features

Version 8.4

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Please remember each site is unique. There will be some options listed which do not apply to your site. For these features, you may mark your answer ‘No’ or leave answer portion blank.

Please remember, all roles discussed in the following pages use the generic name for the role. This list has not been adjusted to coincide with the labels your site uses for roles. Please contact us if you are unsure of the label your site uses for any role.

If you are not certain a feature would benefit your site, please remember we can always turn features on in the future after further consideration.


Section 1: New Features

AU: Authors

RE: Reviewers

ST: Staff & System Admin

TV: Tab View

RP: Reports

Section 2: Changes to the Software

Author Tasks

AU1. Show Person Bio File on Registration Screen

This feature will add an option for authors to add a bio file to the profile when registering or modifying their profile. They can upload a file and give it a name. The file can be accessed by anyone looking at their profile page.

Yes, allow users to upload a bio file

No, I am not interested in this feature.

Browse/Upload button and Person Bio Label on the Registration/Profile Screen

Reviewer Tasks

RE1. Google Scholar Search

This feature will add an option for those looking for reviewers to search Google Scholar on the assign potential reviewer search screen.

Yes, add Google Scholar search button to assign reviewer search screen.

No, I am not interested in this feature.

Google Scholar search button on search tab.

Example of new window with Google Scholar search results.

RE2. Show Reviewer “Dates Not Available” column on Contact Potential Reviewer

This feature will add a column for the reviewer dates not available. For this information to populate, the reviewers will need to enter dates not available on their homepage.

Yes, add “Dates Not Available” to reviewer contact screen.

No, I am not interested in this feature.

New “Dates Not Available” column on contact screen.

Staff Tasks

ST1. Allow Staff to edit Manuscript Task Notes

This feature will allow staff to edit the manuscript task notes in the View/Add Staff Notes menu.

Yes, allow staff to edit the task notes.

No, I am not interested in this feature.

Example of the edit notes button on the notes screen.

Tab View Features

(note: you must have the tab view submission form to access these featurse)

TV1. Modify Order of Tabs on Tab View Submission

This feature will let you change the order of the tabs on the tab view submission form.You can also choose to have the files or manuscript information listed first.

Yes, I would like the order of tabs on my submission form to be:

No, I am not interested in this feature.

Example of Title, Abstract tab listed first.

Example of submission form where Authors tab is listed first.

TV2. Add Warning When Author Approves Submission in Tab View

This feature will add a warning to the submission form when an author approves the submission. One warning will display during regular submission and a different warning will display when the author approves after the manuscript has been sent back from QC.

Yes, I would like to add a warning when the author approves their submission.

No, I am not interested in this feature.

When the author clicked the Approve Submission button a warning box pops up.

Close-up of the pop-up warning.

This show the pop-up box warning when the author approves the submission after Initial QC has failed.

Close-up of 2nd pop-up box text.


RP1. Report Sub-folders

The software is now able to divide up the reports screen into subfolders and a general report folder. The folders will be set up by AllenTrack support and journal staff can choose how to display the reports by using the Configuration Tasks --> Configure Reports Visibility tool.

Yes, I would like to add the following subfolders :

No, I am not interested in this feature.

Example of reports page with two additional sub-folders.

Example of Configure Reports screen.

RP2. Add New Subject Areas Report

This feature will add new report to see how many manuscripts submitted during a certain time period are associated with each subject area. In the report results you can see a list of subject areas and the number of manuscripts associated with them. Clicking on the hyperlinked subject area will pull up the complete list of manuscripts.

NOTE: This report will only be valid for those sites with subject areas.

Yes, I would like to add the Subject Areas Report.

No, I am not interested in this feature.

Example of results screen.

Section 2: Changes to the Software

Letter Variables


This letter variable will allow you to includethe potential reviewer’s email via the letter template for notify AE when Potential Reviewer declined the invitation.


This letter variable will generate a link within the Final Decision Notification to Reviewers letter that when clicked will open the merged PDF or manuscript file. This will allow reviewer to open the manuscript they have previously reviewed once an Accept or Reject decision has been rendered.


We would like to add the ability to include the {$initiator_nm} letter variable within the

Participant Consultation Thank You letter and the Consulting Note Notification letter.

Configure Instructions

Three new configuration instructions have been added to all AllenTrack sites. This includes Configure Contact Us, Configure Tips, and Configure Requirements. These new instructional pages allow you to place links in your site to pages that your journal office can modify through the Configuration Tasks page.

The links can be placed anywhere in your site that there is editable text, such as on your login page, in your site’s header, in your author instructions, in help files, and so on. Please contact if you would like to use one of these new files and we will help you implement one or more of them.

Example of three new links below a site’s banner.
Contact Us – will link to a page that has information on how to contact your journal office.

Example of contact us page.
Configure Tips– will add a link to a page with frequently asked questions, a glossary of terms, and lots of other information useful to authors regarding manuscript submission. The link will come with default text that can be modified by your journal office as you wish.

Example of tips page
Configure Requirements – Will add link to a page the will explain the requirements for using AllenTrack software for users in terms of browsers, email, and PDF Reader. This page can be configured to meet your journal’s needs and specific requirements.

Example of the default text that shows up when the Requirements link is used.

New Configuration Instructions tasks for the 3 new links.