Novartis Ireland Ltd

The Vista Building

Elm Park Business Park

Merrion Road

Dublin 4

D04 A9N6

Meeting Invitation

New Developments in Nursing Home Medicine

Saturday 17th September 2016

Double Tree by Hilton Hotel,

Burlington Road, Upper Leeson Street, Dublin 4.

Dear Doctor,

We are delighted to invite you to attend the above educational meeting which is aimed at GPs who have a particular interest in caring for elderly patients in Nursing Homes.

The topics are all relevant to the changing demands of Nursing Homes on the GP workload. Patricia Rickard Clarke will outline some important points for GPs regarding the Assisted Decision Making Capacity Act 2015 which will make seismic changes to Enduring Power of Attorney and Advanced Care Directives in this country. Dr. EmerLoughrey will provide advice on managing end of life care for patients while Dr. Tony Foley will ask why GPs are not taking a greater role in diagnosing and managing Dementia. Dr. Graham Hughes discusses what should happen in a medication review and Dr. Ed Mckone will provide an overview of RTIs in nursing home patients.

We are confident the meeting will provide some tangible learning points that can be taken away to improve your practice. We hope you can attend this meeting, which is supported by Novartis Ireland, and would be grateful if you could complete the attached reply form and return it at your earliest convenience to Ciara Emmet, Novartis at Fax: 01 260 1263.

CPD accreditation has been applied for.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Kind Regards,


Dr. Brian Meade

Meeting Agenda

New Developments in Nursing Home Medicine

Saturday 17th September 2016

09.00 - 09:30Registration & Coffee

09:30 – 09:45 Welcome & Introduction

Dr. Brian Meade (Chairman)GP
Kilmacud Medical Centre, Dublin.

09:45 – 10:10‘Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act: Planning for the Future’

Patricia T Rickard-Clarke, Solicitor

10:10 - 10:35 Palliative Care in the Nursing home

Dr. EmerLoughgrey, GP and Irish Hospice Foundation

10:35 – 11:00‘How to manage respiratory tract exacerbations in the Nursing Home’

Dr Ed McKone Consultant in Respiratory Medicine

St Vincent's University Hospital

11:00 – 11:20Coffee break

11:20 – 11:45‘Who should diagnose Dementia?’

Dr. Tony Foley, Department of General Practice

University College Cork

11:45 – 12:10The Medication Review in Nursing Home Patients

Dr. Graham Hughes Consultant in Medicine of Old Age

St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin

12:10 – 12:30QA

12.30Close of Meeting Followed By Lunch


Meeting Fax Reply Form

To: / Ciara Emmet, Novartis / Fax: / 01 260 1263
Subject: / GP Nursing Home Meeting
17th September 2016 / Pages: / 1 of 1


Title (Dr. / Ms. / Mr. Etc.) ______

First Name ______

Last Name ______

Address: ______


Email Address: ______

Mobile Contact No: ______


I am able to attend the meeting I will be attending lunch

I am unable to attend the meeting

Please return registration form by 9th September 2016to:

Ciara Emmet, Novartis. Fax: 01-260 1263. Tel: 01-2204723

Directors: L.Callaghan (Chairman), H O’Dowd (American), D.Glynn, O.Fleuret (French), C. Snook (British). Registered in Ireland. Reg. No: 11931

IE02/SBH16-CNF003Date of Preparation: 18th July 2016