New Cross Local Assembly Action Plan

Your Assembly, Your Say


This action plan reflects the New Cross Assembly’s priority areas identified through Assembly meetings and via outreach to local groups and individuals.

The 5 areas identified by local people as priorities are:

  1. Reduce crime and anti-social behaviour
  2. Improve community facilities and shops
  3. Increase youth provision
  4. Too much traffic / road safety
  5. Environment (including the reducing the dumping of rubbish/litter)

All of the ideas that people raised within the priorities can be found in the ideas document.

Colour key


Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next steps
A1 - Work with local organisations and the local community to reduce the numbers of people affected by migrant and race crime. / Identify the number of reported incidents in the ward in the first 6 months of 2012 by asking the SNT to establish if this is a known problem. / Nov 12
A2 - Develop a multi agency approach to reducing crime / Speak to the NCSS about potential for joint working and what form this could take / Oct 12 / Yes / The NCSS are happy to work with the Assembly particularly on this priority area.
Speak to the SNT about potential for joint working and what form this could take / Jan 13
Speak to Lewisham Homes about potential for joint working and what form this could take / Jan 13
A3 - Work with the relevant organisations to reduce muggings and street theft / Contact the Police to establish what the crime figures for this offence currently are / Nov 12


A4 - Work with the relevant organisations to reduce street drinking / Talk to Police about what action is already being taken / Jul 12 / Yes / Main issues in Deptford High Street and the surrounding areas. Working closely with LBL and neighbouring SNTs to combat this issue using a range of preventative and enforcement tactics. To date have made several arrests, hundreds of seizures and dispersed numerous individuals using Sec27 powers. Now working closely with the licensed premises to tackle problems further along the high street.
A5 - Work with relevant organisations to influence local policing / Ask to attend Police ward panel meetings to feedback Assembly views and vice versa / Ongoing
Invite the SNT and NCSS to every Assembly meeting to give an update and take questions / Ongoing
A6 – Increased community involvement in Trident / Identify what community involvement there currently is with Trident / Nov 12


Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next steps
B1 - Improve local networking to offer more support for local organisations / Map community groups in the local area / Jan-13
B2 - Provide more services for older adults and people with disabilities / Conduct an audit on what facilities are currently available for older adults in New Cross ward / Nov-12
Conduct an audit on what facilities are currently available for people with disabilities in New Cross ward / Nov-12
B3 - Improve the appearance of the local environment; especially shop fronts / Asses condition of shop fronts on the New Cross Road during walkabout / Nov-12 / Yes / This was done during the walkabout. There are a large number of shop fronts which have graffiti on them. The NCSS will write to them to ask permission to remove this graffiti. There are also some structural problems but this is more difficult to resolve.
B4 – Arrange a six monthly walkabout on new Cross Road with relevant departments/partners / Set date for initial walkabout / Jul-12 / Yes / Date set for Thursday 04 October
Conduct walkabout / Oct-12 / Yes / Agreed this was a useful exercise and that it should be repeated quarterly-six monthly.
B5 - Help manage the types of businesses in the area / Conduct an audit of what units exist on New Cross Road and what their designated usage is / Jan-13
B6 - Area outside the Post Office should be a town square / Identify who is responsible for this land. / Nov-12 / Yes / The Post Office is responsible for this land. They have given permission to use it for a co-op food stall every Monday. Based on the success of this, it may be possible to have other things happening on the land.
Review the success of the food co-op (contact them via 170 Community Project) and if they think the Post Office would be willing to see more happening. / Mar-13
B7 - Something should be done with the building on Rollins Street (Winslade Estate) which is currently boarded up – maybe a youth centre? / Identify who owns the building / Jan-13
B8 - Betting shops should be required to provide toilet facilities for customers / Identify whether betting shops are required to have toilet facilities for customers currently and whether this could be made part of license conditions / Jan-13
B9 - Concerned that the Surrey Canal Development doesn’t offer proper social housing / Identify what provision there is for social housing and other community benefits in the SurreyCanal development / Oct-12 / Yes / Plans currently not finalised.
B10–What is happening at MonsonSchool? / Establish what is happening at the site. / Sep-12
B11 - GoldsmithsUniversity should improve the appearance of their shops on New Cross Road and bring them back into use / Speak to Goldsmiths to identify what the current situation with the shops is and their plans for the future / Sep-12 / Yes / Goldsmiths are in the process of developing plans for the shop fronts. Many of them need a lot of work. Keep in contact with the University for updated plans.
Ask for any updates about the shop fronts. / Mar-13
B13 - The school yard at the OldTidemillSchool should be used for a small community/public park/garden / Establish what the plans are for the site / Sep-12 / Yes / The plans are still being developed.


Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next steps
C1 – work with relevant organisations to provide provision for new parents / Establish what is currently available in the area / Oct-12
C2 - Work with organisations to deliver sexual health information and advice to young people / Establish what is currently available in the area / Nov-12
C3 - Provide more activities for young people / Establish Youth Forum in New Cross / Feb-13
Work with the Youth Forum to produce a survey of young people about what activities they would like to see provided / Sep-13
C4 - Football pitch on Hornshay Street should be astro turf not concrete / Establish costs / Jan-13
C5 - Provide extra curricular support for young people / Establish what is currently available in the area / Nov-12


Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next steps
D1 - Work with the relevant agencies to improve traffic safety / Establish what initiatives are currently underway in the ward / Nov-12
D2 - Cars parked on double yellow lines in Hornshay Street are dangerous. / Contact Southwark Council to find out if they would consider installing a bollard on the corner of the road / Jul-12 / Yes / Not possible due to cost. Area of the problem is on Southwark Council land.


Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next steps
E1 - Improve the cleanliness of the Deptford high street / Organise a walkabout on Deptford High Street with relevant officers to establish issues / Dec-12
E2- Square outside the Waldron Health Centre should be improved – it is always messy / Find out who is responsible for the square / Aug-12 / Yes / The health centre is responsible for the maintenance of the square. The NCSS have been working to remove some fencing from the square to improve its appearance and have been successful with this.
E3 - Improve lighting in parks and other areas where lighting is not bright / Ask people at a future assembly meeting about the quality of lighting in their area / Apr-13